Acute urine delay: causes and help


  • When an acute urine delay occurs?
  • How to presumably establish the cause of acute urine delay?
  • Picture of acute urination latency
  • Emergency care for acute urine delay

  • Acute urine delay: causes and helpAcute urine delay, or ishuria, is characterized by the impossibility of natural emptying of the bladder due to the occurrence of obstacles at the level of urethra. When urine delay, the bladder is filled with, which distinguishes this condition from Anururia, when the kidneys refuse to perform their functions and urinate nothing.

    Acute urine delay develops suddenly, in contrast to chronic urination delay, in which urine still stands out, but a sufficient volume remains in the bladder, gradually reaching the upper limit. In this case, there is often a phenomenon called in medicine Paradoxantic Ishuria, when due to the extracts and atony of the walls of the bladder and the closing sphincter urine begins to involuntarily stand out by drops, but fully reckoning the patient is not able to fully.

    When an acute urine delay occurs?

    • In the presence of a mechanical obstacle at the level of urethra or sphincter bladder. This situation is consistent with acute, strictly flowing prostatitis, prostate abscess, adenome and prostate cancer. Prostate adenoma, often found in older men, is considered frequent cause of urination delay. Acute urine delay can be caused by injuries and breaks of the urethra and bladder, blocking the urethra canal by stone, tumor, and the development of phimosis.
    • Diseases and injuries of the central nervous system, in which the generation or carrying out nerve impulses is disturbed, the imony of the bladder develops and there is no urination to urinate.
    • Reflex violation of urination arising from the operation on the crotch or rectum, with interventions on female genital organs, with acute stress, hysteria, alcohol intoxication and other similar situations, accompanied by the temporary extrusion of urination reflex.
    • Acute urine delay in inxication by sleeping and narcotic drugs.

    How to presumably establish the cause of acute urine delay?

    Medical Help + Urinary Urine DelayBPH. In the history of the disease, you can find an indication of troubles with urination. The patient repeatedly notices that the urine jet has become sluggish, sheer, constantly interrupts, to completely empty the bladder have to be accompanied. Ostream urine delay Usually provoke a long-term seat constipation, supercooling, alcohol consumption and sharp dishes.

    Acute prostatitis. In the clinic of the disease, in addition to the urine delay there are severe pain in the perineum and symptoms of intoxication.

    Injuries and ruptures Urethra are accompanied by the release of blood from the urethra after pressing the crotch area or penis. If the bladder is damaged, urine flows into the abdominal cavity, the allocation of it is stopped and after a few hours they develop symptoms of peritonitis.

    With urolithiasis And the stones of the urethra marks a sudden interruption of urine jet and sharp pain. If the stone, pressed against the inner sphincher of the bladder, closes the entrance to the urethra, the change in the position of the body leads to a resolution of the situation due to the displacement of the concrete under the action of gravity and eliminate the obstacle for urine current.

    Picture of acute urination latency

    The main feature of the acute retention of urination is the lack of urine at the exit of the urethra with a crowded bladder. Over the pubic detects solid painful protrusion — This is an enlarged and stretched bladder, the upper limit of which can be located in the middle of the distance between the pubic and navel.

    To accurately determine the cause of the acute urine delay is very important, the tactics of treatment depends on it. Long-term retention of urination is accompanied by an increase in pressure in the urinary tract and a cup of kidney, which can lead to the spread of infection from the bladder in the upper departments of the urinary system and Warrow. Urinary bubble overflow is fraught with its gap and the development of urinary peritonitis.

    Emergency care for acute urine delay

    • Help with acute urine delay on the background of adenoma, prostate cancer or prostatitis — The catheterization of the bladder. It is performed by a sterile soft catheter moistened in glycerin or oil. If necessary, the catheter is left for several days before making the inflammation and removal of edema.
    • In the urinary reflex delay, you need to try to relax the sphincters of the urethra and bladder using a warm seating bath or soul, the sound of falling water will help to concentrate on urination. In the absence of effect, it is resorted to the intraetral administration of novocaine, intramuscular injection of pylocarpine, prozero or bladder catheterization.

    Do not refuse hospitalization, urine delay may repeat, it is necessary to undergo a survey and choose the appropriate treatment so that the situation does not happen again and did not lead to the sad consequences.

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