Polleoz: 10 Allergy Rules


  • Oh, these spring tears!
  • Garbing on herbs
  • 10 Allergy rules
  • ZRI in forecast!
  • They have their own schedule
  • Great and funny

  • Therapists are conscientiously treated, in difficult cases send to
    Otolaryngologists who are taking no less diligently. And the runny nose is not all
    goes nor antibiotics nor vitamins help. So far in one
    Perfect day he does not disappear by itself.

    The reason is simple —
    Flowering trees or herbs ends. Or, in scientific, «Dusty
    Causal meaningful allergens». And nasty treatable
    runny nose, cough, sometimes even suffocation — not a cold, but pollinosis,
    hay fever or just an allergic reaction to that very pollen.

    Oh, these spring tears!

    Polleoz: 10 Allergy Rules
    Rubber (Polloz) and Tearing (Conjunctivitis) always come
    approximately at the same time, peculiar waves. This is I
    not surprising. They exactly repeat the waves of flowering trees,
    shrubs and grass. The first one comes to May — Flowers Trees: Birch,
    Alder, Oshness and T.NS. Second — for June: delicate pollen are covered
    Grass grass. And the third — For July-August: it «Dusty» Wormwood and other

    Allergic diseases, including pollinosis, thing
    Thin. They are more likely to suffer intellectuals than workers, more often by citizens than
    villager. The causes of science are not known. Perhaps rustic more
    resistant to allergens because from birth is found with them.
    Perhaps urban air and cabinet work change condition
    mucous membranes of respiratory tract, and those become more vulnerable…
    But the specific patient these subtleties do not worry. Much more important for him
    know how and what medicine can help him.

    The diagnosis of seasonal allergies, in principle, is simple. An experienced doctor is enough
    In detail to ask the patient about how when and in what form
    His malaise begins. To clarify, there is a simple and
    inexpensive procedure — Skin tests. There is more expensive and even more
    Accurate method — Determination of allergic serum reaction. TO
    regret, the tendency to allergies is inherited. If
    suffers one parent, then the probability of getting sick for a child is
    thirty–35% if allergies are both — probability reaches 70%. But often
    The disease arises and spontaneously, those whose parents have nothing like
    noticed were not.

    Garbing on herbs

    Many specialists are not called a disease, but a way of life. Meaning in Tom,
    that this disease can «adjust», reduce its effect on your
    Life, if accurately and gently fulfill all the recommendations of doctors.

    Reliable way — Sensitization. It's when the patient microscopic
    doses introduce a substance for which his body is so violently reacting.
    So the immune system will gradually seek not to respond to it
    So painful.

    Have to be observed and a special diet,
    Since some products are able to stimulate the development of special
    Substances — Histamine, — which I «starts up» Allergic reaction.
    Moreover, the reaction to flowering trees and herbs can be accompanied by
    called cross-food allergies — Non-accuracy specific

    So, allergic to flowering trees is often accompanied by
    intolerance of apples, nuts, birch juice, honey, preparations from
    Poloes plants. Allergy to flowering herbs — intolerance total,
    What made of cereals: flour, croup, confectionery.
    Crossing can be a reaction to cosmetics from
    Natural raw materials — Extracts, shampoos, creams, lotions of plants. Them
    Application can cause contact dermatitis — Very unpleasant
    Skin lesion.

    Powerful Allergen for Man,
    predisposed to these diseases, come home, homemade
    Dust containing microscopic insects, products
    Life of cockroaches and t.NS. Sometimes just good cleaning and
    Opened trash — Old things, footwear, failed
    Appliances — dramatically improve the patient's condition.

    10 Allergy rules

    • If circumstances are allowed to go to the place where he
      Already passed or has not come yet. If it is impossible, stick
      «Urban» lifestyle, do not go to nature, do not walk where
      There are blooming trees or herbs.
    • Returning from the street, remove «Street» clothes, rinse the nasopherler with water.
    • At this time, do not open windows, hang cotton curtains on them and periodically moisturize them from the sprayer.
    • Extremely carefully use the products of household chemicals, new
      Cosmetics. Make first «Skin sample», Apply a little
      cosmetic agent on the inner surface of the elbow bend.
    • Drive in the car without opening windows.
    • On the street necessarily wearing sunglasses.
    • During flowering, you should not carry out scheduled operations, perform
      work requiring large physical or intellectual efforts.
    • Exclude from your diet alcohol, smoked, delicacies, chocolate — Products capable of highlighting histamine.
    • Do not forget that the stormy allergic reaction can cause
      Antibiotics and other medicines. Warn any doctor about it, to
      who had to appeal for any help.
    • Always have prescribed medicines — they may need emergency care if your condition worsens.

    ZRI in forecast!

    Polleoz: 10 Allergy Rules
    You suffer seasonal allergies (pollinosis or conjunctivitis),
    Especially closely follow the weather forecast. In dry hot and
    Especially in the windy weather pollen flies far and remember. On such days
    Try to reduce your outdoor stay. However, I
    Too wet cool weather is not a gift for allergy suffering from bronchial asthma. At this time, exacerbations are possible.

    High humidity favorable days for you are favorable. Exactly by
    these days are planning cases related to the need for a long
    Staying on the street.

    They have their own schedule

    Trees, shrubs and herbs «Dusty» At different times. But at the same time
    Adhere to the almost exact annual schedule: from April to August
    generously sow pollen in his turn.

    Great and funny

    Term «allergy» Entered B
    medicine Austrian doctor Clemens background picke (the one that created
    «True pirk») in 1906. He produced him from Greek words «Allose»
    (altered state) and «Ergeia» (ability to action).

    The disease itself arose a lot before, and perhaps always existed.
    Judging by the descriptions, Allergies suffered from Ludwig Van Beethoven, Antonio
    Vivaldi, Charles Dickens, Marseille Prost and many other great that
    did not bother them to be great.

    It is known that allergy
    there was a great commander Napoleon Bonaparte. Doctors assure that battle
    When Waterloo, with whom his fate began, he lost due to
    Attack Pollinoza. In fact, try to poison the army,
    when from the nose flows, the eyes will tears and the mood prepare.

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