The flu epidemic goes to the decline, but it is not worth relaxing


  • Tips Mama: how to protect your child?
  • Special «Risk group»
  • How to save kids from influenza?
  • Secrets of prevention
  • reference
  • «We prescribe it even tiny children…»

  • Tips Mama: how to protect your child?

    The flu epidemic goes to the decline, but it is not worth relaxing
    According to official data, in the period from January 31 to February 6, the epidemic threshold of incidence of influenza and ARVI was exceeded in more than 50 regions of Russia. Fortunately, the introduced quarantine in many children's institutions allowed to mitigate the situation and reduce the incidence rate by twice. And yet, it's not worth relaxing to parents — No one is immune from the new flu wave, which, as a rule, covers us at the end of February — beginning of March!

    Special «Risk group»

    In the group of special risk, influenza and ORVI will be ill primarily. That is quite understandable. They go to kindergartens and schools, in a variety of circles and sections. Which means that it is great to catch the virus from the fallen peers.

    After all, the flu virus is easily transmitted by air-droplet (with cough, sneezing and conversation). Therefore, in large collectives of infection spreads lightning. It is one of the child to dance in school, as in a few days, a significant part of his classmates will already lie at home with a high temperature.

    How to save kids from influenza?

    Pediatricians attach great importance to drugs acting directly to the cause of the disease, that is, the virus. Such therapy is the most good for influenza. And one of the most proven drugs in this group — Rimantadin. But, unfortunately, its use in children's practice is strictly limited to age framework. In other words, it cannot be used to treat very small patients.

    And so good news. SCIENTIFICS OF THE NII FUI RAMS developed Rimantadine new generation — «Orvirime» for the prevention and treatment of influenza. This is a drug with improved pharmacological properties. First, it acts faster and longer. Secondly, it is better tolerated by a children's body. And, thirdly, this is not a bitter tablet, but sweet syrup. What, of course, more pleasant for small patients. Children are powered «Orvirime» with pleasure!

    But all this, so to speak, the first line of protection when the disease is just beginning offensive. «Orvirime» Created to more. It prevents the development of frequently encountered heavy complications, such as laryngitis and pneumonia. And after the disease «Orvirime» Allows the child to restore health faster: get rid of the general weakness and return activity and cheerfulness.

    Secrets of prevention

    After all, how our organism is protected from infection? On the surface of the mucous membrane of the nose and the throat constantly there are constant immune molecules — Immunoglobulins A. This is the defenders. They make it impossible to penetrate many bacteria and viruses into the body. Ruthless «Release» them preventing thus infection.

    However, it happens with good immunity. But when in the respiratory tract of immunoglobulins, and not enough, viruses take the top. «Orvirime», Just, and reduces such risks, contributing to a significant increase in immunoglobulin, and in the nasal stroke and throat. This means that during the flu epidemic and ARVI, your child will increase the chances of avoiding infection, even after communication with a sick person.

    So how to use «Orvirime» For the prevention of influenza and avvi? It must be taken once a day for 10–15 days. Depending on the scale of the focus of infection.

    by the way, «Orvirime» Effective and safe for therapy not only flu, but also other respiratory infections: with adenovirus, RS — virus and mycoplasma infections. If starting treatment «Orvirime» Immediately, patients are faster recover. And the risk of complications is significantly reduced!


    «Orvirime» The only drug in the form of a syrup with an antiviral action, which is allowed to use in children from 1 year. Therefore, dear moms, he should always be in your first aid kit.

    «We prescribe it even tiny children…»

    Commentary by the Executive Director of the Association of Pediatric Incidential Pediatricists, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of RGMU, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Olga Shamshyeva

    — Olga Vasilyevna, and yet, at the expense of what, unlike all the famous remantadadin, a new drug «Orvirime» It became possible to give even young children?

    — Will start with the fact that our clinical studies «Orvirima» gave very serious, good results. And not only with flu. The drug perfectly showed himself to ORVI. So now my colleagues are happy to prescribe «Orvirime» His little patients.

    What is the secret of efficiency and security «Orvirima»? The fact that sodium alginate from natural seaweed is used here. This alginate forms together with Rimantadine a special polymer matrix. In other words, the built-in Rimantadine built into such a matrix, slowly released, it works longer in the body and becomes safe even for crumbs from 1 year old.

    — Now children are pretty tormented «intestinal flu». Or maybe «Orvirime» resist this disease?

    — «Orvirime» just and can. After all, what is «intestinal flu»? This is primarily exhausting diarrhea. He is terrible dehydration. So, sodium alginate, which is part of the new drug — Unique substance capable of holding water in the body of the child. It is clear that «Orvirime» has an excellent direct antiviral action, and immunostimulating. So the best means when «intestinal flu», I think no.

    — Why «Orvirime», Being so safe, sold in pharmacies only by recipe? After all, the traditional Rimantadine in Russia is non-lawn!

    — Yes, but «Orvirime» — New drug, and as many new drugs shown to treat kids released by recipe. But I am sure that the unrefected vacation of this drug is the issue of the near time. The drug has already gained popularity from pediatrician infectiousists and confidence of caring parents.

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