Symptoms and treatment of scabies

Scabies is a skin disease that cause microscopic parasites. A parasite causing an unpleasant itching and rash throughout the body is called a chicken tick or scales. The disease is transmitted through skin contact, as well as through clothing, household appliances, bed, etc.

Description of the disease

Disease, tick, skin parasites, scabies

Accurate information about the epidemiological picture of scabies today does not exist. This disease was the most intense during the war, when scabies hit to thirty percent of the population. There are theories that stals about the wave-like nature of the disease, but such opinions are strongly criticized, because there are no accurate confirmations.

Seasonality is one of the indicators for this disease. That is, scabies meet most often in autumn and winter season. This is due to the active fecundity of ticks from September to December, because the cooler temperature contributes to the survival of more than the ever hatched.

If a person has become infected with scabies, he will notice this not immediately, since the incubation period of the disease ranges from 4-6 weeks. During this time, an infected person can feel itching on a body in certain places, but at night, when the tick is most active due to the cool and wet environment. Due to those «Walking» a parasite to a person is difficult to sleep, sleep becomes sensitive and as a result it can lead to nervous disorders. Many people think that scabies appears due to low human hygiene, but it is not at all. Water and soap for the Chesocci Tick is not a threat, so the number of parasites does not decrease with daily soul or bath.

Symptoms scabies

Scabies can have both epidemic (diseases of many people) and endemic (single person's disease). Very often, scabies can be picked up in organized groups, such as barracks, boarding schools, prisons, hostels, and so on. In institutions where people are together just a few hours a day (for example, schools, kindergartens, labor collectives) scabies do not represent any threat.

As a rule, in most countries scabies are sick children. This is due to the lack of immunity to the causative agent of this disease. If children are in contact with sick scabies, the risk of infection with a tick exists in 99 percent of 100. But in Russia there are more frequent teenagers and take on 25 percent of the country's incidence. In the second place of morbidity there are children of school age, on the third - pre-school, and the fourth place is occupied by mature people. Very often, scabies are found in such an age group as students and less often among schoolchildren and children visiting kindergartens. This is due to the fact that children in different age categories, anti-face immunity develop in different ways, as well as they have completely different sexual activity. In addition, students most of the time spend together than schoolchildren or preschoolers.

Children's symptoms of scabies are always the same: it first appears itching, significantly increasing in the evening, and then a rash appears that, when combing can form a gun. Such a rash appears as a result of the vital activity of a garlic tick, which throughout the night makes moves, in the end of which eggs eggs. If you do not know how scabies looks like and doubt the symptoms of the disease, you can see the photo on the Internet and compare them with your rashes. But it is better, of course, contact a specialist for timely definition and treatment of the disease.

If scabies appears in children in the first half of life, it looks like a gloomy, because it is accompanied by a red rash. Localized rash and basically appears on face, back and buttocks. Not everyone knows how it looks like scabies, so you should not immediately take it for various dermatoses and engage in self-medication. There are cases when scabies in children look like a sharp field, while itching occurs not only on places affected by ticks, but also on remote areas of the skin.


Disease, tick, skin parasites, scabies

Very often, but not in a hundred percent of cases, scabies in adults are accompanied by skin itch. But if it is present, it is more felt in the evening. This is due to the fact that the tick female begins to dig «Shoes», one centimeter. The speed with which «working» The tick is 0.5-5 millimeters per day. The tick is not able to make the effect of the environment, and for penetration into the skin of its victim, it takes a period of time for half an hour. During this time, a number of factors affect the parasite, mainly the temperature, as a result of which the tick female dies. Therefore, if you do not detect this parasitic disease on time, you can only imagine how many eggs tick will be able to postpone in a few nights, and therefore, the symptoms will be very unpleasant, and the treatment will delay for a longer period.

If a person has scabies appeared, then its first signs will be rash, accompanied by easy redness. Already a few days later on the body of the patient, it will be possible to see the scabies, but not always. It happens that scabies proceed without the formation of moves. At the initial stage of the disease, symptoms will be as follows: small pimples will appear on the body, which can be transformed into bubbles in a short period of time - vesicular rash. If this kind of rash is clearly pronounced, it does not mean at all that under the skin of the patient there is a large number of parasites. It is simply due to the fact that a person aggravated an allergic reaction to the livelihoods of scales.

In pregnancy, scabies negatively affects the well-being of a woman. Because in such a state she needs a strong healthy dream, rest and tranquility, and skin itch does not give the opportunity to relax a young mother, as a result of which she does not restore their forces as needed. The fetus at this time does not threaten anything, but during childbirth, the child can get sick from the mother scabies. And usually in such cases, the babies in the baby are taken for the urchinite and, accordingly, the treatment of the disease goes to another channel. In addition, with untimely treatment of scabies in small children, can lead to the development of purulent infection, the treatment of which requires a long time and receiving medication, which may well affect the health of the kid. That is why the prevention of scabies is simply necessary during pregnancy.

