Polyposis of the nose - a presets of which is not so easy to get rid of. But there is still a yield. And it is very necessary that this exit - surgical intervention. This article talks about the non-operational treatment of the nose polyps.
Vicious circle

Sometimes doctors mistakenly take nose polyposes for acute or chronic sinusitis, especially after X-ray study of the apparent sinus. Nevertheless, when the polyps appear already in the nasal cavity, the diagnosis is no doubt. Approximately 1/3 patients, polyps are accompanied by bronchial asthma and intolerance of aspirin, analgin, diclofenac and other painkillers and antipyretic drugs.
Official medicine offers only one method of treating polyps - surgical. Until recently, the polyps were removed only with the hinge. Such an operation required regular repetitions every 6-12 months due to constant relapses and reproduction of polyps until the previous sizes.
In addition, in patients with bronchial asthma, such an operation often led to the attack of bronchial asthma or even the formation of asthmatic status (a whole series of seizures that practically impossible to stop). It is because of this that the removal of polyps is currently being carried out only in the hospital.
Despite the development of a number of methods for removing polyps in the last 10 years, the period between the recurrences of the disease remains almost unchanged for each particular patient regardless of the method of surgical treatment of the disease. All this leads to the failure of patients from continuing treatment.
The fact is that the polyps are formed under the influence of a number of factors, some of which means of modern medicine to eliminate almost impossible. In addition to well-known allergies and violations of the hormonal background, such patients have genetic disorders that lead to an infallible synthesis of protein compounds, of which the base of the mucous membrane of the nose. As a result, the mucous membrane begins to sag, and special cells begin to gather in this place, of which the polyp is. The growth of polyps to the sizes when they fall out of the sinuses in the nasal cavity due to the fact that due to the other genetic disorder in the polyp cells, the gene is blocked for the programmed cell death. That is, these cells are simply immortal.
Thus, when after removal of polyps, the mucous membrane is restored, it is again restored in the same form, and polyps are again beginning to be formed from it.
The emergence of information on the laws of the development of polyps forced doctors to prescribe with polypose hormones, in particular prednisone. It suppresses cell division and makes somewhat difficult to engage the mucous membranes, which leads to gradual destruction of polyps. This method was called «Medical polypotomy», which became the method of choice in patients with bronchial asthma. However, to obtain a significant result, the patient needs to take up to 40 mg of prednisone per day (and this is a huge dose) for a long time. This leads to the development of a number of undesirable effects, of which the gastric ulcer, the decrease in immunity and an increase in body weight - far from the most unpleasant.
There is a variant of drug polypotomy, in which the drug substance is introduced directly into the polyp, and not absorbed from it into the bloodstream. Thus, it is possible to get rid of the patient from polyps and completely avoid side effects. The injected drug for each patient is selected individually, depending on the effect produced by him.
As a rule, after one or two injections with an interval in one or two weeks, the polyp is dying and easily removed during normal high-speed. The danger of a weight gain is due to the fact that when restoring the nasal respiration and the return of sense of smell in patients, the appetite is dramatically improved. With the right course of treatment, the polyps disappear completely within one or two months, and the relapse may not occur months, and years later.
In order to prevent the recurrence of the disease, patients are offered a course of treatment of homeopathy. It fails to completely avoid recurrence, but the intercreed period is significantly extended. In the event of a relapse, the effect of treatment against the background of the use of homeopathy comes three or four times faster.
In patients suffering from polyps, bronchial asthma, additionally hold a course of needleflexotherapy. In cases where the patient prefers with traditional treatment, it is recommended to regularly observe a otorinolaryngologist with a view to timely detection of relapse. In this case, the growth of polyps can be fully monitored and for how many long time to maintain free nose breathing in patients.