Immune system: Circular body defense


  • Phagocytes won any aggressor
  • The immune system must be training
  • Soft stimuli mobilize protective forces
  • Why children can be sick more often?
  • Hardening barefoot walking

  • Sometimes diseases roll one after another. At first
    Weekly lasts the opposite cold - the head of stupid, the eyes will be watched,
    Paper handkerchiefs are spent three packs per day. Then run-nose
    and cough disappear, but begins to hurt. The doctor prescribes
    medications, it becomes easier, but in a couple of days - a new attack. Now
    rebelled stomach. Verdict: Bed regime, from food - crackers and
    tea. And then there is a husty question: «Why am I constantly sick? well
    why all these viruses are lipped to me?».

    Every person, and in children more often than adults, there are periods,
    When he is especially susceptible to diseases, he feels bad on
    weeks, and then months when his own organism is like
    would leave him for a mercy of fate.

    Phagocytes won any aggressor

    Our body has a complex system of protective mechanisms,
    saving us from bacteria and viruses. Healthy person first help
    When attacking external mucosal shells have - for example, in the nose,
    In the throat and cavity of the pharynx or in the field of genitals. They are populated
    microorganisms that destroy disease pathogens.

    If this microflora is broken and in it, for example, under the influence
    medicines or injuries appeared bare, we become more receptive to
    Diseases: The causative agent may penetrate our body.
    However, it drives the second - internal - protective
    mechanism. The multistage protective mechanism has a rather complicated
    Principle of operation: if any virus overcame the barrier from the mucous
    shell, it is encountered in our body on the so-called
    Eaters cells, or phagocytes. These cells are absorbed

    «enemy» and
    decompose it to composite parts. Pathogen particles are glued to
    Phagocyte surfaces forming a specific pattern. Another group of cells,
    lymphocytes, «reads» It is developing the necessary strategy
    protection. Only after this chain reaction in which various
    Cells, the formation of antibodies (immunoglobulins) begins. Although these
    Antibodies can not always prevent acute disease, they
    Care about «Limit damage» and about the next attack
    The pathogen could no longer harm us.

    Immune system: Circular body defense
    It happens that this complex protective mechanism on some kind of plot
    Lects: In the microflora on the mucous membranes there are bars or
    The antibody program is suddenly starting to function,
    As it should, because, for example, lymphocytes are incorrectly read
    sample from the surface of phagocytes.

    Immune system disorders may be congenital. However, often
    We are talking about transient regulation disorders. There is a lot of external
    factors that are able to prevent the work of the immune system. If they are
    immediately a few, it can weaken the person so much that viruses and
    Bacteria get the opportunity to easily cope with it. Therefore, everyone
    who can have more than four or five infectious diseases per year, and
    Every time you have to deal with them more than three weeks, it is necessary
    Check the immune system.

    As for children, you should begin to worry if they happen more than eight infectious diseases per year.

    In the course of the examination it is necessary to exclude the main chronic diseases,
    For example, chronic bronchitis or diabetes. In addition, you need to do
    blood test to check the concentration of immunoglobulins (that is
    antibodies). With too much the number of antibodies is possible treatment
    Immunoglobulin. However, since the cause of the disorder can
    be rooted in any other sphere of the protective system, it is important for a doctor
    Before starting treatment, get information about the living conditions of the patient.

    One of the possible causes of frequent diseases may be stress, since
    It is assumed that nervous are actively involved in protective processes
    Cells. Constant voltage or lack of sleep also increase
    Susceptibility to infections.

    Destroy protection and some drugs. It is known that
    Antibiotics can disrupt the microflora of mucous membranes. And Cortizon
    Created to block phagocytes. Treatment of infectious diseases such
    Medications sometimes cause a destructive spiral spiral of negative
    Consequences. It is also impossible to underestimate the risk of irradiation
    ultraviolet rays. Someone who often lies in the sun,
    need to know what he risks. Viruses that are in the body, but
    do not manifest themselves, may unexpectedly activate.

    The immune system must be training

    Of course, the history of illness is also important. There are viruses that can
    Call a resistant immune system disorder, suppressing the function
    Protective cells. This applies, in particular, to the Epstain Barra virus
    (infection mononucleosis virus). True, through such a viral
    infection takes place throughout their life about 90% of all people, and
    most of it proceeds without complications.

