Treatment of rheumatism


Treatment of rheumatism

For the treatment of rheumatism, a three-step system is applied:

  • first stage — long-term (4-6 weeks) inpatient treatment in the active phase;
  • second phase — Post-cell, sanatorium or resort and sanatorium treatment;
  • Third stage — Dispensary observation.

Treatment of rheumatism should be as early as possible.

the active phase of the patient's rheumatism must be hospitalized if
this can not be done, he must comply with bedding in home
conditions. The complex of treatment should include: therapeutic and security
and motor regime, rational nutrition, drug
and physiotherapy products, LFK (healing physical education).
Movement mode expands as the rheumatic process is subsided
or reduce blood circulation deficiency. Usually it goes
About 2 weeks.

Food should be diverse rich
Vitamins, proteins, phospholipids vegetables, fruits, eggs. Vitamin
C has a normalizing effect on metabolism,
Anti-inflammatory, stimulating glucocorticoid
Gormons. Vitamins of group B increase the performance of the heart muscle.

Of medicinal products in the treatment of rheumatism are used:

  • antibiotics (penicillin, oxacillin, methicillin, ampicillin, bicyllin-5);
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (aspirin, anourctin, acessal, nandaldol, indomethacin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, pyroxics, butadion, rope, mefenamic acid);
  • glucocorticoids (prednisone, prednisone, dexamethasone, triamcinolone);
  • Preparations of predominantly immunosuppressive action
    (Holin-row preparations — Delagil, Plaque, as well
    Cytostatic immunosuppressants — 6-mercaptopurin, imuran,

Gamma Globulin Preparations (Gamma Globulin Non-specific, Histoglobulin and DR.) Stimulate specific organism's immuno-proof forces.

Treatment of rheumatism
When decompensation (violation of activity) of the cardiovascular system, heart glycosides are used (stanfantine, korglikon, isolanide, digoxin, digitoxine), diuretic drugs (Furosemide, Laziks, Brinldix).

The combination of drugs depends on the severity of the disease, the defeat of certain authorities.

Are held
also physical methods of treatment of rheumatism. They are essential
part of the complex therapy, and also represent the main
Medical rehabilitation tool.

Physical methods
During rheumatism, applied in order to increase the overall resistance
the body, the provision of anti-inflammatory, absorbing
and painkillers, circulatory training, foci rehanging
Chronic infection.

During the intensification of rheumatism, an impact of ultraviolet on the joints of the joints is prescribed,.

place in complex therapy of rheumatism patients, especially when
Reducing the activity of the process, occupies medicinal electrophoresis (physiotherapy method).
Using calcium-electrophoresis or electrophoresis of salicylate in general
Methodology or on the joints of the joints.

With protracted pains in the joints in the active and inactive phase, it can be applied:

  • Soluxux lamp or infrared lamp;
  • UHF to the joint area;
  • paraffin appliques for affected joints.

active phase of the rheumatic process in order to improve blood circulation,
elimination of immunity effects is recommended to carry out massage

The complex of medical measures will necessarily include therapeutic physical education.

On the
Foci of chronic infection affect ultraviolet rays, UHF,
Microwaves or Electrophoresis Antibiotics. In complex therapy
Most often include carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, radon, oxygen
and chloride sodium baths. It is believed that for patients
With rheumatic vices. Most effective carbon dioxide
and hydrogen sulfide baths.

With sluggish and latent
Revlocardius, developed against the background of heart defect, more efficiently radon
Bath. In the phase of remissions, you can also use mud in the form
Appliques to the area of ​​affected joints.

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