Eggs cyst


When detecting
The functional cyst gynecologist prescribes a repeated examination after 3 months to
make sure that the cyst decreases in the amount and disappears. In some
Cases doctor will recommend taking birth control pills to
Prevent ovulation. When ovulation does not happen, functional cysts are not

In women climacteric
ages that have ceased menstruation, functional cysts are not formed.
If it all happens, the doctor sends a patient to the sonogram
(echoogram). Further recommendations of the doctor depend on the age of the patient, typeEggs cyst
Cysts on echoogram and presence of symptoms (pain, swelling, constipation and sensation
saturation even when consuming a minor food).

What is a sonogram (echogram)?

Sonogram - Graphic
Representation of sound oscillations of organs. In fact, it is spectral-temporary
Sound performance. At the sonogram, the gynecologist can consider the ovaries in detail.
The sonogram of the ovaries is performed in two ways - through the abdominal cavity and through
vagina. Both ways are completely painless. Execution of a sonogram occupies
no more than 30 minutes. At the sonogram of a gynecologist will see what a cyst looks like and what it is
size that will help him appoint proper treatment.

What other surveys and analyzes are prescribed?

Besides sonogram, gynecologist often
Assigns blood test to determine the level of protein CA-125. Sometimes this blood test is prescribed
women with ovarian polykistosis to determine if there are no cysts
malignant. The normal level of CA-125 in blood serum is less than 35. However, the results of this analysis is not always
allow you to accurately determine the malignancy of the cyst. So, in women who subsequently later
ovarian cancer has been revealed, the CA-125 level remained within the normal range. In addition, the level of CA-125 can sometimes be abnormally
High in women of childbearing age, even if they have no ovarian cancer. For this reason, blood test for level determination
CA-125 is usually prescribed
Only women who belong to the risk of ovarian cancer.

Whether operational intervention is necessary to remove the cyst?

The answer to this question depends on several
factors, for example, age, menstrual cycle, the size of the cyst, its shape and
Symptoms of the disease.

If the menstrual cycle is not broken
and the cyst functional, the operation does not threaten you. If the cyst does not decrease after
several menstruation, and if, on the contrary, it is only increasing in size and
At the sonogram, it is not similar to the functional cyst, the gynecologist will appoint an operation on
Removal of cysts. There are many different types of ovarian cysts in women
Children's age, which require surgical intervention. Fortunately, in
This aged cysts are almost always benign (the threat of ovarian cancer

Surgical intervention
Showing women postclimacteric age. Although the ovarian cancer is found
quite rarely, the risk of developing this disease increases in women aged
50-70 years old. Diagnosis of cancer at an early stage allows the best
Treatment results.

What operation are prescribed to remove cysts?

To remove benign cysts
small size (no more plum) doctor prescribes laparoscopy. This procedure
It is performed using a laparoscope - an optical device with a light guide. Laparoscope
injected into the abdominal cavity through a small hole (incision) just above or slightly
Below navel. Through the laparoscope the doctor sees the organs of the abdominal cavity. Often cyst
Remove through a small incision in the region of pubic hair.

If the cyst is too big, and her
You can not remove laparoscopy, or if it looks suspicious,
Laparotomy. At laparotomy, the abdominal cavity is opened and
Cysts or whole ovarian. This operation is performed under general anesthesia.
The process of operation find the cyst and check whether it is
If so, the surgeon can remove both ovaries, the uterus, the fold of the fat
Fabrics (gland)
and some lymph nodes. It is very important to discuss this in detail
Situation before surgery. The doctor must also inform the patient about
the possible risk of each type of surgery, complications and
Duration of the reducing period.

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