Strong bones - long youth


So that the bones were strong

What is primarily different
young woman from old? Of course, beautiful posture, flying flexibility
gait. To do this, you need to have a strong skeleton, strong spine,
Strong bones. In young age, all this take as a given, not
Especially caring that these signs of youth can be quickly
lick. So at middle age, and in old age continue to lead
Active lifestyle, to strengthen bones Strong bones & mdash; Long youthIt is worth thinking now.

bone tissue — Natural age-related process. From human birth and
before his death, the bones constantly absorb various substances,
Spare and reform (changing shape and sizes).
The process of formation prevails until late youth (absorbing
exceeds resorption), so the skeleton increases in size.

middle age weight of the skeleton remains more or less unchanged, and
then, approximately after 35-40 years, the resorption begins to exceed
Formation, which leads to a gradual decrease in the total mass of bones
(This process is called osteoporosis) by 0.3-0.5% per year. Male K
old age is deprived of about 20-30% skeletal masses, women — up to 50%. W
women this process begins earlier and proceeds faster.

bone tissue leads to a weakening of the skeleton and risk ascending
Fractures. Symptoms are absent until the last stage: appearance
pain or deformation of bones, for example, the appearance of the hump. To
prevent bone relaxation, reduction of bone substance and
osteoporosis, you need to take action as soon as possible.

It's believed that
In order to strengthen the bones, you need to consume enough calcium. AND
This is true. But one calcium is absolutely not enough.
Calcium must be complemented by other minerals in order to
The body absorbed it properly.

So, that your bones are strong and healthy, you need the following.

Additional intake calcium

how to start taking calcium in the form of additives, you need to calculate how much
You usually use calcium with food. For this for three days
Record the number of all the dairy products you eaten. Then
you can approximate how much calcium you usually get with
food. If it turns out about 1500 mg per day — Excellent, additional
Reception You do not need.

In 1 cup of milk or kefir — 240 mg calcium.

In 100 g of cottage cheese — 160 mg.

In 100 g of cheese — from 200 to 700 mg.

The optional calcium intake is needed, do not take more than 500 mg
at a better assimilation. And once or two a week do not take
Additional calcium in general. This is also needed for better assimilation.

best digested when accepted with some
acid — for example, ascorbic or lemon, or together with
Equality products. That is why orange-enriched with calcium
the juice — A good way to increase the amount of calcium in its diet.

Power supply, excess proteins, can enhance calcium output from the body.

You love coffee, remember that caffeine is washing out calcium from the body,
so either drink coffee with milk or compensate for coffee increased
Consumption of dairy products. The same effect as coffee by the way,
has a cola because also contains caffeine. But if only
caffeine! In carbonated drinks a lot of phosphates, they displace
Calcium from bones, which leads to loss of bone substance. Among women,
regularly drinking carbonated drinks, the risk of bone fractures increases
Strong bones & mdash; Long youthfive times!


In order to calcium
Magnesium is also needed. Well, if in your daily
Multivitamins contain 250 mg of magnesium. If less, you need to increase
His consumption. Many magnesium is contained in peas, legumes, crude
Rice and Bran, as well as in black bread, soy and oatmeal and nuts.

Vitamin D

D — Another necessary substance for strong bones. Best source
Vitamin D — Natural sunlight. But do not get carried away
Sunny baths. Most people in order to get
A sufficient amount of vitamin D, requires about 10 minutes of stay
in the sun. The darker your skin, the more sun you need.
Vitamin D is also part of most multivitamin complexes.

Physical exercise

Like muscles, the exercises are strengthened, and with a long absence
Loads are atrophy. To nor promised advertising different
Vitamin Mineral Complex, no vitamins and minerals in the world
will not help you find strong bones if you do not get enough
exercise. Even sufficient calcium consumption in passive
Lifestyle does not slow down the natural loss of bone mass. Classes
Sports strengthen the bones, contribute to building calcium in the bones.

Effective in this regard — Moderate strength training: on special
simulators or dumbbells. Also contribute to bone strengthening and
Intensive aerobic loads: Aerobics, walking, running, dancing, walking and
Running on the stairs. Exercises without weight load, such as swimming
or yoga, for bones almost useless.

It was proven in
particular cosmonauts: in conditions of weightless, bone mass is lost
very fast, and only classes with lifting weights and exercises on
Resistance helps astronauts compensate for its loss. IN
study on women in the period of menopause, is proved that
only two 45-minute strength training per week is enough to
Save normal bone density.

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