Symptoms and diagnostics of pancreatic cancer


Symptoms of pancreatic cancer

As in the case of malignant tumors of other internal organs, in the case of pancreatic cancer, there are no specific symptoms, allowing to suspect cancer at an early stage. Typically, patients complain of a whole complex of symptoms that can make a physician for the idea of ​​other, more common diseases that can be detected by almost every patient elderly.

Symptoms and diagnostics of pancreatic cancerBasic symptoms of pancreatic cancer:

  • Pain in the top of the abdomen or in the left hypochondrium, giving back and spine. In some cases, pain can wear «Shing» character. With the pancreatic cancer, the pain of stupid, noching, does not respond to meals. At the beginning of the disease, pain appeared when the patient's slope is tilted.
  • Jaundice (staining of the skin and mucous membranes of the patient in yellow color, bleaching feces and winding urine) arises due to the compression of the pancreas tumor of the biliary duct. Often jaundice can be the first single symptom of pancreatic cancer, and if the sick will turn to a doctor about this symptom, it can save him life.
Other symptoms of pancreatic cancer can be:
  • Sharp weight loss,
  • Food intolerance,
  • vomit.
When these symptoms are found in an elderly person, it needs to be urgently delivered to the doctor, for a comprehensive examination.

Diagnosis of pancreatic cancer

The diagnosis of pancreatic cancer at the initial stage is a difficult task for several reasons: firstly, it is complicated by the treatment of patients, in the late stages of the development of the disease, when they already have little to help, secondly, the pancreas itself, by virtue of its anatomical location , it is very difficult to research.

The following diagnostic methods are used in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer:

  • Ultrasound (ultrasound) - helps to recognize a tumor in more than 80% of cases. At the same time, the implementation of ultrasound research in obese patients and without prior training of the intestine is very difficult and can reduce the quality of diagnosis.
  • Computed tomography - one of the leading methods for diagnosing pancreatic cancer. Computer tomography allows you to evaluate not only the location of the tumor and its size, but also the presence of metastasis «Invisible» For ultrasound.
  • Pancreatic puncture and biopsy is a diagnostic method in which, with the help of a special probe, doctors take the analysis of the pancreatic tissue sample from the region of the intended tumor. This method allows you to determine the type of tumor, the source of its origin, the potential aggressiveness of the disease.


Pancreas Cancer is an elderly disease, but in rare cases and people are under 50 years old.

Reasons for the development of pancreatic cancer - genetic mutations, smoking, improper nutrition, chronic pancreas diseases.

Pancreatic cancer is a very aggressive tumor, the success of the treatment of which depends on the stage of development of the disease.
The method of treatment of pancreatic cancer depends on the stage of the disease and
Patient states. The main types of treatment surgical (removal of part
pancreas or all organ), chemotherapy (appointment
Medicinal preparations inhibiting tumor development), radiation therapy
(irradiation of the tumor zone by X-ray rays, for the destruction of cancer

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