Kidney hold a shot


  • Species, causes and symptoms of kidney injuries
  • Diagnosis and treatment of kidney injuries
  • Open kidney injuries: «Death delay like»

  • Species, causes and symptoms of kidney injuries

    Kidney hold a shotAmong all organs of the urogenital system, the kidney is most often damaged during injury. Anatomical structure suggests that the kidney is a movable body, not firmly fixed in the body of the body. The impact of external force on the kidney can cause closed (subcutaneous) or open damage.

    A closed kidney injury Man can get with car accidents, on the street, when falling from height, in everyday life, during sports.

    The cause of injury can also be concussed with a fall in a fall or a blow to the stomach or lower back. At the moment of hitting the kidney is injured about the rib or spine.

    Closed injuries are of varying severity. Most often there are bruises, constituting 80% of all kidney injuries. Ears are manifested by small hemorrhages in kidney cloth without hematoma and kidney tissue. But it is not necessary to overestimate the insignificance of damage. Having received a kidney injury, do not postpone your visit to the doctor. Remember that even the most insignificant blow or injury may cause serious damage to the organ.

    Kidney Bone Hemorrhages may be accompanied by the formation of hematoma in the kidney, dumping renal tissue.

    When a high height is high, the likelihood of kidney break. The fact is that the kidney is an organ consisting of cavities containing liquid. A strong concussion in the kidney breaks it.

    The gap of the kidney from the kidney leg causes severe bleeding and can lead to the death of the victim. Strong kidney damage is usually accompanied by damage to the abdominal organs. In such cases, you must immediately cause «ambulance».

    Closed kidney injury may also be a consequence of kidney diseases or an anomalies of its development:
    • hydronephrosis
    • Horseshoe kidney
    • Plumber dystopia
    • Tumor kidney.

    Minor kidney injuries appear in the following symptoms:

    • Pain in the lower back
    • Failure kidney
    • Blood in the urine.

    In children with closed injury, the kidneys, regardless of the severity of damage, appears:

    • nausea or vomit
    • Owl of belly
    • Urination disorders
    • Increase body temperature.

    With deep damage to the patient is in serious condition, which indicates:

    • Injury pain with spreading abdominal
    • Reduced arterial pressure
    • Fitivoid pulse
    • cold sweat.
    In such a state, the victim must immediately call «ambulance».

    Diagnosis and treatment of kidney injuries

    In other cases, in order to make sure the kidney injury, the doctor examines the patient, conducting:
    • X-ray examination;
    • Ultrasound;
    • Scintigraphy kidney.
    If suspicion of the kidney injury is justified, the doctor hospitalizes the patient.
    With the help of the examination, the doctor can estimate the condition of damaged kidney and determine how to carry out injury. With severe kidney injuries, the doctor combines a survey with a patient intensive care or removal from shock. If at the same time the patient's condition deteriorates, and the nature and degree of damage to the kidney are not established, the victim requires emergency surgery, the purpose of which is to maintain a damaged body.

    With light kidney injuries, when the patient's condition stabilized, there is no internal bleeding and hematoma, the doctor appoints a course of painful and hemostatic agents, antibacterial therapy. Treatment of the patient in the hospital occurs within 10-15 days, subject to bed regime.

    Open kidney injuries: «Death delay like»

    Open kidney injuries are formed after firearms or knife wounds. Such damage can be combined with injuries of the abdominal organs, chest and spine. The position of the victim is complicated by the fact that the infection is penetrated through the open injury in the kidney, causing suppuration.

    Injured person is usually in serious condition. Open injuries are manifested by such symptoms as:
    • Blood in the urine
    • The presence of urine in the wound.

    With any open injury, you must immediately cause «Smell medical care». The victim will require urgent surgical intervention to preserve damaged kidneys. If the existing numerous kidney tissue breaks talk about the unvisability of the organ, the kidney is removed.

    Open kidney injuries can cause the development of diseases such as chronic pyelonephritis, kidney stones, hydronephrosis.

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