Epidemiology Ebola Fever


Epidemiology Ebola Fever
2014 marked the outbreak of the disease capable of hitting
thousands of people around the world. Speech about hemorrhagic ebola, virus
which was opened in 1976 in Africa. Despite almost half a century, held with
the moment of its detection, effective methods of treatment still does not exist.

Natural source of distribution of hemorrhagic pathogen
Ebola fever is in Africa. Scientists revealed a certain pattern:
All outbreaks of the disease have still been found between the 10th degree of North
and 10th — South latitude. This area includes Gabon, Senegal, Congo,
Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Ethiopia. It was in these countries that the virus was revealed for the first time
Ebola, subsequently extending to neighboring states.

The transfer of the pathogen is carried out by the most different ways:
air-drip, intestinal-oral, through blood, sperm and other
Biological fluids. Ebola virus susceptibility is extremely high:
It can be ill practically every. Mortality via different data ranges from
50 to 80%.

Ebola fever symptoms

After the incubation period (2-16 days) at the infected
Suddenly the temperature up to high numbers — 39-40 degrees appear
Headache, Malgia and Artralgia (muscle and joint pain), malaise. IN
For the first days, the disease is masked for acute pharyngitis: there are pain and all
throat, dry cough. Patients complain about feeling «Ropes in the throat», this
The symptom is very characteristic of Ebola infection.

A few days later, the clinical picture is complemented
Disorders of digestion: an indomitable watery diarrhea, vomiting and pain in
stomach. Chair quickly acquires the character of melan — Cala with blood impurity that
Speaks about the development of hemorrhagic syndrome. At the same time appear
multiple massive bleeding: uterine, gastric, kidney, and also
Hemorrhage under the skin, bloody vomiting.

On 7-9 days there is either permission of fever, or
The death of the patient from the blood loss, infectious and toxic or hypovolemic
shock. The survivors develop a rather persistent immunity.

Ebola Fever Treatment

Viral diseases — it's horror for any
Infectious doctor. There is still no truly effective
drug capable of fighting these cunning microorganisms. The only thing,
What helps to cope with viruses, — This is vaccination.

Ebola fever and here stands mansion. Still no one
invented and did not allow the vaccine from this virus. Therefore, doctors
You have to use other methods that have so far have a very weak effect.

All that can be done today specialists, — try to support the fugitive functions of the body, restoring
Water-electrolyte balance, affecting blood coagulation time, increasing
Nonspecific immunity. However, all these attempts are very often

The main thing that can prevent the spread of the virus, — Strombing isolation of sickwash. However, the mentality of the local population is sometimes not
allows you to do even this (recently the doctors had «repel» A few dozens
infected placed in insulator).

Hemorrhagic ebol fever is unlikely to grow into
Epidemic. To do this, there must be a quick infection of several thousand people
On one territory. However, the high virus virus of Ebola is associated with
incredible mortality makes it real «Chuma 2014», robust,
merciless and extremely dangerous.

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