Geno therapy deafness. A look into the future


    Miracle Gen

    Genid therapy deafness. A look into the futureScientists have discovered a gene that prevents the recovery (regeneration) of the cells of the internal ear responsible for the hearing. Perhaps this find will bring to understand the reasons for the appearance of an elder deafness.

    In the course of the study on mice conducted in the Massachusetts General Hospital, it was found that by turning off only one gene, the cells responsible for the hearing begin to grow again and restore damaged nerve endings (the so-called hairs cells), which are often affected due to injury or with age. In most cases, deafness is due to this reason. It is necessary to find a way to turn off «Guilty Gen» With medication. Perhaps it will lead to hearing restoration.

    Sound wave Single Drumpoint, which is connected to a chain of auditory seats transmitting mechanical oscillations to the snail, anatomical formation, converting acoustic waves into an electric pulse transmitted to the brain. Hair cells, the loss inner surface of the snail, are exactly the transformer that converts mechanical oscillation into an electrical impulse.

    Hair Cells in Eche

    From the birth of a person in the norm about 50,000 hairs cells. In connection with injuries, inflammatory diseases and simply with age, their number decreases. When a certain part of the cells dies, the hearing is worsened irretrievably. And since the structures in the inner ear are responsible for the equilibrium and coordination of movements, then in parallel, the violation of these functions is possible.

    In the course of the study, scientists tracked all genes that were active during the embryonic development of the structures of the inner ear. It has been found that the gene responsible for the production of a certain RB1 protein depresses the growth and development of hairs cells.

    In the course of the study, scientists revealed that in mice in the absence of this gene, the number of normal functioning cells was more. In case of artificial cultivation on nutrient media of hairs cells, devoid of RB1 gene, they can grow and divide, and when the protein is added encoded by this genome, the process stops. These discoveries are very important, because the structure and cellular composition of the organ of hearing in mice and man are very similar. Now the development of medicinal compounds capable of suppressing activity «Stunning» Gena. Perhaps the desired therapeutic effect can be obtained even when the gene is temporary disabling. But this assumption should be checked again.

    Unresolved problems

    The problem is that the RB1 gene is one of the genes controlling the growth of all cells in the body, and when it is suppressed quite real, there may be a threat to the development of tumors. It means to restore hearing, it is necessary to turn off the gene only in the cells of the inner ear, and then again activate it, otherwise there is a misfortune.

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