Secret signs of age


  • Klimadinon

  • Klimadinon

    Cosmetic preparations, plastic surgery, gyms, and just the ability to eat right and diverse, keeping your hair, skin and figure in good condition - all these benefits of progress allow you to remain attractive and energetic and in 40, and 50. But there is another secret indicator of age, affect which cosmetic procedures, and even regular exercise can not. This is a climacteric syndrome.

    Secret signs of age
    It occurs around the age of 45-50 years. At this age, the hormonal function of the ovaries is fading, which causes vegetative-vascidate and exchange-endocrine disorders, which, of course, may not affect the psycho-emotional state of a woman. Self-free headaches, dizziness, «riding», heartbeat and high pressure, nausea. In addition, hormonal shifts and themselves affect mental reactions. As a result - constant nervousness, mood swings, increased fatigue and reduced performance, poor sleep, longing, loss of interest in the world around the world, feeling powerlessness. Whatever healthy and full forces, the woman was not before the beginning of these changes, she still begins to feel like an old ruin, sometimes it can even have the real depression, to get out of which, even at the end of the menopausal period, will not be so easy.

    Of course, I do not want to lose precious time, waiting for the body while the body will restructure. I want to continue to lead an active life, please love your beauty and vigorousness, look young and attractive.

    And this is possible. Keep the body's tone during this complex restructuring and minimize all the symptoms of the menopausal period will help you «Klimadinon», Developed by the company «Bionorica». This is a natural drug based on cymicifuga extract, made according to the latest technologies for the production of drugs and repeatedly tested by leading European experts. Included in its composition substances with estrogen-like effect help the body to restore the usual hormonal background, although the hormones themselves are not. Clemadinon effectively and gently copes with all the symptoms does not cause addiction and is suitable for long-term treatment. He eliminates not only physical indisposition, but also improves the mood and improves the general psycho-moto background. It can be taken as, on time, before and after the onset of menopause. «Klimadinon» It is convenient for use - it is produced in the form of a solution and in the form of tablets

    Before starting treatment, consult with a specialist, he will pick you up the optimal dosage and will give recommendations.

    The drug allows a woman to keep calm, confidence, feel healthy, remain active and cheerful.. CLIMADINON - the healing power of plants for the treatment of moderate manifestations of climacteric disorders without hormones.

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