Treatment of endometriosis by folk remedies


  • Unsafe hormones
  • Dividing phytotherapy

  • Unsafe hormones

    Many women are acknowledged hormonal drugs prescribed by experts during endometriosis: it is no secret that their effectiveness is not absolute, and such side effects, such as disrupting metabolism, osteoporosis, hair loss, violation of hormonal function, obesity and many others – very and very serious. What to say – without a physician with such a complex disease, like endometriosis, can not cope. But in some cases, indispensable assistants in the treatment of dangerous illness and maintaining general health of women become folk treatments.

    Saving phytotherapy

    Treatment of endometriosis by folk remediesPhytotherapy is aimed at leveling always disturbed by the disease of the hormonal background without the use of hormonal drugs, to increase immunity and protective forces of the body, it removes inflammatory processes, normalizes the activities of many organs and systems.

    Folk medicine knows a lot of herbs that helps with endometriosis:

    • Basically, these are deterrent bleeding agents, all kinds of infusions (horsetail, wormwood, hare cabbage, celery seeds), teas (from oregano, pyrhem colors, yarrow). Very helpful. All sorts of greens - parsley, spinach, dandelion leaves, broccoli cabbage, bars and oat straw.
    • Well, who does not know about the netwoman! Two tablespoons of raw materials poured a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath of 15 minutes, fill up to 200 ml and take this infusion to food 3-5 times a day for a quarter-half of a glass.
    • Similarly prepare and infusion of grass Highlander pepper (water pepper), which is accepted on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. If it is his extract of greenish-brown color and bitter-binding taste, then 30-40 drops are enough three times a day.
    • A tablespoon of grass shepherds pouring a glass of boiling water, insist, biting, 1 hour, drink on a tablespoon before eating 3-4 times a day. (Or fresh juice, half diluted with water, on the tablespoon three times a day).
    • Pepper of water and shepherd bag reinforce the contractile ability of the uterus, so they are used during menstruation. In general, herbal additives are used during meals for several months, regularly changing their composition to avoid addiction.
    • Another recipe: dried cucumber vacuum (50 g) poured 0.5 liters of water, boiled 5 minutes, they insist 1 hour. Drink half a cup of three times a day.
    • Very useful during menstrual disorders Beck juice, especially if you drink it small (50-100 ml) portions 2-3 times a day. Do not overdo it - if you immediately increase the daily dose to a glass, a stomach disorder can begin. You can also mix carrot and beet juices.
    • Name another 10-minute decoction from the crushed bark of Kalina (1 st. Spoon on a glass of boiling water), which is used 3-4 times a day for 2 tablespoons.

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