Immunity - from the cradle and for life


  • A task — Find and neutralize
  • How does the immunity of infants work
  • Insufficiency of immunity
  • To the question of vaccinations
  • Is it possible to stimulate immunity

  • A task — Find and neutralize

    Immunity - a complex system, to work
    which is connected by many organs, can distinguish their cells and their
    Components from the Jike. The target of the immune system is most often becoming
    Microbes and viruses — carriers of alien genetic information that
    invade the inner medium of the body. To save this environment,
    The body must reflect the invasion of infections. And when it comes
    enters immunity, most often meaning precisely the ability
    body struggling with infectious diseases. Them for life
    Man suffer many. As a rule, anti-infectious immunity
    From this becomes stronger. It can be strengthened with various
    techniques, first of all vaccination.

    Immunity & MDash; From the cradle and for life
    However, immunity protects us not only from infections. Sometimes organism
    perceives as enemy agents and completely harmless to the first
    Look, the components of the world: some food,
    The smallest ticks living on the skin, the lunning epithelium of home
    animals, pollen plants. Sometimes the immune system begins with unnecessary
    zeal to protect the inner medium of the body from their penetration. This
    Excessive reaction is called allergies. Its manifestations like
    sneezing, cough, tearing, redness of the skin and itchy, in fact —
    those methods that the body defends himself from «Interventory».

    But the body can perceive as dangerous not only other people, but also
    Your own cells. This applies, in particular, malignant
    Ribbed, genetically modified cells. While the immune system of their
    Recognizes and neutralizes, a person is protected from cancer.
    In addition, immunity is struggling with the cells of the body, genetic
    The structure of which has changed as a result of viruses or some
    other harmful factors.

    Thus, the consequences of the work of the immune system can be
    Two ways: on the one hand, it protects the body from hazards, and with
    another — His inadequate reaction can cause serious deterioration

    The immune system consists of two main components. So
    Called cell immunity — This is the struggle of the cells of the immune system with
    Alien substances. Gumoral immunity — Development of antibodies, or
    immunoglobulins (they are made to divide five classes), which too
    Help to determine alien structures.

    How does the immunity of infants work

    The immunity of the child of the first year of life is different from immunity
    adults significantly smaller maturity. His formation occurs
    Main in the first 12 months. By year, the child has enough
    developed immunity, and a meeting with infections is less dangerous for him.
    The kid is born with antibodies obtained in the mother's womb through
    Placet. These are antibodies of only one, but the most important protection against
    class infections — IgG. Various diseases of a pregnant woman,
    especially accompanied by the pathology of the placenta, can lead to
    The lack of their fetus. In addition, on the number of antibodies
    The newborn is affected by the duration of pregnancy. Transfer
    Antibodies from mother to the fruit occurs in the last trimester
    pregnancy, so kids born far earlier than the term
    28-32 weeks of pregnancy, IGG class protective antibodies
    Low: these children are worse protected from infections.

    The decay of maternal antibodies is happening throughout the first year
    of life, while about 3-6 months already disintegrates them
    part. And, although from the first days after birth, the body begins
    produce antibodies yourself, at first their number
    not enough, and in the first three months of the life of the baby protects exclusively
    Mother antibodies. After 12 months, the child struggles with infections
    Only on their own, which by this time is already sufficient. TO
    The end of the first year is ready for «Defense» and cell immunity.

    One of the peculiarities of the immunity of children of the first months of life is
    Inability to localize, limit infection: any infectious
    The process can «grab» Child's body completely (doctors call
    it is to generalize infection). That is why it is necessary, for example, very
    carefully care for the healing umbilical wound: if not in time
    prescribe medicinal products when it is supposed, a child can
    Develop blood infection.

    It is because of such peculiarities of immunity to children of the first year of life
    Requires special conditions of stay and special care. For breasts
    infectious diseases — it's unwanted and risky. therefore
    Children of the first year of life you need to protect against contact with
    infections. True, this can not always do it because
    a person surrounds a huge number of microorganisms from which
    It is impossible to isolate, for example, the mushrooms of the genus Candida, streptococci,
    Herpes virus. If the kid still got sick, doctors do not rely only
    For the strength of its immunity, and prescribe medication treatment.

