Treatment of urethritis in women

Ureretrite is an inflammatory disease that attacks the urinary human system most often. Among men of ill, as a rule, more, but the risk of getting urethritis woman is also very high. Inflammation, covering the urethra, brings a lot of unpleasant sensations.

The disease in itself does not pass and in the absence of treatment acquires a chronic form. Sometimes the disease is launched, it's over with cystitis. In pathologies, different symptoms: when cystitis, a woman experiences pain in the process of urination from beginning to end, while diskcomporting with urethritis is only felt at the time of urinary selection from the urethra, that is, at the beginning of urination. However, these diseases often appear and proceed at the same time.

Causes of inflammation

Inflammation, female diseases, bladder, urinary system, urethritis

In women, urethritis may appear for several reasons:

  1. Acute and chronic genital diseases.
  2. General and local supercooling, as a result of which the active reproduction of conditionally pathogenic bacteria reaches the epithelium covering urethra.
  3. Diseases that are transmitted from man to person sexually.
  4. Stress.
  5. Mechanical injuries of the urethra, which a woman can get during gynecological procedures or as a result of the yield of kidney stones.
  6. Eranny food. Sharp, salty, bitter, and fatty foods that are regularly consumed in food may cause inflammation.
  7. Reducing the overall and local immunity, in particular the weakening of the protective qualities of the mucous membranes.
  8. First sexy contact. In the vagina, the girls penetrate the representatives of someone else's microflora, on the appearance of which the body can answer the inflammatory response.

Signs of the disease in women

Inflammation, female diseases, bladder, urinary system, urethritis

Therapy of urethritis complex, and its basis is the antibacterial drugs (amoxicillin, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, etc.). Reduce the manifestation of acute urethritis symptoms using warm baths. For their cooking, potassium permanganate, daisy and marigold flowers, ledge grass. This simple procedure is effectively fighting inflammation and stimulates local immunity to early recovery. You can also speed up the process of restoration of the urethra mucosa with warming compresses, anti-inflammatory tampons, mud treatment, electrophoresis on the pubic zone.

Treatment with antibiotics Most often not enough. To secure the result, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines (Suprastin, Erius), which also possess the ability to patient «stew» Inflammatory reaction.

And, of course, not to do without a woman without tall drugs - complex vitamin preparations and immunomodulators (ribominyl, cycloferon). During treatment, the patient needs to stick to a dairy diet with abundant drink, completely abandon alcohol, sharp, pickled and smoked dishes. At this time, it is better to temper your sex life.

For the treatment of urethritis in chronic form also use antibiotics - gentamicin and leftomycetin. Diuretic drugs can be appointed in addition to the patient to purify the urethra. The duration of treatment of acute urethritis is about 2 weeks, and the elimination of chronic form of the disease can stretch for several months. The earlier a woman appeal with his problem to the doctor, the earlier the first positive results will be achieved.

Popular medicine and treatment of urethritis

Inflammation, female diseases, bladder, urinary system, urethritis

There are many herbal fees that will help cure the inflammation of the urethra. Our site offers you to familiarize yourself with several of them.

  1. Mix at 1 h. L. Nuts of the dwarm, the roots of AIRA, peppermint. Add to this mixture of 1 st. L. Flowers of elderberry, juniper fruits, horsetail of wild, lime flowers, rose hips. Measure 2 st. L. The resulting collection and pour raw materials 450 ml of boiling water, insist the means for 20 minutes. When the required time will expire, strain the solution. Take the breakfast and dinner on 1 cup.
  2. To prepare this herbal collection you will need: Mint Peppermn, the grass of the Hypericum, the leaves of black currant, the fruits of rosehip, the shoots of the Tui 3 st. L. Brusarial leaves, corn stiggers, field of field 4 st. L. Parsley, sometimes creeping at 5 st. L. All ingredients mix, separate from the collection of 5 st. l raw materials and pour 1 l boiling water, insist 2 hours. The fluid solution needs to be served in small portions during the day.
  3. This herbal collection consists of a variety of ingredients. First, prepare the mixture of the roots of Aira Bolotnaya, the root of the tangutsky, peppermint leaves and the yarrow grass (all 2 st. L.). You will also need 3 st. L. Flax seeds, holter grass, hop cones. Then add to the total collection of 4 st. L. Grass Burda ivyovoid and licorice roots, 5 st. L. Fruits of grable and leaf strawberries. Take 6 Article. L. prepared collection, fill with hot water and leave for 2 hours in a dark place. Profile remedy Drink for 1 day.

Prevention of inflammation of urethra in women

Inflammation, female diseases, bladder, urinary system, urethritis

To stay healthy, it is important to adhere to just a few simple rules:

  • acquire a permanent sexual partner;
  • During random sexual communications, it is necessary to use barrier methods of contraception to protect themselves from the STD;
  • to refuse from bad habits. Alcohol and cigarettes only undermine the body's resistance to various diseases;
  • always be warm, avoid supercooling. Do not go to the beach without a second swimsuit. In the cold season, do not sit on the cold surfaces;
  • Diverse eat. Refuse acute, fatty, salted;
  • Diversify your drinking diet with fresh juices and decoction of rose hips. These drinks serve beautiful «Brush» for the urethra;
  • refer with caution to prolonged protein diets;
  • Do not forget about the preventive inspections of the gynecologist 1 time in six months;
  • not nervous, avoid stress, more rest.

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