Hardwriter: Acute and chronic


  • Hives
  • Acute and chronic form of urticaria

  • Hives

    The urticaria received the name of the famous burning plant not
    accidentally. This is an allergic reaction, symptoms that serve as skin inflammation
    in the form of blisters with pronounced itch.

    Urticaria usually amazes only the skin, less often - mucous
    Shell. Blisters with bloodstands have the kind of specks towering over the skin,
    Pinkish red or white. After some time these formations
    begin to merge among themselves, forming bizarre forms. At large foci
    Defeats may arise disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, chills,
    temperature increase. Hold on the skin of inflammation not long - disappear without a trace
    in 2-3 hours.

    Hardwriter: Acute and chronic
    Urticaria is one of the types of allergic reaction
    organism. Due to increasing the permeability of vascular walls that are caused
    The impact of a certain kind of substances, characteristic skin swelling occurs.
    Cause a similar reaction substance made on the skin from outside, for example, bites
    insects), or it is a consequence of other factors - chemical,
    Physical impact. Often, the urban is connected in diseases of the internal
    organs: liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, function impairment
    thyroid gland. Rash too
    arise due to violation of exchange
    substances, chronic infectious diseases, such as, for example, inflammation
    appendages (adnexitis).

    Often doctors face precisely with food intolerance
    Certain products - seafood, citrus, chocolate, berries. Hives
    less often occurs when physically contact with any substance - wool, fur,
    When inhalation of household dust, flower pollen. Distinguish cold and thermal
    Hermitage, for example, from the effects of hot or cold water, exit
    warm room on the cold street. Solar Uppivnica - body reaction
    On the sunlight, which more often occurs in women with impaired function
    liver. From solar urticaria suffer from open parts of the body, and happens
    it's spring-summer. Often talk about the so-called nervous urban,
    accompanied by a strong itch when nervous excitement, stress, man
    It begins to hide, heavily traumating the skin.

    Hard shape of urticissal - swelling of quinque. Skin swelling is enough
    big, captures mucous membranes, striking lips, larynx, eyelids,
    It becomes difficult to breathe, the edema of the throat may arise.

    Acute and chronic form of urticaria

    Urticaria can flow as in acute shape, and flow
    in chronic. Acute urticaria manifested by rashes on a small plot
    Body, usually, not exciting mucous membranes. Blisters and itching can disappear into
    during the day without leaving traces. Chronic urticaria can torment from
    several weeks to several months. It occurs periodically, maybe
    caused with repeated attacks even the most slightest impact on the body. Chronic
    Call the flashes of urticaria, ongoing more than 6 months. Tormenting itch
    Even with the urban of food origin leads to excessive nervous
    exciting, constant discomfort, insomnia.

    When such signs appear, it is necessary to establish
    the cause that caused the urticarily to further eliminate contact with the possible
    Allergen. Causes of chronic urticaria do not always manage to install. Often
    It happens that rashes arise due to the reception of certain substances,
    food, but even with the termination of their reception not always signs
    Urticaries disappear. Stress, tension can stimulate the disease and interfere with full recovery.

    Acute urticaria is usually well eliminated with
    Use of laxatives, calcium gluconate, antihistamine
    drugs. For the disease due to
    nervous disorders are shown sedatives, compliance with diet with
    The exception of possible factors for activating urticaria. In all cases you can
    Use externally anti ointment, creams.

    New word in the treatment of urticaria - autolymphocytotherapy. This
    The method of treatment involves six-time under the skin of immune cells,
    which are distinguished from the patient's blood. Outolymphocytotherapy with allergic
    Horpivnica gives 98% effect.

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