Inflammation of the appendages during pregnancy


  • Inflammation of the appendens
  • Manifestations of diseases

  • Inflammation of the appendens

    Inflammation of the appendages during pregnancyThe frequency of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs ranks first among all gynecological diseases and is about 65% of all appeals to women's consultation. Early start of sexual life, a frequent change of sexual partners, as well as the erased for most inflammatory diseases leads to the formation of their chronic forms. It should be noted that among all patients with such problems, more than 80% are annoying women under the age of 25, so often pregnancy arises against the background of various inflammatory diseases.

    The inflammatory diseases of the genital organs include: Colpit — inflammation of the vagina; Cervicit — inflammation of the cervix; SalpingoForit, or adnexitis, — inflammation of appendages (ovaries and uterine pipes); Endomiometrist — Chronic inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus.

    Leading among these diseases chronic salpingooforitis and endomyometrite. The main reason for their occurrence is infections transmitted by sex: trichomonosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, etc. As can be seen from the name of this group of infections, the pathogenic microbe falls into the body of women mainly when sex with infected person. Especially I would like to note that hypothermia cannot be the cause of inflammation of the appendages — It can be a provoking factor for the exacerbation of an already existing inflammatory process or to activate patrol microorganisms (they are normal in each person: intestinal wand, streptococci, ureaplasma, etc.) who will call the inflammatory process in the uterus and her appendages.

    Long inflammation of uterine pipes and ovaries leads to the development of dense connective tissue, which replaces the dead cells. As a result, the already very thin lumen of the pipe (only 1 -2 mm in diameter) can easily "infection" connective tissue and pipe will become impassable for egg. In such conditions, the meeting of the sperm and eggs does not occur, therefore fertilization is impossible. In addition, cells linseling the inner surface of the uterine pipe are affected in the process of inflammation. They contribute to the advancement of an egg cell on the pipe, besides, many microorganisms, such as chlamydia and mycoplasma, can be broken into these cells and their livelihoods to break their operation. Therefore, the affected uterine pipe cells cannot «deliver» Ophcelet from ovarian to the uterus. As a result of such changes, infertility is formed, an ectopic pregnancy may occur.

    Manifestations of diseases

    Whether a woman has inflammation of appendages to pregnancy, it is possible to judge the results of the tests carried out before pregnancy, as well as on the presence of the following complaints: moderate, occurring periodically, stupid, pulling, painful pain at the bottom of the abdomen, increasing when cooling, as well as impairment of the menstrual cycle, which becomes unstable — with delays, intermenstrual discharge. Pain is usually felt at the bottom of the abdomen, in the inguinal areas, in the region of the sacrum, in the vagina. Often, its intensity does not comply with the nature of changes in the genitals, t.E. Inflammatory changes in organs can be minimal or as a result of treatment, they can be eliminated, and pain, as a residual phenomenon, remains for a long time. Such a state may continue for a long time, without a clear beginning and end of the disease. The signs of chronic inflammation of the appendages of the uterus and the uterus itself include and pathological discharge from sex tract — more or less abundant, sometimes with an unpleasant smell.

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