Get rid of 12 displays


one. When the nose does not breathe

Get rid of 12 displaysRunny nose, — wrote Kir Bulychev, — The only thing that was not learned to treat by the end of the XXI century. The laid nose decently poisoned life, even if there are no other symptoms of the disease. What to do to «Let go»?

We face the tongue in the upper heaven and simultaneously press a finger to the interburry region — accurately in the center of the bridge. Latest after half a minute your nose will be silent free. All because a little bit shifted a little bone — rear of the nasal partition. AND — Oh, happiness! — You can breathe nose!

2. When the tooth hurts, and still go to the dentist

You do not even have to open your mouth to accept our painkiller. Keep your mouth closed and go to the freezer.

Take a piece of ice and attach it to the excavation between the index and thumbs on the back of the palm. Rather ice on this area until you feel that the pain is weakening.

The secret is simple and lies in the laws that acupuncture uses. When you stimulate the nerves in this place, the brain gets a signal to muffle pain. Try the same method to relieve other types of pain.

3. When the head of alcohol is spinning

It happens that it seems to be normal, and even go able to, and the world before the eyes of treacherously rides. So it turns out on a very curious reason.

In our inner ear, there is a liquid of the same density as blood. In this fluid floating a small jelly formation, which is responsible for our feeling of equilibrium.

Alcohol dilutes the blood of this formation, and it pops up, giving the brain the false feeling that the world has become less sustainable. Hence dizziness.

To regain a sense of reality, go on hand to something stable and immovable. Supports on the feet, alas, not enough: it is necessary that the signal of stability comes from more sensitive palm.

4. When we lasted and locked in the throat

The same story as with relief of dental (and not only) pain. Just just felt an unpleasant tile in my throat, try on the ear and start to mive, tear and scratch a little. Ear nerve stimulation will send a small muscle contraction into the throat — And the opposite thickening will disappear or, at least, significantly eases.

five. When at night you suffer from heartburn

Get rid of 12 displaysGet up to take a tablet, wait until it disperses, — You risk spoiling night and add to heartburn insomnia. So just check on what you lie down, and turn over to the left. In this position, the stomach is below the esophageal, and the likelihood that acid will fall where it is not necessary, significantly decreases.

6. When it is swollen in the side after running

Do not stop, but keep moving, but on foot. Synchronize breathing with steps: Exhaust must come to the time when you touch the earth with the left foot. We usually do everything exactly the opposite: right — Exhale, left — inhale. With this rhythm, the liver suffers from pressure and painfully presses the diaphragm. Change the scheme inhale — exhalation and forever say goodbye to the famous chop.

7. When you can't hear

  1. If you do not hear what the interlocutor says, get the right ear to him — it better distinguishes speech, even very fast and vague.
  2. If you listen in a barely-catching melody, turn to the music source left sideways: the left ear is better adapted to recognize musical tones.

eight. When you are afraid before

Absolutely not ashamed to admit that you are afraid of needles — this is not only a children's phobia. But even if you are scared to make vaccinations or donate blood, sooner or later you have to. But you can relieve pain from the introduction of the needle.

You just need to rolling until youlo. See do not overdo: too active cough can prevent a doctor. But light and slightly slightly increase the pressure in the spinal channel and the chest — enough so that you do not feel pain.

nine. When the hand was crushed

Most often the cause of the hand — pinching of cervical muscular nerves. Shake-wander your head from side to side — Already after half a minute, the hand will become much better.

10. When the blood went nose

Get rid of 12 displaysWith the causes of bleeding, you will deal later, but for now you need a reliable and fast way to stop the stream. Since the vessels most often burst in front of the nose, it is enough to hold the desired side of the upper gum.

Grab a piece of cotton, cotton disk or at least a folded flap of paper napkins and tightly pressed to the gum, right or left of the top bridle (depending on whether blood flows from the right or left nostril)). You will do exactly the same thing that usually when you tightly pinch a bleeding scratch on your finger, — just not directly, but through a small layer of skin.

eleven. When you burned a little

Of course, if completely nemogue to endure pain, Ice need. But even he may not save from the blister. And if you get a burnt-handed place, you will hurt, but the temperature of the affected area will quickly compare with the normal temperature of your body. Perhaps the bubbles will not reach. The method is suitable if there is no cold water crane near.

If you grabbed a hot saucepan or put your fingers on the burning plate of the gas stove, immediately throw everything and drive the hand under the flow cold water. The colder — all the better! Keep at least two minutes. Yes, the hand will not be hot, but very cold. In return, you will only get the easiest redness on the place of burn. Tomorrow you don't even remember the incident.

12. When it is very necessary to the toilet

Alas, this item is intended only for men.

If you really need a small natural need, think about sex. First, you will be distracted and will be crazy a little more. Secondly, if you manage to think about sex qualitatively, with exciting, your body will immediately respond to fantasy, and the desire to go to the toilet will give way to erection. Of minuses — will have to choose which state to endure easier.

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