Acute respiratory infections are an important social problem. Influenza and ORVI are constant satellites of the autumn-winter period. Viruses fall into our body through the oral mucosa and nose, which is why the cavity of the nose and the throat must have powerful defense systems. Need to start to be treated - while the virus can still be «stop».

The main factors of protection are a mucus, which is rich in protective substances, such as lysozyme and secretory immunoglobulin. But if nevertheless, some pathogen can get through all the protective mechanisms, then it settles on the cells of the mucosa of the throat and begins to destroy them, highlighting toxins. The penetration of the virus occurs through the nasophack mucous membrane, so the disease often begins with throat pain and / or nose. And then there is a chance to get the temperature, cough, and complications in the form of angina or joint problems.
First of all, at the first manifestations of colds, you need to remember the medicines acting directly to the cause of the disease - the virus. In addition, the drug must have an immunomodulatory action, that is, in therapeutic doses to restore the functions of the immune system. Immunostimulant immunostimulators should not be confused, the second enhance the immune response, which can lead to immunity depletion. And most importantly need to start to be treated - while the virus is still possible «stop».
The best way to help your own immune system to suppress the virus as soon as it appeared, penetrated into the body. This can be done using immunomodulators. Preparations of this group are strengthened by immunity and help him destroy not only viruses, but also allocated toxins. And the most basic drug must be effective and safe.
If you are sick orz or influenza, symptomatic therapy will help you: antipyretic, remedy for sore throat and drops in the nose. If you are engaged in self-medication and within three days you do not feel improvements - consult a doctor.
Viral infections can contribute to the development of such complications as: bronchitis and pneumonia, and in children ARS may complicate otitis (inflammation of the middle or outdoor ear), which is very hard for the child. That is why, it is necessary to begin treatment at the first symptoms. This will allow you to bring your own immune system into a state of high availability when it is actively protected from any infection. These drugs include hexalysis, developed by French pharmacologists of the company BUSHAR Laboratory. The drug is produced in the form of tablets for resorption and has a pleasant lemon flavor.
Hexalysis acts simultaneously to all the causes of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the throat and oral cavity: viruses and bacteria due to its composition of the active component of the Biclothimol, in addition, biclimol has anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect. In addition to Biclotimol, the composition of hexalym includes Lizozyme and Enancolone. Lizozyme – This is a natural body protection factor. This natural enzyme is in saliva, tears, in the gastrointestinal mucosa and in breast milk. Lysozyme also destroys the microbial cell, suppresses the growth of bacteria, destroys viruses and reduces the level of inflammation¹. Third component of Enanoxolone – It has an antiviral effect, prevents the further penetration of viruses into the body and stimulates the natural protective mechanism of the mucous. With the help of the drug hexalysis, you can prevent the risk of developing the ARZ and its complications. Comprehensive effect The drug hexalysis provides not only effective struggle with infection and inflammation in the throat and oral cavity, but also has proven local immunomodulatory and controversial effects².
The drug is allowed to use in adults and children over 6 years. It is enough to dissolve on one tablet «Hexalysis» Every 4 hours, children since 6 years old, and an adult dose of the drug should be increased to one tablet every 2 hours a day to get rid of viruses and inflammation.
one. «Evaluation of the effectiveness of local therapy of sharp pharyngitis in children containing biclimol» YU.L. Soldier, E.TO. Onufriev, Y.IN. Strygin, N.IN. Schupin, S.F. Gasparyan. Pediatric Pharmacology – 2007. 4 - №3 – p. 80-83
2. «Evaluation of the effectiveness of the preparation of hexalysis in the treatment of acute pharyngitis» Arefieva N. BUT., Vaseyeva A. BUT., Azkabaeva L. F. Materials of the XVIII Congress of Otorinolaryngols of Russia 2011
ATTENTION: There are contraindications! Before use, carefully read the instructions.
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