What you need to know about patients with manico-depressive disorder? Part 2


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    What you need to know about patients with a manic-depressive disorder? Part 2Processing

    Usually the patient himself begins to notice how the manic phase occurs. Psychiatrists call her hypomania. He begins to feel the tide of strength, becomes cheerful, energetic. The patient begins to appear that he should catch up with what he missed the depression in the phase.

    Being perfectionists (people, everywhere and in all seeking perfection), they begin to literally make themselves abota, establish high criteria for themselves, to achieve which it is often not possible, which turns them into another depression. Therefore, it is very important to resemble one truth: do not process! Although you do not notice fatigue and ready to roll in the mountain, give the body to rest.


    Regular records of diary spending will help here. Upon completion of the manic phase, already beyond the attack (alas, it is temporarily) the patient will be able to analyze "sensible" of certain expenses.

    The second reception of the struggle with meaningless transit of money is the tactic "postpowing" of one or another spending at a certain time. One of the main mistakes of the patient in the manic phase is that it seems to him that he should buy a particular thing or service immediately. It turns out that it was a waste of money.

    Psychologists of marketing of goods and services know about these features of the psyche of such patients and play on this: "Set in a group is limited", "just a few copies remained" - these beaten receptions are aimed to push the client to the expensive purchase.

    In such cases, the patient must ask himself: "Achto will happen if I buy this thing in a week, 2 weeks, month?". During this time, new thoughts on the purchase will appear. That is, in most cases, nothing harmful to the patient will not happen if he set off some time of money for a certain time.


    Of course, modern pharmacotherapy will help the patient somehow "pacify" the flow of ideas leading to various kinds of adventures. But the patient himself should learn herself to restrain. And here again will help the technique of "delay" solutions for a certain time (for a week, month). During this time, he will be able to think about his idea in more detail, find flaws, hidden traps and obstacles on the way of its implementation (if during this time he has not changed his mind).

    Romantic set

    Whether acting in romantic relationships with new people, the patient must first ask himself: "Does it have a man?"And again, the technique of decisive actions will come to the rescue for a certain time:" If this person is really attractive after two weeks, it means it is actually attractive for me ".

    Applying these techniques, the patient in the manic phase will save themselves from many short-sighted and improper decisions. Of course, one of these methods can not do. Here is needed pharmacotherapy. But it is still very difficult to spend it better without consulting a psychiatrist.

    Read the first part

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