Our precious memory


    What is memory

    Our precious memoryAmazing thing our memory she is intanguming. Do not eat it, you do not understand, you will not see where she hurt. Studying this phenomenon of nature Scientists are busy from time immemorial.

    Russian dictionaries interpret the concept as the ability to maintain and reproduce the previous impressions. But what is a consciousness as one of the manifestations of memory? Discussions of scientists on this topic have been conducted long ago.

    At the level of today's scientific knowledge, most researchers still associate our memory with biochemistry cells. In favor of this theory, it is also evidenced by the fact that the development of genetics and molecular biology is noticeably expanded by the ideas about the memory itself and the mechanisms of causing it attenuation or strengthening.

    It is already known that almost all the brain is involved in the formation of memory that it itself includes various subsystems and parameters and that certain brain cells receive information from a plurality of sources and until time stored it.

    It is also known that the defeat of the brain structures entails differently manifested memory disturbances. Nevertheless, much, very much associated with memory processes, for science still remains a white spot.

    It is surprisingly interesting about all this. Professor Vladimir Nidin, a man of the highest erudition, extremely much knowing about memory. And yet, no matter how important for the further development of science of knowledge of what is happening in the cells responsible for it, the wide reader is probably more important to learn how to return lost or strengthen the weakening memory and what should be taken to this. This has become the main subject of our conversation.

    How does the doctor find out that with our memory

    - What means to determine the state of memory are neuropsychologists?

    - For people whose state of health is unknown to us, developed questionnaires to understand what adverse conditions could affect their memory: is it connected with a disease of the brain, with other diseases, with age or distinct changes in human behavior.

    Much of the state of memory and causes of its disorders are detected during the personal conversation of the neuropsychologist with the patient (the same tests, by the way, are used to determine the professional suitability of people of certain specialties).

    To determine the reasons for memory violations, hardware research methods (instruments) - Doppler, computer and magnetic resonant tomography of the brain are used - they allow you to reveal the diseases of the brain substance, brain work, examine the structure of the brain.

    What should be worried

    - Heavy brain injury. It is almost always accompanied by a memory violation. Of the consciousness, not only the moment of receipt of the strike is erased, but all that preceded and followed this. A similar condition, as is known, is called retrograde amnesia.

    In an example, a person can lead, who claimed that he was 21 (in fact, 26), which is studying at the third year of the institute (in fact he worked for the third year), forgot that he got married and became his father. Gradually, during the treatment, he remembered a lot. But even after recovery, such people have a memory more often for life remains weakened, defective and often manifests itself in unmatognoms of everyday events or accompanied by false memories .

    Age robs memory

    It is characteristic that professional memory is more resist. Household weaken earlier. This is psychologically - professional directly related to associative thinking is explained and physiologically - this type of memory «Stored» In the anterior frontal part of the brain and is fueled by blood much better (vessels feed this area), while behind the so-called household memory are responsible for the vertebral arteries.

    Memory treatment principles

    - Please tell us about modern memory treatment methods!

    - They are selected for each patient purely individually and depend on the causes of memory violation. But at the same time there is a classic set of medicinal products, medicinal and physiotherapeutic. At the same time, the most important component of reducing treatment is the selection of the neuropsychologist for each patient of the optimal workaround of memorization, or otherwise «Stretching» Memory trails. Some sharper respond to the visual form, for others it is more suitable for a lubber or associative.

    In our article, we intentionally lowered the medicinal treatment of memory, since the purpose of drugs is possible only after examinations and examination of the doctor. Medical selection is carried out individually.

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