Why my six-year-old gynecologist, what problems can be? - Mom puzzles. And such a misconception is not uncommon. Answers to these and some more the most common questions about children's gynecology can be found in our article.
According to the observations of specialists, from 15 to 25 percent of preschool girls and adolescent girls who have not yet reached the age of adulthood, suffer from various gynecological pathologies. These are inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, both cysts, and misa, and impaired menstrual function. They must be identified and treated. Otherwise, they can not only undermine the health of the girls, but also to call in a later, degenerate age of reproductive function.
At the age of 14 years old, girls are advised to visit the gynecologist independently or together with parents 1 time per year. Additional, unscheduled visits, which can be caused by both the complaints of the girl and all sorts of external deviations from the norm.

No less actively react to such alarming signals as the appearance of discharge from the vagina of yellowish, greenish or brownish color with an unpleasant smell, as well as itching and burning in the field of external genital organs and when urination. Such dangerous symptoms are characteristic of girls of any age - from babies to adolescents.
If the girl in the girl in 6-7 years old is celebrated the growth of the mammary glands and the exhaust or, on the contrary, it does not have any other, parents should find out with a children's and teenage gynecologist, to find out what matter. Premature sexual maturation, as well as its delay, are often associated with serious, requiring urgent treatment with endocrine diseases.
It is especially important to keep all sorts of deviations under control, indicating the disorder of the menstrual function. Menstruation is considered normally, regularly repeated after 21, 24, 28 or 32 days (for each body this interval is established individually). The duration of each menstruation should not exceed 7 days. With more prolonged, irregular, painful or too abundant menstruation with large blood loss, you must be consulted with a specialist. To clarify the rhythm of menstruation, each girl should lead the calendar, noting in it the first and last day of each menstruation and making special marks about whether bleeding was abundant, as menstruation passed - with pain or without pain. All this information will allow, if necessary, more accurately establish the cause of the disorder of the menstrual function when applying to the gynecologist.
It has been established that painful menstruation in most cases are a symptom of a number of gynecological diseases, in particular the improper development of genital organs, chronic inflammation of the appendages, tuberculosis and endometriosis of the genital organs. Therefore, a girl who has menstruation is accompanied by strong pains, must inspect a children's or teenage gynecologist.
Perhaps to eliminate painful phenomena, it will be enough to limit oneself to the reception of special antibacterial drugs. However, it is possible that another intervention will be required. In any case, preliminary laboratory diagnostics are needed.
Typically, the weight of such fashionnits does not exceed 45 kilograms. Some scientists call it menstrual, or critical body weight. With body weight below the critical reproductive system (T. E. Body bodies involved in the process of conception, tooling and childbirth) returns to functioning at a lower, immature level, slows down the formation and allocation of hormones by hypophysome and ovaries, dimensions of the uterine and the mammary glands decrease. The longer there are no menstruation, the harder again «Run» Reproductive system. Far from always ending well. The cessation of menstruation caused by a sharp weight loss can contribute to the future development of infertility.
Therefore, if the girl has not yet been 15 years old, it is better for her if necessary to come to the gynecologist together with mom. At the same time, the doctor in no case should «crush» to your young patient: call parents, notifying them about the upcoming visit, or find out why the girl did not appear on the reception, for example, through the director of the school and t.NS.

Another reason is the fear of the gynecological chair, but this is also not a reason in order to risk your health. First, a visit to the gynecologist is not always accompanied by a patient examination on the chair. For example, when selecting the contraception method, there is a sufficiently detailed confidence conversation. Secondly, the girl should know that, say, during a vulture, she may well answer a refusal to a doctor's request to undress and take a place in «scary» Chair.
Some girls do not go to the gynecologist because they are afraid to lose virginity. I want to calm them: this will not happen, because the gynecologist examines the girl at all as a woman. As a rule, with a gynecological examination, a manual study is applied, which is carried out not through the vagina, but through the rectum. If you need to examine the neck of the uterus and the vagina, the children's and adolescent gynecologist uses the special subtlety children's mirrors and vaginoskopy, which are carefully introduced through the holes in the virgin spray without damage.
In addition, a children's gynecologist should be not only a professional in his field, but also to a certain degree psychologist. After all, if an adult woman frankly tells a gynecologist about the problems that led her to him, and the extremely accurately answers the questions set, then the girl pulls a lot from the doctor - whether he is shy, whether he believes that he believes that the doctor has nothing to talk about any trifles. She does not even suspect how important these «little things» When diagnosing and choosing a treatment regimen.
To get a maximum of useful information, a children's gynecologist must find an individual approach to each of his patients, to establish psychological contact with it. Only in this case can be hoped for success.