Where is the point G

For a long time, a person was interested in the device of his body, its complex links and features of reactions. Today the structure of the body is studied along and across, but there is one body shrouded in the mystery for many years.

Point G intriguits men and women, sexologists and gynecologists, scientists and ordinary people. What is the reason for such confusion, and why still not revealed the secret of this cherished body? Stimulation of the point G awakens incredibly pleasant sensations from the beautiful half of humanity; sensations that combine the effect of exposure to all erogenous zones immediately. Tempting, is not true? The snag is only that getting to such «Magic buttons» Oh how difficult ..

What is point g?

Gynecology, orgasm, point G

Many scientists are now more than half a century argue about how this mysterious zone should be called this mysterious zone - point g or zone G. But there is another practically no one unknown name - the point (zone) of graphenberg, obtained in honor of the first letter of the title name».

In the forties of the 20th century, Professor Grafetenberg, an experienced doctor and a sexologist, discovered a certain plot in the women's vagina, whose stimulation was completely stunningly influenced by the centers of pleasure. This tiny area was a point of convergence of all nerve endings coming from tissues that rip the surface of the vagina. Irritation of this nervous assembly leads to the fact that a woman is experiencing a strong and long-term orgasm. Doctors found out that such sensations have a common with male ejaculation.

But in the courtyard there were foggy forties, and this intriguing discovery was considered unworthy of attention, or simply not noticed. So I would leave the find of Graffenberg in oblivion, if not a rocky sexual revolution of the 80s. Then the point G was open a second time and received its famous name. The official discovery took place in 1982, and since the brainchild of Graffenberg was tirelessly developed debate and large scandals. All the world medical community split into two camps - some argued that the point G is an irrefutable scientific fact, others said that all this is just the myth and delusion of an elderly sexologist (speech about Graffenberg, who at the time of opening the point G has already exceeded 60). But for many years of disputes and demagori did not led to anything - everyone was confident in his right.

Not so long ago, American scientists led by an experienced gynecologist Adam Ostroynski conducted a number of experiments, which ultimately confirmed the existence of a point G. Dr. Ostrojski was able to identify an anatomical formation located on the inner crotch surface of 16.5 millimeters behind the urethra. This formation consisted of two fractions - the lower and top. Low he called the tail, and the top - head. Scientist magazine published an article dedicated to this discovery in which point G was described as a bag with clearly drawn walls. On the structure, this bag is very much resembles a connecting tissue and a cavernous body. In width, education does not exceed four millimeters, and the length is about eight millimeters.

The story approached the logical conclusion - the myth of debunking, there is nothing more about. However, everything turned out to be not so simple and obvious for one simple reason - doctors in most cases could not find where the point G. So rumors that the cherished place of pleasure does not exist, still Vitaly, both in the scientific community and among «simple mortals».

A little anatomy

Gynecology, orgasm, point G

Today, probably even small children, thanks to the ubiquitous advertising, are aware of the existence of a prostate in men. But not everyone knows that the female half of humanity is not devoid of this organ. Naturally, the female prostate is not identical to the male, but also that, and the other have a uniform etymology. The female prostate is much smaller and is a concentration of nerve endings, abandoning the entire surface of the vagina. Nothing reminds? It is this organ that is called a point G. But how women may have a deliberately male body? The fact is that in the first 45 days of the intrauterine development, all embryos have one sexual signs - female. And only then, thanks to a special hormonal impact, chromosomes are built in a certain order, forming a male or female sex of the future child. If the nature has thought to reveal another girl, cells responsible for the formation of prostate, stop their development, but do not disappear without a trace.

Thus, scientists came to the conclusion that the point G is an unused fabric forming a prostate. It is known that the male prostate is an extremely sensitive body, therefore, the cherished zone Graffenbege is also endowed with special susceptibility to irritation, reacting in a similar way.

Where to look for a point G?

In 1985, the head of the Institute of Experimental Pathology Bratislava, Milan Zagyachich, defended her thesis called «Women's prostate as an organ with complex functions». According to the material set out, the point G is not present in every woman. But if she still takes place in the body, it is located on the front wall of the vagina, namely, in 3-5 centimeters from entering it. Point G is a small sizes of the protrusion, for sensations similar to the soft skeleton of walnut, and acutely reacting to irritation. IN «Sleeping» state the size of the point does not exceed the peas, but if the woman is very excited, the zone increases several times. Scientists believe that the point G is a certain binder between clitual and vaginal orgasms, and the impact on it contributes to the manifestation of both types of orgasm, which is almost impossible in ordinary sexual practice. This is explained by the fact that the area where «Center for Pleasure», Pretty small professionally, so to detect a cherished point you need to make significant efforts.

What you need to take to find the point G? Woman lying on his back, must spread his legs wide and fully relax. Her sexual partner two connected fingers should be neat arraying movements to walk along the front wall of the vagina, groping a small lump. A woman leads the movements of a partner based on his sensations. When the lumps are detected, it is necessary to start gently compress and squeeze it with his fingers. If all instructions are respected, soon a woman will experience a strong orgasm.

Stimulation of point G has a certain side effect called women's ejaculation. Disputes about this phenomenon even more than about zone G. Speaking easier, the stimulated zone is located at extremely vicinity of the bladder, which can cause urge to urinate. But these sensations are completely natural and with practice it is easy to control.


Gynecology, orgasm, point G

As mentioned above, scientists came to the conclusion that some women are deprived of points G, however, practice opens a little other facts. The underdeveloped prostate cells are absolutely all of all representatives of the fine floor, but in some cases they are extremely poorly developed or not affected. In this case, modern surgery is ready to provide post assistance.

The space between the urethra and the wall of the vagina (next to the point G) is filled with a special biogel, which reduces the volume of the vagina and contributes to the activation of the point. Biogel is absolutely harmless, since its composition includes hyaluronic acid available in human connective tissue. The sensitive zone becomes closer to the outlet of the vagina and acquires a more convex form, as a result, even a light touch leads to severe excitation. The effect of biogel lasts about a year and a half, after which it is absorbed by naturally, and the point G, accustomed to a new position, continues to fulfill its great mission.

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