Influenza is a hard viral infection that affects the entire human body entirely. One of the main methods of the prevention of influenza is currently considered vaccination. Does vaccination reliably protect against infection of influenza?

Tiny parasite, only 80-120 nanometers in diameter, keeps all humanity in fear, annually, for several weeks, putting up to 20% of the world's population. He deprives the opportunity to live normally and work men and women, merciless to children and old men. Flu, influenza in, influenza with, bird, pork – In which evils do not appear before us infection. And, unfortunately, the end of this is not yet visible. Flu virus is extremely changed. He changes his properties from year to year, forcing reliable means of protection again and again.
One of the main methods of the prevention of influenza is currently considered vaccination. It allows you to naturally create in the human body factors protection against infection. In this case, when meeting with a virus, the disease does not develop, or proceeds in a light form without complications.
Does vaccination reliably protect against influenza? Of course, the immunoprophylaxis is the main measure, but not quite sufficient in order to reliably insure the flu and its complications.
- To date, there are several varieties of flu vaccine:
- solidarion, which contains influenza viruses;
- split (split-vaccine) consisting of separate external and internal parts of the virus;
- The subunit, which includes only surface antigens of the virus (neuraminidase and hemagglutinin).
All these vaccines differ in immunogenicity and reactoity. And these two properties are directly dependent on each other. The maximum protection against infection provides a solid-divine vaccine, but it also causes the greatest amount of undesirable adverse reactions, and therefore not applicable to prevention, for example, in weakened patients or children. Therefore, for this category of patients, it is recommended to use subunit vaccines, or to additionally use an antiviral drug.
Inhibitors of neuraminidase are considered among the most effective drugs for the prevention and treatment of influenza, however, they are too expensive for mass consumers. In the Russian pharmaceutical market, the drug Arbidol is successfully acting an alternative to these funds®.
Arbidol® It is an antiviral agent that provides protection from influenza and other ORVI. The drug prevents influenza viruses inside the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. The pathogens who fell into the human body die and not reaching the threshold capable of causeing the development of the disease. As studies have shown, with the preventive reception of the Arbitol during the epidemic, the incidence is reduced by about 7 times.
In case of infection with flu arbidol® significantly reduces the period of the disease and prevents the development of serious complications. To start receiving the drug should be as soon as possible, even at the first signs of malaise. In this case, the virus does not have time to hit a large number of cells, which means it does not have time to multiply in threatening quantities.
Thus, the use of arbidol®, In addition to timely vaccination, it is able to provide reliable protection against influenza during the epidemic period and prevent a serious course of an unfavorable infection.