Changes in the body during starvation


  • What happens to the body when starvation
  • Metabolic processes in the body
  • Gloundoegenesis

  • What happens to the body when starvation

    Changes in the body during starvationWith the light hand of Bragg field about starvation now otherwise, as a miracle and talking about. «And weight loss, and cleansing, and, in addition, the improvement of the body and the soul, all this can give you just fasting, the most ancient method of self-healing the body, given to us by nature itself…» - This is a quote from the flow of improving literature.

    However, those who have already tried the starvation on themselves, noted far from unambiguous results from the use of this miraculous. After reliable weight loss, the weight is not only very quickly returning to initial values, but almost always increases.

    The saddest syndrome expects starving at the stage of the so-called ketoacidosis, when the disgusting smell of acetone comes with a general blue-green color, the head splits from pain, the urine resembles anyone and have other unpleasant symptoms, which are not different in starvation books as Certificate of the resulting cleansing process. «All this dirt - the authors of the medical starvation books persistently repeat - and there are the most slags and toxins that have accumulated in your body, in the bones and fats, and only that waiting for you, when you start complex cleaning with starvation and other Identification methods of the body». In other words, we are trying to convince us that these mythical endless toxins were hiding somewhere in the cattle of our slapped organism before the start of the cleansing starvation.

    Metabolic processes in the body

    Consider what it is happening in our long-suffering organism with long-term full starvation, when there is no food in the body: no proteins, nor fat carbohydrates, but only water in unlimited quantities. Sometimes water does not do if it comes to the so-called dry starvation. This means that the body should for some kind of happiness, limited time to ensure its internal needs for energy sources due to their own internal reserves. Just because to take them anymore nowhere.

    To date, three main substrate are known to maintain current metabolic processes in our body under normal conditions. This is a sugar in the form of glucose, fats in the form of fatty acids and so-called ketone bodies.

    Changes in the body during starvation Some bodies can use all these three types of fuel to ensure their livelihoods. However, for example, nerve cells can only work on glucose, and when it is lack, they die and, as you know, are not restored. That is why some permanent level of blood sugar is always supported by all possible ways. And first of all, our body does not allow lowering the level of glucose in the blood, the state that the doctor is called hypoglycemia (literally: low glucose content in the blood), since, expressing a medical language, it may be incompatible with life.

    In the absence of any food, the level of sugar in the blood decreases noticeably. Cropstically reduce the level of sugar, for example, intramuscular injection of insulin. In case of insulin overdose, the blood sugar level decreases so much so that the patient flows into the hypoglycemic to whom (death-condition), and nerve cells, damaging their main nutrition (blood glucose), die. Accordingly, our body is arranged so that it is the factors that increase blood sugar prevailed.

    The very first and most simple way to increase blood sugar is the immediate satisfaction of an ever-increasing appetite, which, in fact, occurs immediately in response to a decrease in blood glucose level. If you have not managed to eat, the maintenance of blood sugar concentration at a relatively constant level is possible due to the splitting of glycogen (glycogenolysis). At least, as long as the glycogen reserves in the liver and muscles do not run out, which is happening approximately in a day.

    Periods of forced or voluntary breaks in food for a while longer than a day, in fact, it is accepted with starvation for the sake of health. In this situation, the body begins to produce glucose from non-reliable components, launching a process called gluconeogenesis, or new (-No-) education (-Genzes) glucose (gluco-). This is the third, and the last, method of increasing blood glucose levels. This process starts and monitored by hormones of the adrenal cortex glucocorticoids (glucose glucose, Cortico - adrenal bark).


    According to modern scientific ideas, in the human body, at least three types of raw materials for gluconeogenesis.

    • Products of incomplete combustion of the glucose itself (for example, lactate or, in other words, well-known lactic acid athletes), from which you can get glucose again. However, in case of continuous starvation, it is hardly necessary to count on this raw materials.
    • Glucose can be obtained from glycerol included in fats. However, glycerin is only a small part of what is obtained when firing splitting. Basically, various fatty acids, which are already no glucose (at least in humans) do not get different fatty acids.
    • And finally, the raw materials for the production of glucose serve proteins. More precisely, a set of 10 so-called glycogenic amino acids (of which it is possible to obtain glucose). In fact, it is glukegenesis of amino acids that support the level of glucose during starvation, which is fraught with a number of extremely undesirable consequences, which by ignorance or deliberately silent propagandists wonderful starvation.

    So where all these above are taken «Slags and toxins»? The fact is that they exist not before, but appear directly during starvation, as a by-product of unusual organisms of glucose production processes in large quantities of body tissues. And no relation to the pollution of the body do not have.

    From this error, the presentation occurs in the process of long starvation, cells were cleaning from slags. It's a delusion. Human organism never accumulates in cells exchange products, t. E. slags, they immediately go into blood and removed by the cells of the liver or kidney. At the same time, the amazing constancy of the inner environment of the body, responsible for this system of the system have a large margin of safety. As a result, even substantial deviations in nutrition do not lead to noticeable changes in the chemical composition of the cell. So fasting does not purify the body from slags for the simple reason that they do not exist.

    According to modern ideas, starvation is rather a general treatment method aimed at mobilizing the body's protective forces as a result of general stress for the body, which is observed during long starvation. However, not every organism can withstand this stress.

    Even if you think the starvation will bring you more benefit, rather than harm, still do not rush. To begin with, consult your doctor who is treating your chronic diseases (if any). If you are practically healthy, then visit a nutritionist, and better than several (after all, in this case, you can make your own idea about fasting).

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