Gynecological problems of children


  • Gynecological problems of girls
  • Menstruation delay
  • Allocations from the vagina

  • For the girl of adolescent age, care for intimate health is even more important than for an adult woman, since it is during this period a female organism and in particular the genitals. Almost from the very first days of the girl's lifestyle, the mucous membrane of the vagina highlights a special secret, but in a small amount. When the girl joins in puberty, the secretion of the secret is enhanced by the action of female sex hormones.

    Gynecological problems of girls

    Gynecological problems of preschool and adolescence girls stand a mansion in general gynecology. The fact is that such young patients put a fairly accurate diagnosis is very difficult, and this requires a different approach, specialized knowledge and skill. Intimate diseases in girls are always evolving secretly, they are difficult to find that it explains the problem of making a diagnosis.

    Children's gynecologist should have extensive knowledge not only in the field of gynecology, but also in the field of psychology. Because a full examination of the girl is rare, a regular conversation with her can play a very important role in the diagnosis of the disease. The doctor should be able to correctly ask questions, and so that the child fully trusted him, did not hesitate, accurately and fully spoke about his own well-being, about the symptoms that are afraid to tell, for example, mom. In other words, an experienced doctor should be able to «pull out» From the patient maximum little things, each of which can be decisive when developing a treatment plan.

    Menstruation delay

    The most common gynecological problem in adolescence girls is the delay of menstruation. This is more than a weighty reason to appeal to the gynecologist, since the absence of menstruation may be a consequence of either early unplanned pregnancy, or a symptom of a serious disease in sexual sphere. Of course, it is much easier to prevent this problem, especially since it is quite simple - the girl should only be attended by a gynecologist, and before the start of sexual life, consult with him on contraception issues.

    Allocations from the vagina

    Gynecological problems of childrenIn second place in terms of the number of complaints «Strange» Allocations from the vagina. As a rule, they are yellowish, brownish or greenish color, have a sharp unpleasant odor, accompanied by itching or burning outfit genital organs. In some cases, there may be a burning sensation or pain when urination. It should be noted that such sections are found not only among teenage girls, but also in newborns, and the younger schoolgirls. If the girl in 15-17 years old is quite capable of understanding that the presence of such discharges is abnormally, then the children should watch moms - regularly check underwear, to ask directly, does not bother with a daughter something strange. At the very first signs of the disease, you need to immediately contact the children's gynecologist.

    Often, it becomes too fast or, on the contrary, too slow manifestation of signs of puberty. There have been cases when girls 6-7 suddenly began to grow rapidly, abundant exhaust of intimate places appeared. It is completely abnormally for a child of this age, as well as for a 14-15-year-old girl unnatural absence of such signs. Whatever sexual maturation - slow or premature, there is a reason for anxiety, as this may indicate the presence of serious endocrine diseases in the body.

    It is important to remember that in preschool and adolescence, any deviation from the norm in physiological development and intimate health must be revealed as early as possible so that you can start treatment in a timely manner. Only at the same time there is a guarantee that the girl subsequently will be able to lead a full sex life, to conceive, endure and give birth to a child.

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