Mushrooms as a cause of non-microbial food poisoning


Mushrooms as a cause of non-microbial food poisoningComing mushroom season — hot time for toxicologists. The most gambling mushrooms are now sent to the forest behind the curls, and the first victims of poisoning appear on hospital beds. The most common cause of non-microbial food poisonings are Mushrooms.

All mushrooms are made to sharing on edible, which, after preliminary culinary processing, can be eaten, and inedible, poisonous and not to use.

Edible mushrooms are divided into unconditionally edible, such as a white mushroom, a boletus, boletus, Ryzhik, Champignon, Mokhovik, and conditionally edible, for example, a cheerful, wave, freight black and others. Conditionally edible mushrooms require soaking, long-lasting boiling and removal of bravery. In case of violation of the rules of culinary processing, signs of food poisoning may occur.

Inedible mushrooms — This is a pale loyal, amanita, false chanterelle, false pole — Mushrooms contain toxic substances and are poisonous.

Inedible mushrooms twin

The most common cause of poisoning becomes annoying misses when collecting mushrooms, most often inexperienced mushrooms take them by mistake, having accepted as an edible mushroom. So, the pale loyal can well go beyond the green cheese and ordinary champignon, a false beef for an intense, as two drops of water look like edible relative, as well as false chanterelle — on edible. To understand all the diversity of forest mushrooms, you need to have a lot of experience, although even if it is presented, it is possible that a poisonous mushroom will fall into the basket.

You can choose and edible mushrooms, if they are collected in an ecologically unfavorable area, if the mushrooms are too old, settled if they are incorrectly stored.

Signs of food poisoning mushrooms

Mushrooms as a cause of non-microbial food poisoningSubstances are formed in mushrooms in the process of metabolic processes. The severity of poisoning symptoms depends on what kind of mushrooms include, in what quantities they entered the human body.

The most poisonous mushroom is considered to be pale refining, in 80% of cases causing fatal food poisoning. Reloing can be found in the forest from mid-summer to deep autumn. Mushroom hat can have white, greenish, yellowish color. White mushroom flesh, odorless and taste. You can distinguish the looting in the lower part of the leg and a white striped ring located under the Hat.

Pale refraining contains the strongest poisons from the group of amanitins and phalloidins, which are not destroyed even with thermal culinary processing. The first signs of food poisoning appear 8-12 hours after the meal, it — Nausea, multiple vomiting, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain. If you do not take urgent measures, the period of temporary improvement occurs, but already three days later, symptoms of toxic hepatitis, jaundice and convulsions appear, cardiovascular — Vascular insufficiency, which lead to death.

The reason for poisoning can be conditionally edible curls. In order to prevent food poisoning, they need to cook for a long time and merge a decoction, if this is not done in 6-12 hours, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, lethargy, dizziness, headache. All these symptoms — The result of monomethyl hydrozine, poison that has a hemolytic effect and violates the liver work.

Random use of the emanitus of the red is caused by the appearance of a state resembling a fever, but without increasing body temperature. Under the action of muscarine and muscaridine, contained in the mushroom, develops Vegeto — Vascular crisis, the skin becomes red and hot, is covered later, heartbeat appears, nervous excitement, cramps are possible.

Prevention of poisoning mushrooms

  • Warning of food poisoning mushrooms provides for the formulation of forest gifts. Collecting mushrooms, it is necessary to be guided by the principle: «not sure — do not take», This will avoid such severe consequences as non-microbial food poisoning.
  • In order to protect consumers, the sale of a mixture of mushrooms on the market is prohibited, as well as mushrooms without legs. Those who are ready to buy on the market a jar of finished mushrooms, it is worth remembering that such carelessness can lead to poisoning, and sometimes cost life.
  • Should not be collected and eating old, faded and worm mushrooms.
  • All mushrooms must be thoroughly treated. It is not recommended to use for the preparation of mushroom caviar plate mushrooms.

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