Hepatosis, treatment. Fatty dystrophy


  • What is fat hepatosis
  • How is the treatment of fat hepatosis

  • What is fat hepatosis

    The accumulation of fat in hepatic cells is often a liver response to
    Various intoxication (toxic effects). Sometimes this process
    associated with some diseases and pathological conditions
    organism (for example, with starvation).

    Probably causes of the development of fat hepatosis are: Diseases
    gastrointestinal and biliary tracts, obesity, sugar
    type 2 diabetes, impaired intestinal digestion syndrome and
    suction, gluten enteropathy, Vilson-Konovalov disease and
    Some other genetically determined diseases, chronic
    Alcoholic intoxication, some medicines (corticosteroids,
    estrogens, tetracyclines and others.), bacterial infections, viruses,
    systemic diseases and a number of other diseases and states (strict
    Vegetarianism and others.).

    Fat hepatosis, treatment. Fatty dystrophy
    The liver dystrophy is often combined with dyskinesia of the gallbladder, especially in the presence of gallway disease.

    pronounced fatty dystrophy of hepatocytes accompanies many
    Diseases and intoxication. In particular, almost all chronic
    Viral hepatitis, especially hepatitis C, often accompanied by fatty
    dystrophy of the liver. In the development of fat hepatosis, it is not excluded
    Genetic predisposition.

    Despite the fact that
    Fat hepatosis certainly decreases the functional state of the liver,
    With traditional laboratory tests, confirm these violations
    almost impossible. Taking into account the cause in patients often detected
    other subjective and objective symptoms associated with the main
    Disease. For example, liver fatty dystrophy, which has developed in connection with
    chronic alcohol intoxication is often characterized
    decline in appetite, shortness of breath and other symptoms. Sometimes there are complaints
    on the severity and discomfort in the right hypochondrium, increasing
    Motion. Only computed tomography and magnetic resonance
    Tomography allow in some cases to identify fat infiltration
    liver. With the help of these methods, the focal fatty
    Filtering of the liver. But even in these situations, the diagnosis is confirmed
    only a sight biopsy liver under computer control

    Sometimes liver dystrophy develops in people
    unfortunately. In any case, when it fails in this situation
    establish any possible reason for its development; it is believed to
    cryptogenic (idiopathic) form.

    How is the treatment of fat hepatosis

    and systematize the treatment of fatty hepatosis in such a variety
    The reasons for its caller is quite difficult. Therapy should be directed
    to eliminate reasons for elimination of impaired digestion syndromes and
    Suction, to restore the liver function. At the same time excluded
    Reception of some drugs and alcohol abuse.

    The causal factor is eliminated, the course and symptomatic
    treatment, then the patient should be recommended to remain under medical
    observation for a year, and possibly longer. Every 2 months
    It should be assessed well-being and physical status, 1 time in 3 months
    Repeat studies of serum transaminases and 1 time in 6 months
    carry. Treatment to extend for 1 year and more.

    In the conditions of the progression of hepatic insufficiency, liver transplantation may be required.

    Therapeutic efficacy of ursodoxichetic acid preparations (UDHK).
    It is assumed to have the last cytoprotective,
    Membrane-stabilizing action. In pilot studies
    Ursodoxichetic acid (at a dose of 13-15 mg / kg / day) for 12 months
    accompanied by a significant improvement in the indicators of hepatic tests,
    decreasing liver steatosis phenomena, without significant mass reduction

    The use of drugs is relevant,
    containing «essential» phospholipids that are the main
    elements in the structure of the shell of cell organelle liver and provide
    normalizing action on lipid metabolism, proteins and on
    disinfecting function of the liver; Restore and save
    Cellular structure of the liver. For example, the drug Esssential N.

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