How to lower blood sugar

In healthy people, the blood sugar level holds at a certain level, it is usually equal to 3.5 - 5 mmol / l. Increased glucose in the body is fraught with many diseases, the most serious one is diabetes. To date, this is one of the most common ailments. That is why it is imperative to know how to reduce blood sugar.

Symptoms indicating blood sugar

glucose, diabetes, sugar, diabetes, sugar level

Everyone knows that short-term increase in sugar in the body is quite possible, for example, after sweet delicacy or because of serious stress. These are not long-term jumps are not dangerous for a person and in most cases remain not noticed. All thanks to the good work of the pancreas, namely it is developing it hormone insulin in sufficient quantity for splitting excess blood sugar. So, glucose in the body holds within the normal range, and its jumps occurs without harm to health. If the insulin is not produced, or the process of cell susceptibility to this hormone is disturbed, the sugar is delayed, accumulates and turns into a poison that slowly displays the functioning of the body from Lada. As a result, the vessels suffer, they begin to refuse kidney, worsen eyesight, fades the skin, the body slowly dies. In order not to increase blood sugar levels to the marginal mark, the first thing you need to know - symptoms, which indicate the overaffect of glucose in the body. Among them can be noted:

  • Permanent thirst, Dry mouth, especially during sleep;
  • Itching and dry skin, reduced its elasticity;
  • irritation of mucous membranes;
  • Student urination with an increased amount of urine;
  • hypothermia;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • drowsiness;
  • furunculosis;
  • weakness;
  • Causes;
  • numbness of the limbs (at the initial stages - palms and stop);
  • Pain in the legs;
  • Slowing wound and scratches;
  • irritability and other.

Noticing these signs, our site recommends immediately consult a doctor, because diabetes is fraught with many complications, especially if its treatment begins in recent stages. It is also very important to start the removal of sugar from the blood in a timely manner, there are several ways for this.

Products contributing to a decrease in blood sugar

glucose, diabetes, sugar, diabetes, sugar level

Having learned about the overaffect of glucose in the body, the response of many people becomes panic. In fact, you should not be subject to stress, perceive everything that happens calmly, because short diabetes - not a sentence, This is only a signal to the fact that it is time to radically change your lifestyle. First of all, review your diet. Remember that healthy eating is useful not only to reduce weight, but also to maintain the health and treatment of a number of diseases. This is a simple rule effectively and with elevated blood glucose. The first thing to be done during diabetes is to give up sugar. Exclude it from hot drinks - tea, coffee, do not eat cookies, baking, candy and other food with high sugar content. Do not forget that there is also a considerable share of glucose in white bread and pasta, so remove from your power and these products. Along with «harmful» In the new product lifestyle, there are a large number of those who will be your assistant in the fight against excess glucose. For example, sugar reduced perfectly:

  • grapefruits;
  • onion;
  • Topinambur;
  • salad latobe;
  • eggplants;
  • Bell pepper;
  • spinach;
  • lentils;
  • tomatoes;
  • Rowan;
  • cinnamon;
  • celery;
  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkin;
  • soy;
  • cabbage;
  • asparagus;
  • turnip;
  • garlic;
  • horseradish;
  • blueberry;
  • zucchini;
  • Radish and others.

Try to use these products as often as possible, and you will gradually acquire normal well-being. In addition, our site recommends included in your daily diet as many vegetables as possible, with the exception of potatoes. They can be fascinated in raw form, cook for a couple, stew or cook - in any of these roles, they will be a storehouse of vitamin and trace elements that your body is so necessary. Also pay attention to the composition of food when buying in the store. Often low-calorie degreased goods make up a large amount of glucose, which can significantly steal your health.

Folk remedies that contribute to a decrease in blood sugar

glucose, diabetes, sugar, diabetes, sugar level

Along with traditional medicine, folk healers are constantly looking for funds that would help to deal with diabetes and reduced blood glucose levels. Their efforts were not in vain! To date, there are a number of folk remedies, with their help can be effectively cope with the accumulation of sugar in the body. Today our site picked up for your readers the most effective of them.

Lukova tincture. Before taking food, two or three times a day, for better glucose splitting, it is recommended to use a tablespoon of juice squeezed out of the bulbs. Diabetics have improved this recipe and praise a tincture of bulbs. In order to cook it, it is necessary to cut a small onion on the little pieces, put the resulting cleaner into the glass and pour chilled boiled water. Insist for three hours. Consume a third of a glass for one reception three times a day.

Garlic tincture. This tool is also known for its effectiveness in low blood sugar. Prepare similarly to the above-described means, but instead of the tower itself, it is worth using garlic feathers or its crushed arrows.

Phytotherapy. Do not forget about the permanent health services - herbs. In diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to use such plants:

  • nettle;
  • bean sash;
  • laurel;
  • Linden blossom;
  • Blueberry leaves;
  • Clover and others.

For the preparation of medicine from the above grasses, prepare infusion from any of them. Add about fifteen tablespoons of infusion in 250 grams of boiled chilled water. Thoroughly shake and eat no more than a third of a glass three times a day. Such a mixture can be used as tea, but do not forget to take interruptions in the grass.

Fitheria. Many patients with diabetes mellitus reduce blood glucose with teas prepared on the basis of rosehip, black currant leaves or hawthorn. Also help drinks made from chicory, burdiction or dandelion. These plants are famous for the fact that there are a large number of inulin in their composition.

Baked bow. Many diabetics after a monthly course of use of the baked onion mark a tremendous decrease in blood sugar. Therapy passes on the following scenario: daily on an empty stomach, better in the morning, you need to eat one liver bulb of medium-sized. It is noteworthy that «dish» must be fresh, that is, cooking onions you will have every morning, but it is worth it.

There are a lot of recipes, with the help of which you can lower the level of sugar in the body. What to choose - the case is purely individual. All of them differ in the main ingredients and the impact on the body, but the main thing is all one to improve the well-being of a man suffering from diabetes.

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