Treatment of dyskinesia of biliary tract


  • Treatment of dyskinesia of biliary tract
  • Healing dyskinesia of biliary tract
  • Dyskinesia drug therapy of biliary tract
  • Complications of dyskinesia biliary tract

  • Treatment of dyskinesia of biliary tract

    Treatment complex and includes:

    • Sanitation of foci of chronic infection,
    • Antiparasitic therapy,
    • Normalization of the body's protective forces due to the restoration of normal mode and nutrition,
    • Decrease allergization,
    • Elimination of hypovitaminosis and intestinal dysbiosis.

    Healing dyskinesia of biliary tract

    Power must be chemically, mechanically and thermally gentle (diet 5). Eating food is recommended to 5-6 times a day to provide rhythmic bile separation.At the same time, the morning and evening intake of fermented dairy products are taken into account: kefir, ripples, yogurt, etc. Should strive for relatively uniform distribution of food throughout the day. Dinner should be given to children 2-3 hours before sleep and without abundant meat dishes.

    When jvp is unacceptable overeating!

    Treatment of dyskinesia of biliary tractWhen aggravating the diet Excluded Extractive substances: pepper, mustard, horseradish, onions, garlic, sorrel, radish, radish, smoked, mushrooms, salted products, meat, fish, mushroom broths, sharp sauces.

    Do not use refractory fats: ram, pork, beef or goose fat. Digestion of fats at dyskinesia of biliary tract is difficult due to irregular admission of bile in the intestines and reducing the activity of the pancreatic enzyme – Lipase. Preferably, vegetable oils (sunflower, olive), as they do not require a significant amount of bile and enzymes for their processing.
    Confectionery with cream, dough, chocolate, cocoa and natural coffee, chocolate candy, fatty fish, sausage products with fat.

    Children with dyskinesia on hypertension or hyperkinetic type should be adhered to a gentle diet with the exception of products that enhance gas formation in the intestine (rye bread, beans, peas). Very cold dishes and drinks can enhance the sphincter spasm and sharpen pain.

    In the hypotonic and hypokinetic forms of dyskinesia of biliary tract, products that have a choleretic effect are shown: butter and vegetable oil, cream, sour cream, eggs. Recommended consumption of a significant amount of fruits, vegetables, black bread.

    Such nutrition is assigned to children at least 1 year. With a hard repetition of pain attacks, the diet must be respected longer.

    Dyskinesia drug therapy of biliary tract

    From the very first days of treatment, the state of the vegetative nervous system is corrected. In the hypertonic and hyperkinetic type of dyskinesia of biliary tracts, sedatives are prescribed: bromide, valerian infusion, dyeing.

    In the hypotonic and hypocinetic type of dyskinesia of biliary tract use toning drugs: Eleutherococcus Extract, Levsay, Zhen-Sheng tincture, Aralia, lemongrass.

    Treatment of dyskinesia of biliary tractAntibacterial therapy for this pathology is not shown. When prescribing chemotherapy drugs due to another concomitant disease, it is necessary to take into account the possible adverse effect of these medicines on the function of the biliary system.

    When identifying giardiasis or other melted invasion, anthelmintic therapy must be carried out.

    A special role belongs to choleretic means. In terms of its mechanism, they are divided into choleretics (reinforce the formation of bile) and the chilestones (contribute to the selection of bile from the bubble in the intestinal lumen).

    Choleretics include: Allohol, Holenzim, Cholecin, Libil and other preparations with bile acids; Nicodein, Oxafenamide, Cycvalon (synthetic preparations); immortelle, corn storks, pyrhem, rosehip, holyagol, olieline (preparations of plant origin); Valerian preparations, mineral water (enhancing bile secretion due to the water component).

    Chopinetics include: magnesium sulfate, sorbitol, xylitol, bisulfate berberine (increase the tone of the gallbladder and reduce the tone of the biliary tract); Antispasmodics, Eufillin (relaxes biliary system sphincters).

    The choice of drugs to restore the functions of boring formation and berevel depends on the type of diskinesia.

    Under the hypertensive type of dyskinesia of biliary tract, oxafenamide, nicodein, mineral waters of weak mineralization (Slavodskaya, Smikanovskaya, Essentuki 4, 20, Narzan in hot or heated form 5-6 times a day) are used. For phytotherapy, daisy flowers are used, peppermint, licorice root, valerian root, dying grass, dill fruits.

    In the hypotonic type of dyskinesia of biliary tract, flamine, cholecystokinin, magnesium sulfate, pancreatimine are prescribed; High Mineralization Mineral Waters (Essentuki 17, Arzni and DR., Room temperature or slightly heated 30-60 minutes before meals depending on the secretion of the stomach). Phytotherapy: corn storks, immorteller flowers, daisies, nettle leaves, rosehip fruits, St. John's wort.

    With the hyperkinetic type of dyskinesia of biliary tract use spruses with a short course, potassium and magnesium preparations, mineral waters of weak mineralization in heated form 5-6 times a day. Phytotherapy: daisy flowers, peppermint, malt root, Valerian root, mother-grass, dill fruits.

    In the hypokinetic type of dyskinesia of biliary tract, sorbitol, xylitis, cholecystokinin, pancreativity, magnesium sulfate, high mineralization of room temperature, and slightly heated 30-60 minutes before meals. Fitotherapy as under the hypotonic type.

    In the intrahepatic cholestase, tuba is carried out (noiseless drainage of the biliary system, or “blind” Sounding) 1-2 times a week. Appointed tonic drugs, choleretics and cholerences. With the increased activity of the liver enzyme Alt choleretics, do not prescribe.

    Treatment of children with dyskinesia of biliary tracts are carried out to the complete elimination of the stagnation of bile and signs of disruption of biletone. With highly pronounced pain, it is desirable for 10-14 days to treat a child in a hospital, and then – in local sanatorium.

    Timely diagnosis of disorders of the function of biliary tract and the correct treatment of children, depending on the type of violations of violations, allows you to prevent the formation of inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas and prevents early stone formation in the bustling bubble and kidneys.

    Complications of dyskinesia biliary tract

    Over time, an inflammatory process may arise in a bustling bubble and ducts.

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