No matter how much you wanted to protect the child from «Adults» problems, sooner or later he will have to face them. No matter how difficult it is to discuss the topic of HIV / AIDS with a child, it is necessary to do.
What for?
Most younger schoolchildren have already heard of this problem. AND,
Although the children learn about the existence of AIDS pretty early, their ideas
more like horror movie than real facts. You have
the ability to clarify this question for them. Of course, for this you
will have to first get reliable information. Talk O
AIDS will be the basis for a conversation about safe behavior in relation to
HIV infections, and, therefore, will help protect your child when
He will grow.
Difficult task
Our children have to live in a world where there is an AIDS epidemic. Talk on
A similar topic with a child is not easy, just as it is not easy to talk about sex,
Alcohol, violence. Many parents doubt whether it is possible in principle
discuss issues with children. Perhaps you think that
Talk about unwanted phenomena will only harm the child. but
The child lives not in vacuum. When he is watching TV, reads magazines
and communicates with friends, he gets different, often incorrect,
information. If you do not start discussing difficult questions with him as you can
before, someone else is perhaps not the best candidate, take this
The task of yourself. Many parents not only refuse to their children in
reliable information, but also deprive themselves to make it so that
This information corresponded to the moral and moral principles,
which they want to instill their children. Discuss similar ambiguous
Problems are not easy, but there are general rules for communicating with the child,
which can help cope with this challenging task. It does not follow
forget that the identity of each child is individual, and only you
You can develop an individual strategy, ideally suitable exactly
Your child.
When start
Hear O «Adults» problems from the very early age, long before
how they become capable of understanding them. Expert research
It is suggested that small children seek information in the first
queue to parents. When a child grows into a teenager, he
It becomes important to feel its independence, and for advice he
Prefer to appeal to friends or literature and periodics. At parents
There is a unique opportunity, which teachers do not have neither
Educators. They can be the first to speak with the child about
this problem, and subsequently no one can enter it into
misleading false information. Try not to miss the moment,
Start discussing with children HIV / AIDS problems (as well as sex,
Drugs, smoking and alcohol) from an early age and pay this
Maximum time and attention.
How to start
We can wait until the child refers to us with questions and
alarms, and thus will give us the opportunity to affect this topic, but
it is unlikely that it really happens. There is nothing terrible in
Tom to speak with a child about AIDS on your own. TV
Constantly gives us beautiful reasons for this. Your twelve-year-old
The daughter looked at the series in which the young heroine became pregnant? Can
ask her what she thinks about the plot. At the same time you can find out how she
refers to behavior that can lead to undesirable
Pregnancy. One or two questions can lead to a whole conversation,
which may have an impact on the full life of the girl.
Naturally, talking to the child, you need to use only those
Words that he can understand. If you explain the six year old
kid, what is AIDS, then the use of such words as «transmission» and
«lymphocytes» It is unlikely to facilitate your task. Independent advice
psychologists: parents who have several children should speak with
they individually, even about the same subject. Why? Children
of different ages are at different stages of development, they need different
the amount of information, they have different vocabulary and they are interested
Different questions. Moreover, the elder child will dominate in
Discussions and the younger will not be able to speak.
Talk about AIDS – talk about sex
the overwhelming majority of parents discuss with their child the question of
Sex is difficult, unusual, scary, especially if sexuality causes
Alarm themselves. But still the safety of your child requires,
so that you have overcome your complexes and reported to a child what
protect it in the future. In the end, children hear about it from screens
televisions and in their yard. If you do not give your children information,
It will make outsiders for you.
Be honest
want adults discussed complex questions with them. However,
the child will appeal to the question only if he feels that it can
do. Only parents can create an atmosphere of openness in which
the child can ask any question about any subject, not afraid
Consequences. How exactly to create such an atmosphere? Start by S
Support, understanding and promotion. For example, if your child asked:
«How many people in the world are sick of AIDS?», Try not to answer: «Not
I know, merry dinner». Even if you are very busy, you can always
to answer: «This is an interesting question, but I do not know. Let's try
to figure out». Should not worry about the fact that the child will lose
respect for you if you understand that you don't know everything in the world. Is not
So. Answer «I do not know» For a child, much better than those excuses that
Parents like to offer instead of answering.
Only facts
Children's ideas about AIDS are often frighteningly wrong. Important
how to dispel all the errors. For example, eight year old
Girl playing in the yard, breaks the knee, and another child says
her that now she can get a breath. Parents can explain to her:
«No, you will not get sick of AIDS, HIV causes him, and HIV can not
penetrate the body if you just break the knee. This may happen
only if the blood of a person with HIV falls into the blood of a man without HIV.
Understand?». And do not forget that there will be for a conversation
Return in the future. One conversation will not be able to form a child
clear idea by such a difficult issue. Let's a child
The information is accurate and suitable for its age. Eight-year children
You can say: «AIDS – This is such a disease, because of which people
It becomes very bad. It appears because of HIV, it is such a virus, then
There is a small cell that can not even see».
Later child
will be ready for more information: «In your body billions
cells. Some cells called T-lymphocytes help you
Stay healthy, protecting you from infections. But if your body
The virus penetrates, which is called HIV, it gradually neutralizes
T-lymphocytes. A few years later, the body loses protection before
infections, and then a person can get a breath». Child, N
reached adolescent age, it will be difficult to understand how
Condoms can protect against HIV, or why people enjoy common
syringe. If you have already explained to the child, as a sexual act is happening, then
You can add that «During sex, sperm falls from the body of a man
In the body of a woman, and in sperm there may be HIV». If you have not yet spoken
with a child about sex, then you should not start this conversation with the problem
AIDS. There is nothing good that the child has sex associated with
infection and disease.
Child safety primarily
Some adults still believe that the problem of AIDS concerns only
Representatives of certain «Risk groups» and completely nothing to do with them
Children. Do not allow your own prejudices to become a threat
Security of your child. Make sure he knows about AIDS
and HIV transmission, and that you yourself have sufficient information about
it is. These knowledge of the child should get before he becomes
The real threat to the transfer of HIV infection in the future.