Medicinal herbs. How many times they got out and helped us with a variety of diseases. Will not let us down and this time. We recommend several «Healing» Recipes to get rid of mononucleosis.
Source of mononucleosis - sick person. The transmission of the disease occurs with airborne droplets, but more often with saliva (for example, when kisses), transmission of infection during blood transfusions is possible.
Incubation period of mononucleosis from 4 to 15 days (more often about a week). Mononucleosis, as a rule, begins. Ko 2-4-Morty Disease Fever reaches the highest severity. From the first days weakness appear, headache, pain in the muscles and joints, somewhat later - sore throat when swallowing. Temperature of body 38-40°WITH. Angina appears from the first days of illness or joins later against the background of fever and other signs of the disease (from the 5-7th day).

- Clover flowers, Levze's root, Birch kidney, Alder cones, Dandelion root, Grandfather, Cheri grass;
- Grass series, yarrow grass, daisy flowers, calendula flowers, coltsfoot leaf, immorteller flowers;
- Root or grass chicory, burdock root, ninewide root, herba edelweiss, herba lactuka, trawl thistle, cornflower flowers;
- Rosehip fruits, raspberry sheet, labaznik flowers, bada root, currant leaf;
- Leaf Cypria, herba violets, grass Chernogolovka, the root of the brass, grass, shispenet, grass of mint;
- Timyan Grass, Maryan Root, Grass Gerani, Altea's root, Radies' shoots, Husk's grass, primrose root, coloder grass;
- nettle leaf, ledge, grass, herb, herb, soul grass, yarrow grass;
- Flowers immortelle, nettle sheet, birch leaf, dandelion root, grass, grass, grass;
- Chamomile flowers, calendula flowers, coltsfoot leaf, ninewide root, altea root, burdock root;
- Currant leaf, raspberry sheet, leaf Cyprus, grass Chernogolovka, herba violets, Mint grass, Water grass, nettle sheet.
How boils are preparing: take any of herbal fees, rummage on the meat grinder or in a coffee grinder and squeeze two tablespoons of this mixture. Pour it a liter of hot boiled water, put everything in a thermos (along with herbs) and give it to brew overnight. Take the infusion is necessary for half an hour before the meal of 100-150 ml. «Medicine» You can sweeten honey, jam or sugar. Well «herbal» Therapy is 1.5 - 2 months.
When cooking informs, it is necessary to take into account their age. For a child up to a year, it is necessary to take 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of the ground collection, for children 1-3 years old - 1 teaspoon, children 3-6 years old need to take 1 dessert spoonful collection, for older children (6-10 years old) - 1 dining room a spoon, and children from 10 years old - the same dosage as adults, that is, 2 tablespoons of collecting.
To improve the effect of herbs, it is necessary to combine them with medication treatment of mononucleosis and all prescriptions of the doctor.
Phytotherapy gives a positive result of the week 2-3 after the start of treatment, and in view of the regular taking of herbs.
As often as possible, it is necessary to rinse the throat of champs and infusion of medicinal plants during treatment. In particular, plants such as sage, eucalyptus, calendula are recommended. It is also very helpful to make rinsing with a water-alcoholic solution of propolis, an infusion of garlic, pink water, making inhalations with lemon oils, fir, eucalyptus.
Do not forget that each medicinal plant has a contraindication, so before the preparation of infusion it is necessary to study the properties of all components of the collection, reading about them in herbal.