    Imperfection of infant immunity is expressed in that
    The immune response may be inadequate, so in children of the first year
    life is often developing allergies, mostly food. And though her
    manifestations are often harmless, some children detected and
    Serious diseases — For example, atopic dermatitis. Patient
    The child usually requires a rigid diet at which you have to
    limit it in many foods. Fortunately, with age,
    in the maturation of immune and other systems, manifestations of dermatitis usually

    An important role in the formation and maintenance of the child's immunity is playing
    breast milk: it contains a significant amount of maternal
    antibodies. True, the antibodies obtained in this way only in
    intestines. They protect the child from intestinal infections well. except
    that, the proteins of the maternal milk are deprived of allergenic properties, so
    Breastfeeding is the prevention of allergic diseases. But
    It practically does not affect the level of antibodies in the blood, so
    respiratory diseases or infections spreading through
    Blood, a child who is on breastfeeding, is sick
    Often, like «Artificial».

    Insufficiency of immunity

    Throughout Millions, nature was selected for subsequent
    reproduction of only those human individuals who possess
    strong immunity. So she created enough powerful genetic
    Barriers preventing the birth of children with severe hereditary
    Defects. Nevertheless, such diseases are known. In different ways
    Classifications them number 40 to 80. The most common I
    The least heavy diseases meet one child of 3-4 thousand,
    And the most rare and heavy — one of 1-2 million.

    Immunity & MDash; From the cradle and for life
    Severe immunodeficiency are caused by violations at the same time in
    Multiple unmamunity links. Their symptoms — uncontrollable
    uncontrollable diarrhea, dry cough. The child's development stops.
    And only with a timely manner, such children can be saved.

    The reason for less severe immunodeficiency can be any
    Violation of cell or humoral immune protection. Most often
    This is the hereditary failure of any class of immunoglobulins.
    It is manifested by various purulent infections, such as bronchitis,
    lesions of the skin, diarrhea, which are difficult to treat and sometimes
    go to chronic shape. Of course, manifestations of heavy immune
    violations about which are in question, differ significantly from those
    nutrition disorders and household infections that are usually in children
    The first year of life. In immunodeficiency, these problems acquire
    A completely different scale.

    However, more often in children there are not heavy cases of immunodeficiency,
    for example, the election failure of immunoglobulin A. It is non-hazard
    immune violation that often does not affect the development and
    Child Health.

    As a doctor, I often meet parents who, reading about
    all sorts of illnesses, begin to put their child diagnoses, including
    including concerning immunity violations. Adequate to estimate the state
    Immunity in such cases can only doctor. Watching the kid by
    For months, the district pediatrician will be sent if necessary
    child for advice to an immunologist. It is important to parents
    understand that children should hurt — This is completely inevitable. And if
    Baby manages B «Registered» deadlines to cope with the disease, then
    Immunity is all right.

    To the question of vaccinations

    Some parents are delayed vaccination, believing that their child is still
    Early making vaccinations — He also has immature immunity: «He will grow up,
    Then do it». This is mistake. First, the immune system of the kid is ready
    Answer the formation of immunity to the introduction of a particular vaccine
    (Vaccine doses and vaccination doses are optimally compliant
    state of the immune system). Secondly, protection against infections is the most
    relevant in the first year of life.

    In different countries, vaccination calendars differ quite slightly,
    Since compiled in accordance with the objective state of immunity
    Breasts. Therefore, I advise parents without a special medical
    Justifications not to get involved in the game with a delay of vaccination under the pretext
    that child «Unrode Immunity».

    It is common that for children with perinatal damage to the central nervous system
    Duration of vaccinations should be shifted due to alleged features
    Immune system. Actually diagnosed «Perinatal defeat of CNS»,
    With the exception of the most difficult forms, it is not a reason for removal
    from vaccinations. On the contrary, such children especially need vaccination,
    Because infectious diseases they tend to flow
    heavier than the rest.

    Is it possible to stimulate immunity

    To strengthen the baby immunity, first of all feeding is necessary
    breast and timely vaccination. Proper nutrition and secrets
    Procedures (Walking in Fresh Air, Hardening, Massage and T.NS.) —
    This is also good: such events have a beneficial effect on the general
    Development of a child, vascular, nervous, hematopoietic and others
    Systems. But, unfortunately, they are not direct influence on immunity

    I want to reassure parents again: Immunity — It is very durable,
    Very steady system — Such a nature made for millions of years
    Evolution. If you compare the strength of the immune and bone system, then
    I, as a clinical immunologist, believe that the first is more durable. Her
    more difficult to break than bones. She does not need drug support,
    After all, nature took care of immunity from the overwhelming
    most children were good.

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