How to help with food poisoning


    In the human body with food, various bacteria can get - streptococci, staphylococci, salmonella, protea, enterococci, botulinus and a number of others. The cause of food toxicoinfection is not so much the microbes themselves, how much toxins are poisonous substances resulting from the vital activity of these microbes and when they are destroyed.

    Powerful microbes can get into food and dishes during their manufacture, storage, transportation and sales. The pathogen of botulism - this very heavy food toxicoinfection - is in the soil. It can get on the surface of all vegetables, berries, mushrooms. If, during preservation, it is not enough to rinse thoroughly, botulinus in a hermetically clogged bank without access of oxygen multiplies and highlights the most dangerous toxin.

    About toxins

    Toxins, both obtained from food, and formed in the body, cause an inflammatory process in the gastric, thin and colon mucosa (gastroenterocolite). There are pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea: the chair is up to 10-15 times a day, first with liquid carte masses, and then watery abundant malicious feces.

    Absorbing from the intestine to blood, toxins affect literally all organs and systems, including heart, central nervous system, liver. As a result, a complex complex of all manifestations of food toxicoinfection is developing: the body temperature increases, chills appear, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), the blood pressure decreases, the muscle cramps may occur, sometimes. In these cases, you must immediately cause «Ambulance».


    How to help with food poisoningBotulism takes particularly difficult. With this infection, the central nervous system is affected mainly. Therefore, besides pain in the abdomen and intestinal disorders, such symptoms appear in the patient as impairment of sight («Objects in the fog», Twist in the eyes, «Grid before our eyes»), pupils, one or both centuries are lowered (ptosis) sharply expand.

    The voice becomes a sip, bent, and sometimes disappears at all. Mained swallowing, all movements, muscular weakness increases, the patient can not even keep his head.

    When one of these signs appear urgently cause «Ambulance». Such a patient needs emergency treatment. If it is impossible to contact the medical institution, being in the campaign, in the taiga, mountains, and so on, rinse the stomach: After rich drink, call vomiting with your fingers.

    But even with easier food toxicoinfection, you need to consult a doctor, and not bypass. The fact is that unbearable toxicoinfection can lead to enzymatic failure, dysbacteriosis requiring a long, persistent treatment.


    Among non-bacterial food poisonings are the most severe - acute poisoning of poisonous mushrooms. Heavy intoxication, several vital systems of the body are affected immediately, it is noted in the poisoning of satanic fungus, false hassle, red, panther and stinking tormented.

    The most threatening life poisoning - pale refining poisoning. Pale refraining and close types of poisonous mushrooms (green, spring, silent and cubs), which are often confused with green raw, champignons, contain extremely toxic compounds, under which necrosis of liver cells and liver failure develops.

    Conditionally edible mushrooms - freight, waves, valves, chorns, rogues, pushers, violins containing resid-like substances, can cause acute gastroenteritis - inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. There are conditionally edible mushrooms without special processing (long-term soaking with multi-sized replaceable water, and then salting with a 6-week exposure) can not.

    How to help with food poisoning In lines and currots, a lot of gelvelic acid, which leads to the decay of red blood cells, which can cause acute blood illness. Lovers of these mushrooms should know: mushrooms need to boil twice and every time at least 20 -30 minutes. Water after boiling to merge.

    Pork until recently was considered conditionally edible. However, due to acute poisoning recorded in recent years, they are unconditionally assigned to the category of poisonous fungi.

    Special attention should be paid to the fact that edible mushrooms can be purchased toxic properties in adverse environmental conditions. Growing near industrial enterprises, chemicals, automotive trails, where there is a release of toxic substances into water and the atmosphere, mushrooms are accumulated in high concentrations of mercury, lead, cadmium, other heavy metals and then become dangerous to health.

    Time stretched and remote action of mushroom poisons causes a gradual defeat of all organism systems. The first symptoms may appear only after 12-14 hours. And if you do not take urgent measures, miss the time, then after two-three days from the moment of poisoning, treatment is extremely difficult, and sometimes hopefully.

    Signs of increasing inxication - spastic pain around the abdomen, nausea, indomitable vomiting, frequent liquid chair. For pale refining poisoning, a typical vomiting of the type of coffee grounds, a blend of blood in feces during cholera-like (up to 20 - 25 times a day) Chair, emotion, anxiety. Developed against the background of increasing inxication acute cardiovascular insufficiency for people weakened, children may have the most severe consequences.

    What to do

    • Rinse the stomach - give a patient to drink 5-6 glasses of water or milk;
    • Then irritating a finger or teaspoon the root of the language or the rear wall of the pharynx, cause vomiting, this procedure can be repeated 3-5 times;
    • put a patient to bed;
    • attach warm heating towards hand and legs;
    • continuously give him warm drink, and with a sharp weakness - strong tea.

    If there is no liquid chair, only in the first hours after poisoning with mushrooms, the patient can give a lightly laxative agent (one tablespoon of vaseline or castor oil or no more than 30-50 milliliters of a 33% solution of sulfut magnesia). People prone to hypotension, give a laxative small doses to avoid a sharp drop in blood pressure due to the large loss of fluid. Call a doctor.

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