Parameters: Causes, Signs, Treatment


  • About Parametail
  • Signs of parametric
  • Treatment and Parametrity Prevention

  • Let's get acquainted with such a female disease, as a parameter, which is inflammation of the incoming fiber (loose fabric surrounding the uterus). The cause of parametric is most often inflammation of the uterus and / or appendages, of which it applies to the lymphatic vessels. Very often, the parameters develops after injuries of the female sexual system. This is the conduct of operations on artificial interruption of pregnancy, operations in the uterus, including caesarean section, installation and removal of intrauterine spirals.

    About Parametail

    The fiber damage may be single and double-sided, which is determined by conducting a special examination. The parameter is also three species: front, rear and side. If we talk about the front parameter, then it is affected by most of the fiber, which is located
    Between the front surface of the cervix and urinary bubble. In the lateral form of the disease, the fiber is amazed on the sides of the uterus, and with the rear parameter, the tissue that fills the area between the rear surface of the uterus and the rectum.

    First, the fiber becomes salmon, then gradually appear small guns that merge among themselves. As a result, huge cavities can be formed with pus that can break through. In this case, peritonitis can occur, as well as holes connecting the tissue with the bladder or the rectum. Through these holes, the pus falls inside, causing inflammation.

    Signs of parametric

    When the parameter is developed, there is an increase in temperature, up to 38 degrees and above, pain at the bottom of the abdomen, the pallor of the skin, the deterioration of appetite, headaches, and T.NS.

    In the development of uluses, abdominal pain appears a feeling of pressure on the rectum, a defecation process is hampered, which is accompanied by soreness. Urination can also be very painful, especially when developing bladder inflammation.

    Treatment and Parametrity Prevention

    Parameters: Causes, Signs, TreatmentParametrity treatment is carried out only by a doctor. Self-medication in this situation is prohibited categorically and nomouder - after all, the parameter may cause formidable complications. The doctor appoints antibiotics to stop inflammation. In strong pains are used painkillers. In severe cases, a surgical operation is shown, during which the doctor reveals junk.

    In order to prevent prevention, a gynecologist should be held regularly, because statistics indicate that a sufficient number of women recognize about gynecological diseases of various gravity only when they pass like preventive inspections, and up to this point they feel great and do not even suspect that there are those. Any chronic inflammation can cause a parameterity, it is better not to bring to such.

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