Scabies in children


  • As the infection occurs
  • How scaby manifests
  • Diagnosis of scabies
  • How to treat scabes
  • How is disinfection (disinfection)
  • Prevention scabies

  • Already
    a few days in the behavior of the baby something wrong. During the day it is active, with
    I am pleased to play and walks. But at night it seems to be replaced: a child
    becomes capricious, sleeping badly and constantly scratches the skin in different
    Mesal. With what it can be connected? If we are talking about the like
    symptoms, it is quite possible that the crumb has become infected... scabes.

    Scabies (scabies) - infectious disease, whose causative agent is parasite
    - Chesoccal tick. Among his explicit characteristics - Night itch,
    Education on the skin of scabies (in the form of a straight or winding
    Lines size from 1 mm to several centimeters, white or
    dirty gray, in the front end of which you can see a female
    Tick, translucent through the skin in the form of a black point), as well as - rash in
    The form of small nodules and bubbles. Unarmed eye tick is not visible,
    Since it reaches the value of only 0.25 x 0.35 mm. Chesoccal tick
    parasitis on man, and for a short time can
    located on pillows, clothes, door handles, in bed linen.

    As the infection occurs

    Some parents believe that scabies can be infected from
    Pets (dogs, hamsters), but it does not match

    The source of infection is the sick person and his things (bed
    Lingerie, towels, washcloths and t.D.). Most often infection occurs when
    contact with sick (if you have to sleep in one bed or
    take care of it). This is a direct path of transmission of the disease. But get infected
    It is possible and without communication with the patient - through household items and bed
    accessories. In this case, we can talk about the indirect path of infection.

    There may be whole foci of scabies - for example, if in the family from
    The first sick infects the rest of the relatives as adults,
    So children. And than the younger child, the higher his probability
    infection. The outbreak of the disease may occur in any
    The team - in the children's preschool institution, at school, in the hospital.
    Extracted cases of infection with scabies (in baths, trains, hotels) -
    Very rare phenomenon. However, this possibility is not excluded:
    Chesoccal tick can be transmitted with successive contact flow
    People with bedding and toilet objects on which
    He is able to persist for a while.

    How scaby manifests

    Scabies in children
    Once on the skin of a person, scaffolding ticks immediately tear it and
    Start intensely eat. Females lay eggs.
    Life expectancy for female - 1.5 months, and during this time she
    I have time to postpone about 40-50 eggs. A few days later
    appear larvae that go to the skin surface and turn
    In adult ticks - males and females. The new resettlement cycle begins
    On other areas of the skin.

    The disease is manifested on average 2 weeks after infection.
    The first and one of his most important symptoms - skin itching throughout
    body, especially in those places where the tick is moving. At night, itching is enhanced,
    Since at this time there is the greatest activity of female scabies
    Tick. Children involuntarily combing the skin in a dream, and in the places of these
    Combs can get infection, purulent crusts will appear. Kids bad
    sleep at night, in the morning there are sluggish, capricious, but by this time the day itch
    decreases. Sometimes the need to be intended is not so much,
    Children do not complain, and parents do not notice a long time that the kids are sick.
    If parasites exist on the human body for a long time, on the skin
    Old scales are detected in the form of dry surface cracks.
    True, in the case when the illness of the disease does not exceed two
    weeks, scales you can not see. However, scabies exist
    and other external signs. In places of ticks, small (up to
    1 mm) rash, similar to the nodules, as well as in the form of pink bubbles
    Colors or leather color. Due to combs they are covered with reddish

    «Typical» Places for scales - these are plots with thin
    Gentle skin: interfallated folds and bright bends at the brushes, and
    also belly, spin, buttocks, the inner surface of the hips; Often
    Underwear covered penis and scrotum. Kids rash can
    Arrive on the face, on the chest, near the armpit.

    With the appearance of such symptoms of the child, you need to show a doctor, primarily a children's dermatologist.

    Diagnosis of scabies

    Often, doctors of all specialties, facing symptoms of scabies,
    Make diagnostic errors. Especially - if a sick child
    Already suffers from allergic skin diseases that are accompanied by
    Itching. In such situations, doctors sometimes do not conduct laboratory
    research and establish a diagnosis «allergy», «Allergic dermatitis»,
    With an appropriate course of treatment: Disposable antiallergic
    Preparations, prohibit washing, recommend lubricating the skin hormonal
    Ozzy. But these measures only worsen the course of the disease.

    Scabies detect the totality of a number of signs. Firstly,
    Based on the characteristic symptoms (such as itching, scales,
    Rash in the form of small nodules and bubbles with appropriate localization),
    secondly, in the absence of the effect of treatment with anti-allergic and
    anti-inflammatory means, including hormonal ointments, and
    Finally, if there are sick scabies surrounded by a child. On the
    The basis of the above is the diagnosis of scabies and
    Appropriate treatment is prescribed.

    The study is carried out as follows: the tick is extracted from
    Chesoccial moves of a disposable sterile needle for injection or
    scraped sterile blade. Scraping is placed on the glass where
    Alkali or lactic acid was previously applied, and
    viewed under the microscope. You can see a whole tick, separate
    His fragments or eggs.

