From time immemorial, the rules and secrets of protection against unwanted pregnancy are known. Ancient Romans and Grechany successfully used grains and juice of some plants for protection against unwanted motherhood, and the ancient Egyptian papyrus retained the recipes of vaginal contraceptives capable of protecting against pregnancy.
- Types of hormonal contraceptives
- Hormonal contraceptive plaster
- Contraceptive ring «Nova Ring»
- Injection contraceptives
- Navy with hormones
For many years, gynecologists are trying to find a reliable, painless and harmless tool to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers numerous drugs protecting against unwanted conception, taking into account the age and general state of the woman.
Prevention tools for undesirable pregnancy are still condoms, hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine spirals, vaginal candles and pills. Some of the proposed funds and drugs have gained recognition and widespread use, while others, on the contrary, are applied less often due to certain inconvenience, painful sensations when used, as well as the ability to extinguish the acuteness of perception and sexual satisfaction.
Types of hormonal contraceptives
The choice of the most effective and painless anti-pregnancy equipment should be carried out according to recommendations and under the control of a gynecologist based on blood test results for hormones.
All modern hormonal contraceptives contain minimal dose of hormones, a few hundred times less than it was before. Outdated ideas that hormonal drugs are dangerous and harmful to the body of a woman, require clarification.
Today contraceptives, in addition to their main purpose — Pregnancy protection, also contribute to improving the condition of the skin and hair, and also possess the medical and cosmetic effect, which represents a significant value for women's health.
Modern combined hormonal preparations, depending on the dosage of the estrogen component, are divided into several groups.
Microdosged — contain ethinyl estradiol at a concentration of from 15 to 20 μg / day. «Mercylon», «Note», «Load», «Lindinet», «Meltel» Basically intended for broken young girls.
- Low volume — contain estrogen in quantity of 30–35 μg / day. This group of drugs include «Regular», «Microjinon», «Marvelon», «Diana 35», «Miniziston», «Zhanin», «Yarina», «Silest», «Femoden», «Belarus». They are suitable for young women with permanent sex.
- Alpine preparations contain 50 μg / day of ethinyl estradiol. «Antehin» Recommended by women of mature age as short-term therapy of certain diseases, in addition, it can be used for emergency contraception.
Depending on the scheme of a combination of estrogen and progestogenic component, oral hormonal drugs are divided into:
- Monophasic, when 21 tablets of the drug throughout the menstrual cycle contains a constant amount of estrogen and progestogen, for example «Diana 35», «Silest», «Femoden», «Load», «Silest», «Note», «Regular» and etc.;
- Two-phase drugs — Consist of two types of tablets with different estrogen ratios and progestogen, for example «Antehin»;
- Three-phase — contain three types of tablets with different estrogen and progestogen ratio. To this group of contraceptives include «Three regrol», «Triciston», «Three-Mercy».
Hormonal preparations have high contraceptive reliability approaching to 99%, and therefore are widely used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. In addition, doctors gynecologists use the therapeutic effects of these funds: the regulation of the menstrual cycle, the elimination of painful menstruation, a decrease in menstrual blood loss, treatment of premenstrual syndrome and hyperandrode.
The contraceptive pills are able to reduce the risk of developing benign breast tumors, uterine cancer and ovaries, misa of uterus and ovarian cysts, endometriosis and inflammatory diseases of the small pelvic organs.
A variety of oral contraception is mini-saw — Preparations containing progesterone hormone analog microdoses. «Microll», «EXLUTON», «Charozetta», «Lactinate» are a reliable method of contraception for women, nursing breasts.
Hormonal contraceptive plaster
The patch of Eura is a combined contraceptive and contains two components: progestogen and ethinyl estradiol. At the concentration of Eura hormones included in the plaster, it corresponds to microstrosted oral contraceptives. As a result of penetration into the blood, hormones block ovulation and do not allow the ovary to produce eggs. One such plaster, which is represented by a square size with a postage stamp, should be pasted on dry skin and use for 7 days. The effectiveness of contraceptive action is approaching 99%.
Contraceptive ring «Nova Ring»
This contraceptive is an elastic ring from a hypoallergenic material, which due to the elasticity of the material acquires inside the vagina the necessary form, not causing a woman of pain and inconvenience. Within three weeks from the outer shell rings «Nova Ring» The required number of hormones is distinguished, which is able to provide excellent, almost one hundred percent contraceptive effect.
Injection contraceptives
In the injecting drug «Depot-provision» Only progestagen, synthetic analogue of natural hormone progesterone. The contraceptive effect of the medication is based on the suppression of ovulation and increasing the viscosity of the cervical mucus. Timely and systematic intramuscular hormone introduction every three months provides guaranteed contraception.
Navy with hormones
Hormone-containing spirals — This is a successful synthesis of intrauterine and hormonal contraceptives. Spiral «Mirena», The uterus introduced into the cavity, highlights a certain dose of progestogen. Hormonal activity of the Navy «Mirena» limited to the uterus and does not apply to the whole body.