Siberian ulcer: symptoms and treatment


  • anthrax
  • Symptoms and the course of Siberian ulcers
  • Treatment of Siberian ulcers
  • Prevention of Siberian ulcers

  • anthrax

    Siberian ulcer - acute infectious disease from
    Group of zoonoses, characterized by fever, lesion
    lymphatic apparatus, intoxication, proceeds in the form of skin, rarely
    intestinal, pulmonary and septic. The causative agent is aerobic
    Bacterry - fixed, large size wand with chopped
    ends. Outside the body of man and animals forms disputes that
    Different with great resistance to physicochemical influences.
    Source of bacteria of Siberian ulcers - patients or fallen animals.
    Man infection is more often carried out by contact path (when cutting
    Taste animals, processing skins and t.NS.) and when eating
    products contaminated by disputes, as well as through water, soil, fur
    Products and T.D.

    Symptoms and the course of Siberian ulcers

    The disease amazes most often the skin, less often - internal organs. Incubation period from 2 to 14 days.

    With skin form (carbunculus) most
    exposed to defeat open areas of the body. The disease is hard
    When the carbunculov is located in the head, neck, mucous membranes
    Mouth and nose. There are single and multiple carbuncules. First (on
    Place of input gate of microbe) Spot of reddish color appears,
    Itchy, similar to insect bite. During the day, the skin is noticeable
    compacted, itching is strengthened, moving often in burning, in place
    The speck develops vesicle - bubble,
    filled with serous contents, then blood. Patients with combing
    break off the bubble and an ulcer with a black bottom. From now on
    There is a rise in temperature, headache, appetite disorder.

    Siberian ulcer: symptoms and treatmentThe edges of the ulcers from the moment of autopsy begin to shove, forming inflammatory
    Roller, there is a swelling that begins to quickly spread. Bottom
    ulcers more so much, and on the edges are formed «Daughter» Vesiculi S
    Transparent content. Such an increase in ulcers lasts 5-6 days. By the end
    The first day of the ulcer reaches size 8-15 mm and from now on
    called Siberian Carbuncul. Uniqueness of Siberian
    Carbuncoula consists in the absence of pain in the area of ​​necrosis and in
    Characteristic tricolor color: black color in the center (stamp), around -
    narrow yellowish-purulent border, then - wide crimson tree. maybe
    Defeat of the lymphatic system (lymphadenitis).

    With prosperous
    the course of the disease after 5-6 days the temperature decreases, improving the general
    Well-being, swelling, lymphangit and lymphadenitis fade, Strap
    Whitles, the wound heals with the formation of a scar. With unfavorable
    A secondary sepsis with re-climbing temperature develops the flow,
    a significant deterioration in the general condition, the gain of headaches,
    increasing tachycardia, appearance on the skin of secondary pustula. Can be
    bloody vomiting and diarrhea. Not excluded fatal outcome.

    With intestinal form
    (an alimentary sybic sepsis) toxicosis develops from the first
    hours of the disease. There is a sharp weakness, abdominal pain, his
    bloating, vomiting, bloody diarrhea. The patient's condition is progressive
    worsen. On the skin, secondary pustular and hemorrhagic
    rash. Soon there is anxiety, shortness of breath, cyanosis. Available
    Meningoencephalitis. Patients die from growing heart
    Insufficiency in 3-4 days from the beginning of the disease.

    Lung form

    Siberian ulcers are characterized by a rapid beginning: chills, sharp rise
    Temperatures, pain and feeling of constraint in the chest, cough with foam
    Harrot, rapid increasing phenomena of general intoxication,
    Insufficiency of respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Death comes 2-3 days as a result of edema of the lungs and collapse.

    Septic form leaks very violently and ends with a fatal outcome.

    Treatment of Siberian ulcers

    Siberian ulcer is hospitalized into infectious branches, with severe
    Forms of Disease - in the Chamber or Department of Resuscitation.

    It is forbidden
    allow traumatting of a sybanized carbuncule, so taking
    material for research, dressings should be carried out with the maximum
    caution. For patients with generalized forms required
    Permanent monitoring for early detection of signs
    infectious toxic shock.

    Specific treatment
    lies in the appointment of anti-protein globulin and
    Antibiotics. The dose of specific Siberian Globulin depends on
    gravity of the disease and ranges from 20 ml with a light form up to 80 ml -
    heavy, up to 450 ml of drug can be used on the course. Most
    An effective antibiotic is penicillin (under skin form 2-4 million units / day, generalized form 16-20 million units / day). Tetracycline rows, aminoglycosides, leftomycetin, cephalosporins II-III genes can be used.
    Pathogenetic therapy is aimed at restoring hemodynamics,
    escort and ground state, correction of hemostasis in accordance with
    Principles of treatment of patients in a state of infectious toxic shock.

    Prevention of Siberian ulcers

    In reducing and eliminating morbidity among domestic animals. IN
    Case of death of animals from Siberian ulcers burned or buried in
    graves in strictly reserved places. On the bottom of the grave and on top of the corpse a
    pour a layer of negated lime 10-15 cm.

    Foods obtained from patients with the Siberian Animals are destroyed, and raw materials disinfect.

    Epidemiological testimony is carried out by people vaccination. For emergency
    Prevention Orally use Ciprofloxacin, doxycycline. With them
    intolerance - phenoxy methylpenicillin, ampicillin or rifampicin.

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