Correct breathing during childbirth

Hardly any of us thought about how we breathe. But since ancient times, people were interested in breathing, studied special techniques and techniques. Thanks to them, a person can relax and calm down or, on the contrary, concentrate. Whatever it was, but all these exercises are reduced to managing their own breath.

Such techniques are very useful for the human body, and especially for pregnant women. Another Hippocrat conducted training how it is necessary to breathe correctly to reduce pain when the child's birth.

Our site will tell you how with the help of special exercises and techniques can be eased.

Why pregnant women are so important to learn to breathe?

Breathing, breathing during childbirth, respiratory gymnastics, preparation for childbirth, correct delivery, childbirth, contractions

It is known that women prepared for childbirth are much easier and calmly tolerate the fights, give birth almost without breaks, and generic injuries in children are much less. In many ways, such results can be achieved due to proper breathing in childbirth. This is especially important in the first birth when a woman gives birth to much longer than when repeated. The long process of birth negatively affects the child: he may suffer from Hypoxia, that is the lack of oxygen. When the muscles of the uterus squeeze the blood vessels, which affects blood circulation. Therefore, the child does not get in sufficient oxygen. First of all, the toddler's brain suffers, and in most cases after long genera, newborns suffer from perinatal brain lesions.

Only in order to ensure that the child does not suffer during birth, the future mother is just obliged to master the various ways of breathing.

It is better to learn this before the start of childbirth to hone the equipment to perfection and perform exercises automatically.

It is worth noting that all pregnant women breathe peculiar. The reason for this is the changes in its body: the uterus, which is constantly growing, displays all adjacent organs up, which is why the diaphragm movement becomes difficult. At the same time, the lungs are reduced in volume, and more and more oxygen needed to grow a growing kid every month. Therefore, breathing training will help the body much faster to relieve in its new state.

The advantages of breathing exercises

Breathing, breathing during childbirth, respiratory gymnastics, preparation for childbirth, correct delivery, childbirth, contractions

Next stage - Learning full breathing technique. It is similar to the abdominal: the maximum exhale is also made, but then with inhale raise your hands, which lie under the ribs, then the clavicle and the upper ribs, and the ventilation and filling the lights of the lungs occurs.

Exhalation takes place in reverse order. Then - a small pause. You let go of the front abdominal wall. After that - a new breath.

Breathing is carried out nose. Do not forget about a clear sequence of actions.

Such a breathing technique needs to perform about a dozen times a day, the more, the better. Having mastered the fully at rest, go to the execution of such an exercise in motion. Now it will be called dynamic.

When you master the technique of complete breathing, you can proceed to the development of the types of breathing, which you will be needed directly during childbirth.

At the initial stage you need a slow breathing technique - such breath will help you keep calm, do not panic and gaining strength. When the fights become very painful, the surface type of breathing will help, which is a kind of pain relief. During the second period of childbirth, when the child moves to the generic paths, the correct breath will give the opportunity to a woman not to sleep ahead of time. But first things first…

Slow breathing

Breathing, breathing during childbirth, respiratory gymnastics, preparation for childbirth, correct delivery, childbirth, contractions

At the initial stage of childbirth, women are rare and are not so painful. Therefore, during this period it is important to rest more and not worry, save forces.

Ask any athlete how to breathe in order to save power? Everyone will say that for respiratory efficiency, the exhalation must be twice as long in the breath. Preferably to make a little break after him. At this moment, carbon dioxide accumulates in the blood. It will remove excessive excitement from a woman.

Breathing frequency every woman is different. You can count how many breaths and exhalations you do in a minute with a pulse. Calculate the number of heart blows that fall to breathe and exhale. Usually this proportion is 1: 1. We need to achieve a proportion of 1: 2.

You need to train such breathing for about a week, then it will become familiar to you and will not cause discomfort. And in the second period of childbirth, when the baby will go out, you can easily follow the recommendations of the midwife.

Breath «dog»

When the contractions become more frequent, the woman needs surface breathing through the mouth. It greatly facilitates the fights and suffering.

  1. Start breathing mouth. It can be done with your nose, but the mouth should still be opened.
  2. Because of the frequent breathing in the body begins overabundance of oxygen, and with it some drowsiness and dizziness. In this case, the woman's body becomes relaxed.
  3. You can train after the twentieth week several times a day. Duration - about a minute.

Breath «Lips in the tube»

Breathing, breathing during childbirth, respiratory gymnastics, preparation for childbirth, correct delivery, childbirth, contractions

Such breathing was specifically designed to facilitate the state of the woman in labor at the time when the head of the child is lowered and is not allowed to sleep. Many women begin to scream. It is clear that this is the most painful stage. But this behavior of a woman not only will not facilitate pain, but go to harm the child.

Therefore, you need to try to distract:

  1. Once the fight begins, use a slow type of breathing.
  2. When breathing becomes frequent, surface breaths need to finish a strong exhalation or lean through the lips elongated into the tube.
  3. Constantly consider. One, two, three - exhalation, one, two, three - inhale. This will help distract you from pain.

    If you do not care from screams, try to continue to continue. Do not forget about the slow breath when there are no bouts. Breathe calmly and slowly, prepare forces for the following battles. This time try to do everything without a scream. Let you inspire the fact that this period of childbirth is the most dismountain.

Huge importance experts are vacated in breaks between fights. At this time you need to try to completely relax. And native if they are present during childbirth, try to distract a woman. There are cases when the fever fell asleep in the intervals between the fights.

Let's sum up

When you learn how to perform all breathing exercises, consolidate them daily in practice. This will help you relative and loved ones. If you work out this scheme, be sure - during childbirth, you can cope with emotions and automatically perform everything you need.

It may seem that all exercises are quite complex. Of course, the technique of their execution requires training. But if the price of the question is a favorable resolution of childbirth and your baby's health, then the right breathing technique is necessary to master. After all, this real assistance to a woman and her child. Health and good luck to you!

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