The fact that in Russia the fact and the case are recorded cases of poisoning edible mushrooms, it becomes already a tendency. And the hardest disease developing as a result of such poisoning - polyneuropathy - very often leads to fatal outcomes. Why is this happening? Answer you will find in this article.

«White» Mushrooms brought home the head of the family, a trucker driver who collected them in the Voronezh region. This Russian region has long been leading in terms of mushroom poisoning. Over the past 5 years in the Voronezh region, 128 people died from poisoning mushrooms. The most terrible was 1992, when more than 400 mushrooms were in the hospital, 44 of which died, and 1999, when 28 people were killed from 357 pointers.
Local specialists disagree in opinions about why their area became such «abnormal». Some of them believe that the problem is purely statistical. In the region, by virtue of its geographical position, a huge number of different fungi is growing: about 500 species. Among them - over 90 species of poisonous and inedible. Consequently, and mistaken mushrooms more often.
Another version seems more realistic - besides, it explains why people are engaged in those mushrooms that were always considered edible. Mushrooms and Mycelium (Mushrooms) As a sponge absorb all harmful substances and salts of heavy metals, going in the ground. So even the ordinary oilbox, collected from the chemical plant, is able to send a mushroom to that light. In the Voronezh region there are enough factories and factories that throw harmful substances into the atmosphere. Then all this chemistry with rain returns to the ground and accumulates in mushrooms.
And by the way, for this, mushrooms are completely optional to mutate. «No fungi mutants, which speak in recent years, does not exist!», - It believes the chief sanitary doctor of the Voronezh region Mikhail Chubirko.
How edible mushrooms can cause polyneuropathy
Ukrainian doctors who have tried to find the causes of mushroom poisoning in the Nikolaev region, also concluded that mutations of mushrooms have nothing to do with. In his article «Features of the diagnosis and treatment of polyneuropathy caused by poisoning mushrooms» The authors indicate that by 2002 in the Nikolaev region about 200 people got sick of severe polyneuropathy, which arose after admission to food edible mushrooms: Ryzhikov and chanterelles.
Polynereropathy, developed as a result of poisoning mushrooms, begins with pains and legs. In progression of the disease, swelling, atrophic skin changes and other symptoms appear. The appetite is reduced, a dream is disturbed, severe neurotic is developed. Since most medical workers are not aware of the possibility of the development of polyneuropathies in connection with the meal of mushrooms, the first cases of the disease were associated with influenza, nervous or physical overvoltage, osteochondrosis and other reasons. Patients were treated by doctors of various specialties, which delayed the beginning of rational therapy.
Mushrooms that brought to Polyneropathy were collected, as a rule, experienced mushrooms, who were repeatedly used in food similar mushrooms without any consequences.
It also found out that methods of culinary processing of mushrooms do not affect the development of polyneuropathy. Mysterious poison remains: thermostable, not destroyed during cooking, frying, drying and marination. Storage of dried and canned mushrooms does not reduce the likelihood of poisoning. When boiling, the poison may accumulate with steam: researchers observed poisoning with pairs, inhaled cooks from the boiler during the preparation of mushrooms. Polyneropathy disease has been registered in natural feeding.
Focusing on the places of collection of mushrooms (forest belts, near the fields with grain crops and sunflower), as well as on the fact that when eating identical fungi in the spring, the poisoning time is extremely rare, the researchers suggested that the substance causing poisoning may be one of poisons used to combat rodents. Received the mouse poison migrate to the forest belts and abandoned gardens located near the fields, where and dying. The products of their decomposition in the complex with the pesticides absorb mushrooms. The most likely poison causing polyneuropathy, called zinc phosphide.
According to Ukrainian doctors, the methods of sanitary and educational work using the media do not solve the problem. You can, of course, agitate the population for buying mushrooms only in stores. However, among the diseases, faces with low income prevail, and their tradition of consumption «free» Wild mushrooms can change only under the condition of improving the welfare of the population. If anything can reduce the number of cases - this is so streamlining the implementation and use of pesticides.