We are conscienting about how a modern woman avoid problems in the intimate sphere. Who did not come across them? Modestly default. Words do not need if there is a gel soap for intimate hygiene «Malavit».

Folk Medicine. As part of the drug — Active bio-complexes of copper and silver,
Mummy, cedar resin and fir, herbs extracts and mountain altai roots. «Malavit»
Highly efficient with the initial stages of inflammation and acute injury, speeds up
Tissue regeneration processes.
Female Organism, Tool Thin and Fragile,
more vulnerable, and inflammatory processes deliver a lot of problems,
which begin due to violation of the vaginal microflora. But with this misfortune
You can successfully fight. Help hel-soap for intimate hygiene «Malavit». It
Promotes the restoration of the natural microflora of the mucous membrane
vagina, as it contains a neutral level of pH. This is a unique product from
Series «For beauty and women's health», Based on balanced
ratios of exceptionally natural ingredients. All products TM
«Malavit» contain a multifunctional naturopathic agent
«Malavit» and produced using the original «Malavit technology»,
which significantly increases the level of source natural components included in
The composition of the drug.
So, in your bathroom appeared
Gel-soap for intimate hygiene «Malavit». Gel-soap «Malavit» Carefully cleans,
Deodorizes, maintains the natural microflora of mucous intimate zones,
Soothes the skin, eliminates itching and irritation. It will help to avoid
infectious diseases after a hike in the pool, sauna. Protects from possible
Infections after swimming in open water bodies.
Ingredients for gel soap are chosen so that
do not cause irritation of external genital organs, and at the same time, perform
Basic hygienic functions. Also, the composition of the gel soap includes a pleasant
Perfume composition.
In one word, from now on caring for your inner
Comfort, purity and safety takes upon itself the very nature of
«Malavit» Amazing properties
calm down gently and delicately relieve problems. And notice all
it is secretly and women like mystery so!