Concept «herpes» We have firmly associated with «Walking on Gubach». This is due to the fact that it is with this manifestation of herpes that we often facilitate. Actually «herpes» Multician. About eight species of herpes viruses, known at the moment, are able to cause a completely different disease in the clinical manifestations of the disease in humans.

In addition to the colds on the lips, herpes viruses cause to us since childhood a wind oil OSPA, which at an older age makes itself felt by the encumbrances and rashes along the intercostal nerves, this clinical picture is characteristic of such a disease as a lispy.
Windmill and lisha ringing causes type 3 virus. The fifth type of herpes virus or cytomegalovirus is a catalyst for the occurring immunodeficiency and can be dangerous for pregnant women.
Sudden Exantheas in Children — Virus 6 type. With other viruses of this many-sided family, the so-called viral angina or infectious mononucleosis, the most formidable virus are associated with — Epstein Barr.
Mysterious chronic fatigue syndrome can also be due to the activation of various herpesviruses.
Despite the widespread herpes viruses, many, being a carrier of the virus, know little about it. The reason is that in addition to the usual manifestations, the disease can occur absolutely unnoticed, reminding the usual cold, the only difference of which can be rashed in the rotoglot and temperatures within 37–37.9°, which holds for a long time. At the same time, some patients suffer from recurrences of herpetic infections more often than others.
What provokes Herpez exacerbations?
Finding into the body, herpesviruses remain there for life. The immune system cannot remove it.
«Awaken» Herpes virus can be:
- With a strong overheating of the body (for example, as a result of a long stay in the sun) or when heocoled;
- with a sharp change of climate (for example, during frequent flights from tropics to the northern countries or vice versa);
- With viral and infectious diseases (often herpes is the consequence of influenza or ARVI)
- during hormonal stress (menstruation, pregnancy, in these periods, the body's immunity decreases);
- during psycho-emotional stress;
- In case of insufficient nutrition or compliance with strict diets
Frequent recurrences of herpesvirus infections are often associated with the state of the immune system.
What to do?
Get rid of herpes virus it is impossible, but it is quite possible not to give it often «raise».
There are several simple rules:
- With frequent relapses, not limited to local means, such treatment will be ineffective;
- Be sure to use antiviral agents that are directed directly to the virus;
- It is recommended to use immunomodulating drugs, especially in patients subject to frequent relapses (more than 6 times a year). This will help reduce the number of exacerbations.
Choosing immunomodulatory drugs, one should give preference to those of them whose mechanisms of action are well studied and predictable, and clinical efficacy has been proven.
The drug fully meets the requirements of efficiency and security can be called Licopid 1mg. The active substance of this drug is glucosamemmuramildepeptide (GMDP). Analogs of Muramildeptide, to which the GMDP belongs, are registered in various countries of the world as anti-infectious and antitumor drugs.
Licopid 1mg is effective in cases of frequent relapses of bacterial, fungal and viral infections, including herpes viruses, as well as with repeated and long-flowing diseases of the respiratory tract in children and adults, under «Mask» which may leak herpes virus infections (Read more about herpes «Herpes and Rezidiva — what to do?»)
In herpetic infection in adults lycopide® 1 mg recommended by the course at 10 days, 2 tablets 3 times a day. The drug must be taken sublingual, that is, put the tablet and dissolve.
It must be remembered that in situations where the frequent exacerbations of herpes arise in children, pregnant women, as well as when severe the course of the disease caused by herpesvirus infection, including an immediate advice of the doctor with ophthalmokerpes.
Licopid 1mg makes herpes managed. Herpes Rare Guest with Licopid 1mg!