For contraception is a woman answers? No! Men have their own ways to protect a girlfriend from unwanted pregnancy.

feminine duty. But if you think about why strong, confident
a person must give off his partner for sex so scrupulous
question? Is it time for men independently take care of unwanted
Pregnancy and the need for abortion did not overshadow his life and life beloved
women? Today there are many methods Contraception
for men.
The most popular in men by protection against
unwanted pregnancy is interrupted sexual act. Scary to say but
Most men use this particular, very dubious and even harmful
For health reception. However, every third interrupted sexual act
leads to conception, and over the years — and to the emergence of sexual disorders
Both partners. A large number of unwanted pregnancies
occurs after artificially extended sexual acts. Without a doubt,
Prolonged sexual intercourse prolongs sexual enjoyment of partners, but
due to the fact that some of the seed fluid is highlighted with lubrication,
He creates a real threat to conception. -
Method male contraception «Hot midge»
or «Egg samurai» came to Europe from ancient Japan, where long ago
noticed that the increase in temperature in the scrotum leads to sterilization of a man.
Overheating of the testicles, for example, with daily bath adoption of 46.6°From within a month, really disrupts the formation of sperm and deprives
a man for half a year the opportunity to have children, but at the same time increases the risk
Cancer genital cancers. -
Condom — This is a fairly reliable way
protection against pregnancy, but only if the rules are clearly complied
Its use.Here are some recommendations:
Condoms should be used only
high quality purchased in the pharmacy network; -
Select condoms should be strictly in
according to the size of the penis; -
In the absence of sufficient vaginal lubrication
The partner should take advantage of additional moisturizing means; -
Do not use condoms with expired
use, harmlessness, high efficiency, as well as ability
Protect from sexually transmitted diseases — positive sides
Use condoms. The negative side of their application is
Reducing sexual sensations of partners and possible allergic reaction to latex.
use, harmlessness, high efficiency, as well as ability
Protect from sexually transmitted diseases — positive sides
Use condoms. The negative side of their application is
Reducing sexual sensations of partners and possible allergic reaction to latex.
Containing «Androgen», which are implanted under the skin and for 3-5
months isolated substances that impede the formation of viable
Spermatozoov. The negative side of this method is possible side
Effects in the form of headaches, cramp.
leads to temporary sterilization and some decrease in the amount of seed
liquid, after stopping the reception of the tablets, all indicators are restored.

unwanted pregnancy, but also increases sexual attraction and
Reduce the quality sperm. You can use them only for a month, then
required a break for 3-4 months, because with continuous use they can develop
Mental disorders and depression.
Sterilization of men — The most reliable I
harmless method of male contraception.
There are several ways
Surgical sterilization:
seed rope, reversal operation.
«reverse vasectomy», allowing in 90% of cases to return the man's ability to
In the seed-winning valves of valves that can be by a small operation
«open» or «close» as needed.
Vasectomy, implying introduction to the seed-handing ducts of small «Rubber
cork», which if necessary, can be removed.
Ducts of special substance (polyurethane), which when hardening
overlaps spermatozoa exit from eggs.
Male contraception — Men's spiral resembling a tiny umbrella introduced through
Urethra in Midges. The spiral is a spermicide.
Male contraception today is many, it is worth only to consult with
Andrologist and choose a suitable in accordance with age, level
sexual activity and their own health.