Precautions from scabies infection is:

  • avoiding contacts with infected people;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules.

But if still, the pregnant woman appeared scabies, then at the first signs of this disease, it is necessary to apply a special tool that will not harm neither a pregnant woman or the fetus. It is also possible to use and ointment, which doctors prescribe most often. Such an ointment is called sulfur due to a large amount of sulfur in the composition that kills the scales item and disinfects the human skin. There are no contraindications for receiving this drug, so it can be used pregnant. And if scabies have been transferred to the newborn from the mother, then you need to start treatment without slowdown.

In order to deliver the right diagnosis, it is not enough to just watch the photo of scabies in medical benefits or other sources. It is necessary to consult a doctor and pass tests for laboratory research. It is necessary to make thin epidermis sections, which will give the opportunity to reveal not only it is, but also pending eggs. Alkaline solution is also applied to the skin, thereby visible areas of affected skin. Another method for the identification of scales is the coloring of the skin of a tincture of iodine. In this case, the moves will be visible on the body, because they will have a kind of dark brown stripes. Healthy code will have a light brown color. If during laboratory studies, tick moves will be visible, then this is a confirmation that it is scabies that need to be carried out immediately.

There are cases that symptoms of scabies resemble other diseases, and as a result of this, self-medication man extends the life of ticks and contributes to the formation of new adult individuals.

At the initial stages of the disease of the patient, a rash appears in their hands, namely in the interpalse zone, on the brushes and on the inside of the wrist. An infected person can see the manifestation of scabies very soon. Because the disease quickly affects the skin of the elbow, stop, armpits, navel area, belt, buttocks. Signs of scabies in women appear under the breast, and in men on the penis and scrotum. This disease can spread throughout the body, except the scalp and face hair. It is necessary to know that in most cases, scabies are transmitted through direct long-term contact leather-leather. Also illness can be sexually transmitted. And the child may be infected with sick parents if he sleeps with them in one bed. Chesoccal tick contagious at any stage, but most often scabies are transferred to another person with fertilized females, which significantly speeds up the process of disease development.

Cachet treatment

But how to get rid of scabies? Treatment of garlic patients is aimed at the destruction of causative agents of the disease. For this, acaricidal preparations are used - scabs. Such drugs doctors discharge only after all necessary surveys and analyzes. If the patient has no desire to make medicines unknown to him, then you can be treated at home. Treatment It is necessary to start with damp houses at home, as well as shifts of bed linen of an infected family member. The patient's underwear need to be boiled and stroke a hot iron on both sides.

In the treatment of scabies, it is necessary to observe hygiene, so the patient must wash the patient, to remove all the ferments that are on the surface of the skin. In addition, hot water expands the pores, which contributes to the best penetration of drugs into the skin. It should be cut into the nails as short as possible so that the ointment can fall under them, because when combing places infected with ticks, eggs are clogged under the nails and further spread throughout the body. The scabies are treated only by external means, the most effective of which are sulfur ointment or ointment of Wilkinson, which contains the deadline. It is necessary to climb within five days in the evenings, paying special attention to places of cluster of the greatest amount of ticks (elbows, fingers, belly). After all procedures and recovery, you need to take a shower and change the bed.

There are other drugs from this disease, but these are precisely these ointments. Although they have an unpleasant smell, and also leave footprints on clothes, but effective and not expensive, unlike other imports. True, such funds are contraindicated for children, as well as for people with sensitive skin. Ointment can irritate mucous membranes. Therefore, in such cases, more expensive drugs should be purchased.

If patients with scabies live in one room, then the treatment must be carried out simultaneously with all infected gabble ticks. Of course, the one who completely cured of scabies cannot infect her again immediately from another patient, but the treatment of all one will be longer and inconvenient. For patients with scabies require ten-day quarantine. After the course of treatment, you need to see a doctor again.

Folk remedies from scabies

Disease, tick, skin parasites, scabies

Treatment of scabies by folk remedies can be held at home. To do this, cook ointment, according to the composition of Vilkinson's ointment. To make her cooking, you need to take two teaspoons of sulfur, one spoonful of the tar, as well as a tablespoon of fat and a spoonful of household soap. All this needs to be thoroughly mixed and apply to the pure and dry body of the patient. Carry out such treatment you need from three to five days.

In addition to ointments, other treatments can be used, for example:

  • a decoction from a kilogram of barley, which should be poured during scabies;
  • a mixture of 500 grams of technical alcohol and 50 grams of salicylic acid, which is needed in the morning and in the evening to lubricate the body;
  • For the prevention of scabies for rubbing the body use a saline, which is not washed after drying.

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