How to effectively protect yourself from tick bites?


Caution pincers!

At this time of the year, tired
From the harsh winter cold and, finally, waiting for communication with nature
Residents of many regions often forget about the flushHow to effectively protect yourself from tick bites?giving them
danger. Spoil the summer season and harm health can
tiny and at first glance pretty harmless creatures that
Call ticks.

According to experts, the greatest activity
Tings usually fall from the end of May to mid-July. Habitat
These parasites serve fields, forests, gardens, parks, lawns, clearing with
Thick grass. Say exactly where it can overtake this cunning
bug, it is very difficult, and to see it and avoid unpleasant
Meetings are even more difficult.

Tick ​​bite, as is known, painless,
Since with saliva, he introduces anesthetic in the wound. So
What do you hardly feel anything other than light plug. But
After a short time, characteristic features begin to manifest:
itching, swelling and redness. Especially terrible and life is dangerous
tick-borne encephalitis — acute viral disease that not only
It is difficult to treat, but, unfortunately, leads to a high percentage

You can talk a lot about how to avoid meeting with
insidious parasites, how to protect yourself from their bite, how to render the first
medical care and remove ticks (by the way, doctors are not strong
Recommended to do themselves), but the effective and most effective way
It remains only one — do not be lazy and make vaccination in time,
which will save you from such trouble.


Vaccinations against
tick-borne encephalitis make even children starting from a three-year-old age.
Vaccination is considered to be conducted if 2 vaccinations were made with
interval at least five months. Usually the first vaccination is made
in the fall, so that it is already in the spring, closer to the dangerous season to do

Often resort to so-called emergency
Measures when the second vaccination is done already 2 weeks after the first.
The next year is definitely re-possessing, and
support immunity is necessary using appropriate vaccination
Every 3 years.

As shock therapy (for those who persistently not
Wishes to do whatever vaccination) — One of the most recent and
Sad stories that recently happened to a 56-year-old resident
Britain. After her trip to France, she suddenly became strange
lead and constantly repeated that the police hunt behind her. Were
assumptions that it has become infected by borreliosis (Lyme disease), which
difficult to diagnose late stages. Her personal doctor had
suspicion of the disease, so he sent it to the examination.

Every day the patient's condition has severely deteriorated, and death
It came instantly from numerous injuries as a result of falling with
Third floor apartment. Exactly six months before the dead
Under the bite of a tick. Are there any coincidences here and is it possible
Conduct parallels, do not say, but the fact says himself
myself. In addition, according to psychologists, despair, ignorance, fear,
constant expectation of something terrible and winding terrible thoughts in
most cases threaten a sad outcome.

Be careful to K
his health, including mental. Take care of yourself and your
Close. Interesting to you and useful summer and no adversity!

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