    How to treat scabes

    Therapeutic procedures are usually held at home.
    Naturally, they are all aimed at the destruction of the pathogen. Most
    Effective from modern therapeutic agents are benzylbenzoate,
    Sprugal and Permeter (Medifox). Each of these drugs has its own

    Benzylbenzoate suspension (10% for children, 20% for adults)

    Form release. Sold ready to use,
    externally resembles milk, easy and evenly applied to the skin, not
    has smell, quickly dries.

    Application. Benzylbenzoate in the amount of 100 g
    one is applied to the 1st and 4th day of treatment. Before each rubbing
    The patient must be soldered. Second and third days are free from treatment.

    Additional measures. In the process of treating the patient
    You need to change a twice and bed linen: after the first
    processing (on the first day) and two days after the second rubbing, then
    there is on the sixth day of treatment. After that, the patient must re
    wash out.


    Release form - aerosol. Application. Treatment, as
    rule is carried out once. One bottle is enough to treat
    Family of 3 people. Caller should be kept at a distance of 20-30 cm
    From the skin of the patient. It should be borne in mind that small children can
    be afraid of the jets aimed at them.

    Permetrin (Medifox)

    Scabies in childrenForm release. Sold By
    vial (24 ml) on which divisions are applied. Before each application
    This drug needs to prepare an emulsion; a third of the bottle (determined
    on divisions) mix with 100 ml of boiled water indoor temperature.
    Apply on the skin once a day 3 days in a row. On the fourth day
    the soul must take the souls and replace the native and bed
    Lane. The drug is contraindicated to children up to 2 months.

    Application. Used in the same way as other anticient means.

    The effect of treatment (provided that drugs apply correctly)
    usually occurs through a very short time - up to 1 week. To that
    time 91% of patients completely recover. Itching disappears already on the 2nd
    day. However, in some cases, this symptom can be maintained within 2
    Weeks, not being associated with a certain time of day. If
    there is no fresh scaffolding rashes, such itch is called
    After our time. His appearance is the result of an allergic reaction
    organism on tick and products of its livelihoods. Such patients ne
    inflaces for others, and repeated treatment against scabies they do not need.
    To relieve unpleasant sensations, such patients are recommended to take
    any of the anti-allergic drugs, sometimes in combination with
    hormonal ointments (for example, advantan) or means moisturizing
    Skin (for example, Topicrem).

    How is disinfection (disinfection)

    Threaded item item to boil should be boiled in
    For 5 minutes from the moment of boiling. Upper clothes (dresses, costumes,
    Pants, sweaters and t.D.) You should try the hot iron on both
    sides, not excluding pockets. Things inaccessible to similar processing, -
    Soft toys, Outerwear - Coats, Furies, Leather and Suede
    - can be placed in a closed plastic bag for three days. BUT
    Daily wet cleaning in the patient's room must be done 1
    -2% soap-soda mortar, wipeing them not only the floor, but also
    Objects atmosphere.

    If we are talking about a focus of the disease (in the family or in the team), then
    At the end of treatment, the doctor must notify the case of scabies
    Sanitary and epidemiological service so that its specialists spend
    Final disinfection of the room. Representatives of the SES are processed
    Things (including mattresses, pillows, blankets, etc.), furniture and gender special
    disinfecting liquid, but it can spoil them. Therefore, more
    The optimal option is to hold this event yourself, when
    A-pair aerosol assistance (200 ml) containing as an active
    Substances areomers Alletin at a concentration of 0.32%.

    A-pairs are designed for disinfection of clothing and bed
    accessories of patients with scabies, but if necessary, it can be
    use and for processing premises in which inspections were conducted
    such patients. You only need to spray the contents of the bottle throughout
    The surfaces of the products not payable (this is the outerwear,
    mattresses, pillows, blankets) or on the floor of the floor and other items, with
    which sick tickled (door handles, chairs, upholstered furniture and
    T.D.). Beddings and clothing are subjected to bilateral

    The tool leaves the stains on the tissues, after its use
    No need to wash. Textile products disinfected by the drug
    A-steam, can be used a few hours after processing. BUT
    To avoid irritation of the respiratory tract, you should open the windows in
    The room where spraying is made.

    Prevention scabies

    Stop the spread of this unpleasant disease, if
    ensure proper control of it. In this sense, very effective
    Professions in children's teams, clinics, while taking
    treatment in the hospital and when examining schoolchildren at the beginning of the school year.

    It is necessary to identify the source of infection, people in contact with patients.

    And if new diseases will appear in the focus of infection, prophylactic
    Treatment will be prescribed to everyone who contacted infected. If
    Children in kindergarten, nursery or schools found symptoms of scabies,
    It must be removed from the visit of the children's institution until,
    Until the course of treatment. Decision on admission to the children's team
    After recovery, a dermatologist takes.

    Here, perhaps, all basic information about insidious and unpleasant information
    Diseases - scabes. And in conclusion, I want to wish to all children and
    adults to make it «acquaintance» so remains theoretical.

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