How many calories you consume with medicine?


How many calories do you consume with medicine?

Have you ever wondered how much calories are contained in medications? You would be surprised: the calorie content of some of them is equal to the calorie content of the sweet carbonate drink! For example, some drugs from influenza and colds, which are often used in autumn and in winter, contain a lot of sugar. If you take care of the figure or blood sugar level, you need to know about it and, accordingly, choose the right medicine.

How many calories do you consume with medicine?For a healthy person, sugar is not harmful, but many people should or want to follow their consumption. He is the enemy of women who try to keep the harness of the shape and carefully calculate calories, «Edible» per day. In addition, at present, more than half of the population suffers from overweight and obesity, while others are concerned about diabetes, and they have to follow sugar levels to remain healthy. Scientists believe that we consume more sugar than it seems to us, without suspecting it. And this is not due to the lack of discipline, but due to the fact that sugar is often hidden present in food products, and therefore we do not always know that we consume it. Did you guess that there are sugar in many drugs?

With the approach of autumn and winter, we often get preparations in the form of hot drinks from influenza and colds, which sometimes contain unexpectedly a large amount of sugar. Therefore, if you have or you want to control the consumption of calories, you need to consider this when choosing a medicine. The sick body is definitely needed energy, that is, including sugar, but its number can be adjusted depending on your individual needs. Some drugs contain from three to five sugar cubes in each package of drink! If you take three doses per day, it means that together with the drink you consume the same amount of calories as if you ate 50 g of chocolate or drank half-liter cola! If the amount of sugar is important for you, then before choosing a medicine, consult a pharmacist to purchase exactly that which will fit your lifestyle and needs.

How many calories do you consume with medicine?Coldrex® Hotrem — These are hot drinks from cold and influenza with low sugar. One drink contains less than one sugar cube, so it is ideal for people who follow the consumption of sugar and calories. Coldrex quickly and effectively facilitates the symptoms of influenza and colds: reduces the temperature, nasal congestion and nasal cavities, removes headache, pain in the muscles and joints, makes breathing and contributes to improving immunity. There are hot drinks Colds with different tastes, and all of them contain low sugar.

Sugar is not harmful, but you need to know how much sugar you consume. Medications from cold and flu help well, only buying them should be thoughtfully. If you suffer diabetes or simply do not want to consume too much sugar, report this to the pharmacist so that he / she could / could recommend you suitable for you.

Coldrex®, reg. UD. PN N 015713, P N 015256, P N 015257, P N 014920, N 016305, N 014259, LSR-000826

There are contraindications. You must consult with a specialist.

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