    Immune system: Circular body defense
    It is often very difficult to recognize what cause is the weakness of immune
    protection. Many after some time recover without any treatment.
    Nevertheless, some measures that accelerate can be taken
    Recovery and protecting from the next occurrence.

    First of all, it is worth trying vegetation treatment
    Extracts immunostimulators. They stimulate protective education
    cells and do not have, with the exception of rare cases, side effects.
    The drugs containing the components of Echinacea are especially well investigated.
    They can be treated and children, but in this case the drug should not
    Contain alcohol. In any case, you should consult a doctor
    As for dosage. You can also try to strengthen the protective forces
    organism using classic homeopathic agents. With such
    Trees are used tiny doses of the active substances of plant,
    animal or mineral origin. Treatment and dose appoints

    Another measure: Check your food. Someone who often sicks
    watch, first of all, so that food is rich in vitamins and
    mineral substances, that is, include more raw vegetables in the diet
    and fruits, as well as products from all-grained grain. Especially important
    Vitamins E and C, Beta-Carotene and Selenium. In periods of special persistence
    Diseases can additionally take vitamin preparations.

    Vitamins and trace elements bind free radicals that
    arise in the body with inflammation, irradiation of sunny or
    X-rays, as well as under the influence of nicotine and toxins from
    ambient. Unrelated free radicals damage healthy
    Fabric, facilitating viruses and bacteria penetration into the body.

    Soft stimuli mobilize protective forces

    It is also worth trying (for adults only) Autohemotherapy:
    Blood is taken from Vienna on hand and then introduced into another part of the body -
    The body originally reacts to blood, as a foreign body, and
    Includes protective mechanisms. Such therapy can help primarily,
    With temporary weakness of the immune system. However, it should be carried out
    certainly an experienced doctor because side effects are not excluded.

    Mobilize metabolism and thereby improve autogenous protection
    You can also with the help of sports, visits to the sauna, brush massage and
    Dumptures by the method of Kneippa. It should be remembered: to achieve a positive
    The effect is manifested only in case of regular classes.

    Why children can be sick more often?

    The construction of the immune system occurs mainly in the first
    Ten years of life. At birth, the baby has only «borrowed immunity»: protective substances that fell into it
    organism through the blood of the mother. With this passive protection, it can
    Call with the first infections and produce your own antibodies. BUT
    This means: in the children's years infection is not only a normal phenomenon, but
    Even useful.

    It is necessary to speak, to train a protective system. With each
    The antibody set is increased by the suffering, protection is increasing
    In case of future ailments. Very good help in this regard
    is breastfeeding, because maternal milk stimulates
    Developing a specific antibody group.

    To the morning hygienic gymnastics it is useful to add massage
    front and side surface of the neck. To master it does not represent
    Large: Hands Stay behind the head and palms start slow
    stroking the neck from top to bottom, slightly pressed on the skin and muscle;
    movements must be finished at the level of the axillary depression; breathe exactly -
    through nose. Repeat movement 20-30 times.

    Hardening barefoot walking

    Like all kinds of physical workout, hardening walking barefoot
    must be gradual and systematic. Start best with
    walking in a warm room on carpet or rug, then - on wooden
    semi. For classes, it is very good to use special rubber
    Rumps with thickening rods. Every morning with my child you
    You can start charging from a walk barefoot on this rug. Later,
    Using a rug, you can go to the running on the spot and jump. Everyday
    You can massage the stops with a rolling pin or a round stick - a child
    rolls them with soles for several minutes a day.

    However, all this will in no way replace the joy of walking barefoot
    Earth and grass. Useful to combine this type of hardening with daily
    Foot baths, sequentially reducing the water temperature.

    Studies have shown that different types of soil cause various
    Reaction of nervous centers. Hot sand and asphalt, sharp stones and slag,
    cones or coniferous needles act like strong stimuli. And warm
    sand, soft grass, road dust, indoor carpet act

    Given this circumstance, we advise if there is such an opportunity,
    After warm sand, go to the grass, then suffer tingling
    freshly stunned stones and complete the walk on the earthy path and
    Soft road dust.

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