If you were bitten...


  • What is rabies
  • How rabies are manifested, symptoms of rabies
  • Diagnosis of rabies

  • What is rabies

    The rabies causative agent - the virus (NeuroryCes Rabieis), highlightable by sick animals with saliva, the contamination of a person occurs when biting patients with rabies with domestic or wild animals (dogs, cats, foxes, wolves) and even birds and their saliva on the skin and mucous membranes having damage. The incubation period is from 15 days to 2 months. From the moment of bite with a possible elongation of it up to the year.

    How rabies are manifested, symptoms of rabies

    If you were bitten .. The emergence of cramps during rabies are preceded by prudent phenomena with a duration of 1-3 days. In this period, pain in the field of bite, burning or high skin sensitivity, poor sleep, depressed mood appear. Framing begins with an increase in body temperature up to 37.2-37.5 s, excitation, complaints about the difficulty of swallowing, «lack of air».

    During the first day, the symptoms of the disease are steadily growing, hydrophobia is developing (convulsive cuts of swallowing muscles at the sight of water and sounds of flowing water), there are general convulsions caused by bright light, noise, touch. Continuously increasing reflex excitability leads to the development of general (mainly tonic) cramps and spasm of swallowing muscles, even under the influence of air movement (aerophobia).

    By the end of the first day of pronounced manifestations of illness, the auditorium, the auditory and tactile sensitivity is already exacerbated so much that the slightest irritation causes convulsions. At the same time, the patient can note the disappearance of the root reflex (when touched by a cottage, the patient does not blink) and pharyngeal reflex (pressure on the root of the tongue and tapping to the walls of the throat, the spatula does not cause a march movement).

    On the 2-3rd day of the disease, along with common convulsions and spasms of swallowing muscles, a pronounced arousal appears. The sick is worried, jumps out of bed, shouts. It becomes incoherent, rippled, auditory and visual hallucinations arise, often threatening character. Tachycardia and savory pronounced. Saliva becomes liquid and abundant, the patient continuously spits her or it flows down the chin.

    Diagnosis of rabies

    In typical cases, it does not represent. The most commonly found convulsive form of rabies, which in some cases has to differentiate from the tetanus, which is characterized by the history of injury, frostbite, burn, criminal abortion. Unlike rabies, the tetanus is not marked by impaired psyche, excitation, savory, hydrophobia. Patients with tetanus do not disappear root and sipboard reflexes, while trying to cause them common cramps. When tetanus marked high sweating, which does not happen when rabies.

    Frenzy: Emergency Aid

    The patient provides maximum peace with the exception of all external stimuli (noise, bright light, concussion, the sounds of flowing water). No specific treatment.

    Frenzy: Hospitalization

    When establishing a diagnosis of the patient, the patient is subject to hospitalization into an infectious department. Cardiovascular preparations are prescribed when cardiovascular insufficiency. Transport patients with transport for infectious patients accompanied by Sanitars.

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