Food allergy. Emergency help


  • What does food allergy look like
  • Emergency treatment of food allergies in adults

  • Food allergyFood allergy — one of the most common shortness of modernity.
    The most unpleasant factor is that its mechanisms and causes of formation
    still not fully studied. However, the picture remains quite typical
    Food allergies, especially in situations when emergency assistance is required.
    Talk to details on how
    Looks like food allergy.

    What does food allergy look like

    Such manifestations of food allergies like rashes on the skin or itching deliver a lot of unpleasant moments, but still
    are relatively safe for life and often do not even require
    Symptomatic treatment. Do not weaken attention to my well-being in
    case if skin symptoms are steadily growing, because they can change and
    More dangerous states.

    There are three
    Situations in which rapid response and treatment of food allergies in adults and children,
    Immediately challenge doctors and, if possible, providing auxiliary events
    On their own — This is a swelling of quinque, the attack of bronchial asthma and anaphylactic

    Disclaimer does not understand the swelling. This is asymmetric swelling of soft tissues
    Persons and necks rarely — Upper extremities, sometimes with phenomena of wretched skin.
    As a result of a person «swims», that in itself is not hazardous. However, if with swelling
    Quincke appears wheezing, whistling
    breathing or cough, then we are already talking about squeezing
    fabrics, which carries the danger of full overlap of the respiratory tract. So
    How to assist in the stage of complete obstruction is difficult to even doctors, the start time
    actions is of great importance.

    shock doesn't look like
    Food allergy, but rather as all other known shocks, and
    recognize his allergic nature is often difficult. Tip can be used
    Obviously allergic foods directly before the event, pairing
    states with other allergic symptoms — swelling quinque, urticaria,
    Attachment of bronchial asthma. The essence of the shock is a sharp pressure drop,
    accompanied by heartfelt violation (from fast superficial
    «Nitevoid» Pulse to pronounced
    arrhythmias), loss of consciousness, secondary oppression of breathing. Algorithm
    help with all types of shock is similar, but it is important and eliminated the reason that caused it.

    Bronchial attack
    Asthma is characterized by no less bright manifestations — This is a whistling breath, on
    Exhale in the chest it seems to meow cats and it is heard even at a distance, sick
    Sit down with the tilt and the whole body is trying to alleviate difficult breathing,
    can develop cyanosis lips.

    Treatment of food allergies in adults

    What does food allergy look like

    • First and decisive action
      emergency care in the treatment
      Food allergies in adults should be the elimination of allergen and
      reduction of its content in the body. Cause artificial vomiting is not worth,
      if a person is unconscious or with serious breathing difficulties, but follows
      give a large amount of water
    • Second step should be stopped
      The release of histamine by introducing an antihistamine tool will suit
      any of the diploma to the antihistamine recent generations
    • With the swelling of the quinque it would not be harmful
      Know and imagine the basics of laryngeal procedure — Conicotomy,
      which is held as a despair event with full airborne overlap
    • With anaphylactic shock which
      relatively rare in food allergies, you should give a patient
      horizontal position with lowered head and raised legs to
      improve blood access to the brain, fix the head and neck in case
      convulsion, turn the head of the lobby and follow the passability of the respiratory tract to
      Departure of the Ambulance Brigade
    • Bronchial asthma attack
      independently stop almost impossible without special
      drugs — Euphillin, Berodala, any inhalers who have affected
      Probably uses. It should be examined by a bag if he is not able to
      get the medicine, since the attack of bronchial asthma is most likely not the first
      in life
    • With all states of allergic
      Character invaluable help can have the introduction of half millilita mortar
      adrenaline, subcutaneously, intramuscularly or under the tongue.

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