What is HIV infection and AIDS? What is their difference?


  • HIV and AIDS
  • Where did HIV come from?

  • HIV and AIDS

    What is HIV infection and AIDS? What is their difference?
    Existing methods of treatment (the so-called high-active antiretroviral therapy or vaart) allow a person with HIV infection (HIV-positive) to maintain a normal level of immune defense, that is, the onset of AIDS has been prevented over the years.

    Thus, treatment allows HIV-positive person to live a long and full life. A person remains HIV-positive, but AIDS does not develop. In the treatment, the risk of transmission of the virus is reduced.

    The mechanism of action of the virus is: hitting the body, HIV affects a certain category of cells that have so-called CD-4-receptors on the surface. These include immune cells: T-lymphocytes and macrophages, as well as microglia's nervous tissue tissue. The basic effect of the virus is manifested at the stage of AIDS and is that the immune system is weakening, that is, immunodeficiency develops: a person turns out to be vulnerable to many infections that are called opportunistic. These include pneumatic pneumonia, tuberculosis, candidiasis, listened and dr.

    Treatment of HIV infection begins when the concentration of virus in the blood increases sharply or in one millilitour of blood is less than two hundred opposing cell infection (T-helpers). Up to this point, the imune system of HIV-positive person successfully opposes various diseases and the need for drug appointments.

    Where did HIV come from?

    Unambiguous answer to this question, unfortunately, no. There are only hypothesis. Each of them has its own rationale, but in the scientific world they all continue to remain only assumptions - possible and for someone very controversial versions of what happened.

    The first hypothesis of HIV origin is associated with monkeys. She expressed more than 20 years ago an American researcher B. Corbett. According to this scientist, HIV first fell into the blood of man in the 30s of the last century from chimpanzees - possibly, when the animal bite or in the process of separating a carcass. In favor of this version there are serious arguments. One of them - in the blood of chimpanzees really found a rare virus, capable of entering the human body to cause a condition similar to AIDS.

    According to another researcher, Professor R. Garry, AIDS much older: His story has from 100 to 1000 years. One of the most serious arguments confirming this hypothesis - Caposhi Sarcoma, described at the beginning of the 20th century by the Hungarian Capo Physician as «Rare shape of malignant neoplasm», testified in the presence of the patient of the virus of the immunodeficiency.

    Many scientists consider birthday AIDS Central Africa. This hypothesis, in turn, is divided into two versions. According to one of them, HIV has long existed in isolated from the outside world areas, for example, in breeding settlements, lost in the jungle. Over time, when the migration of the population has increased, the virus escaped «out» and began to quickly spread. The second version is that the virus appeared as a consequence of an increased radioactive background, which is registered in some areas of Africa rich in uranium deposits.

    Relatively recently appeared another hypothesis belonging to the English researcher. Hupeor: The virus appeared in the early 50s of the twentieth century due to the error of scientists who worked on creating a vaccine from polio. The error was that the cells of the chimpanzee liver were used to produce vaccines, presumably containing a virus, similar to HIV. One of the strongest arguments in favor of this hypothesis is the fact that the vaccine was experienced just in those areas of Africa, where today the highest level of infection is registered by the immunodeficiency virus.

    And finally, the last of the well-known versions, not proven, but not refuted - HIV was obtained in the 70s as a result of genetic engineering manipulations aimed at creating another type of weapons.

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