Psychologists are convinced: men are less suspended, and stresses are worried much easier and faster than girls. When your friend was killed because of the accidentally planted stain on a T-shirt?
nervous, I remove yourself in trifles, and even once a month I suffer from
PMS. But anyone is subject to stress, including a man. Difference
is that girls are usually more difficult and longer are experiencing any
Trouble. And all because while we analyze, think about and
We suffer, men act and give their feelings.

They know that sports has a beneficial effect on health and physical
Form. And about the fact that daily charging and in general any physical
The load has a positive effect on the psyche especially well, know exactly
men. That is why many of them are recorded in the gym, and the weekend
prefer to spend in the pool or on the court. Find and you in your life
Place for Sport - Good Mood will be provided. Physical
Exercises, like sweets, contribute to the generation of endorphine (hormone
happiness). Only unlike chocolate, sport will not hurt your figure,
that in itself already raises the mood.
Return to childhood
Do not hesitate, wear ties and socks with Bart Simpson and others
Heroes of cartoons, do not mind to play in the courtyard in football with younger
brother, and love to laugh. The girls are not used to fooling around and
go to children's carelessness. Meanwhile, children's games and fun
Remove stress. When you are in childhood more than half an hour
played with a bad mood? So let yourself be discharged. In the end
Working week play with friends in "Twister" or at least go to
"Child's world" There is ice cream.
Who is louder?
Is yours
boyfriend loves to sing in the shower? Let it not annoying you - so he
Remove fatigue. Sing and screaming is generally useful, but unfortunately not
always appropriate, so many allow "Give will voice" only
alone with himself. And do not be angry when a man loudly turns on
music. Better join your friend: noise is able to drown
Negative emotions. And if you have nervous neighbors, - once a week
Go to the disco or in karaoke bar.
Look for hobby
Love cars and regularly read auto-publications. Some even
Collect me: Who cars, and who are magazines. List of philatelists also in
Mainly consists of men. Hobbies distract from bad thoughts. Girls
Also overwhelmed by a wave of gathering: fashionable after shopping boasts
Designer packages and looking for a DVD with rare films of favorite directors.